Linn County Budget-Gazette from Brookfield, Missouri (2024)

LINKS AND PINS. able to locate, until last Wednesday, when he learned that they were at J. W. Thornes south of Mead'ville. We have always suspected Frank Byrd of aspiring to some office, but have never been able to learn just which one; now, it seems that his desire is the central telephone office at Laclede.

ST. CATHERINE. Wishing to call the attention of the patrons of Brookfield and surr mailing community to our two new brands of FLOUR. We will offer the flour at prices that will be an inducement for you to give it a fair trial. Our best High Patent per sack $1.00.

Our best Straight Patent per sk 90c. This flour is manufactured by the Witten Bros, of Quincy, aud is fully guaranteed by them to equal any flour on the mirket which ought to be sufficient. A. Dickinson Son, Brookfield. Missouri.

WWSavWWvWvWv SHED CORN. SEED CORN. I have purchased for my Spring; Trade the following order of seed corn to be delivered March 15th, 1002. 25 bushels of Mastadon, 75 bushels of Learning, 75 bushels of Yellow Dent, 50 bushels of Iowa Silver Mine, 200 bushels of Iowa Gold Mine. I expect a sample of each on the ear within two weeks and will begin to take orders for same.

Better place your order for same at an early day. I expect on track this week two cars of hay, pne car of corn, one car of straw, and one of bran and shorts. CLEMENTS SON, Phone 1 5 1. Opposite new Church. Red socks seem to be very fashionable.

Chas. Wallace butchered hogs Wednesday. C. Boudreau was transacting business in Brookfield Wednesday. Ed Revieil and Steve Sweeny of Brookfield were here visiting Sunday.

Miss Mary Fox returned home Saturday from Brookfield on account of sickness. It.secms funny that people cant behave themselves when thoy go to church. I L. Miller received a car of Hour fr-im 1 Arkansas Milling com tuny last wok. it is repoi-ied to be the l.i-stoti the mark t.

Thomas McAfee and wife returned here from Oklahoma City Saturday. They will spend the winter with PERSONAL NEWS. Eastern Star Election. Florence Chapter, No. lM order of the Eastern Star at their regular meeting last Thursday eve- ning elected the following officers who will be installed December 17:: 3L, Mrs.

Fannie Stone; W. Norman Enfield; A. 31., MisTin? Gilchrist; A. Mrs. V.

Madden; A. 3Irs. A1 Skinner; 3Irs. I). C.

Hart; 3irs. Fred Turner Fireman J. A- Iieffler resigned the first of the week. Engineer J. 31.

TheihofT was laying oil sick this week. J. II. Sheets, machinist, was on the sick list this week. General 3Iaster 3Iechanic F.

A. Chase was here yesterday. Ernest Hill, brakeman, was visiting in Hannibal Sunday. C. H.

Collier, brakeman, sprained his right ankle 31onday. Engineer C. B. Bryan lias been assigned regularly to engine 521. Conductor J.

J. Smith, of the east end local is laying olT sick. Engine CTO, is out of the local shops and will be used on frieght. li. C.

Tnbler, of Brookfield was given a position as brakeman this week. Engineer Lee Forrest slipped on his engine this week and sprained his back. Willie Murphy who was badly injured last week is rapidly improving. Engines 051. (571 and L710 have been placed in the Havelock shops for repairs.

lj. A. Friend, fireman, had his foot mashed by a lump of coal Wed nesday. Win. Weilingham has been appointed foreman of the switching crew at Bevier.

Brakeman (Mi. Smith, laid off this week and was married Wednesday in Quincy. Conductor It. G. Pratt is laying oil and J.

A. Wilson has his run on 5 and 0. Engineer C. W. Linton and Fireman T.

Likes are 110 longer in the employ of the Burlington. Conductor J. 31. Ewing fell down Saturday and bruised his knee and hand considerably. Emil Dessaint, a passenger engineer reported for work Monday after a sickness of several days.

Dispatcher James Walker returns to work' Monday after a two weeks vacation and dispatcher Cole lays olT for his vacation. Brakeman A. L. 31c wen moved his family to Kansas City, Thursday. He is running on the Kansas City local.

Conductor 3ieredith who has been in charge of the switching at Bevier, has been transferred to Brookfield as freight conductor. A water train was put on Thursday to haul water from Locust creek to supply the engines at this point. A train of ten cars makes two trips dally. Conductor I. Hart has charge of the train.

Chas. Lavoo, who was injured several weeks ago by failing from his engine is now able to be out and around again. He has been at his hom*o in Hannibal and it will be some time before he bo able to resume his duties. The Burlington has issued orders to all station agents to tear from the walls of all stations all orders, circulars, hangers, posters, etc. Hules and regulations will be neatly framed and hung on the walls of all waiting rooms near he ticket windows.

A section gang of some twenty-five men working near the convent one day this week were put to flight by a tramp with a gun. One of the men used some abusive language to the tramp, where-up-on he pulled his pistol and the men pulled their stumps. Odd Fellows Elect Officers. Last 3fonday night the Inde-j pendent Order of Odd Fellows held its annual election of officers. The occasion brought out the largest crowd of Odd Fellows during the year.

The following stall of officers were elected X. Henry Overjohn; V. Frank Curtis; R. 8., W. 31.

3Ialone; T. C. II. Jones; I)r. Robert Haley; Trustee, L.

M. 3fettler. ROUND OAK STOVES. Put on your GLASSES and examine our full and complete sock of Stoves, Cutlery, Silver and Nickel Plated Ware and Guns. Our LOW PRICES are moving them.

Miss Olive Orr, of Hannibal, visited the family of Kev. L. C. Sap pen field this week. Mrs.

J. W. Kmdeo leaves tomorrow for Macon county, where she will spend the winter. Mrs. May no Green hulgh and sou are visiting her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. K. C. Gregg, of Linneus. Karl Salisbury lias returned from Moravia, New York where he attended tile funeral of his father.

Horace. Lyons returned from a trip to Oklahoma riiis week. Mr. Lyons likes Missouri better than that section. H.

T. Chivington has returned from Pona and is now with the Hartinan-Toory Mercantile company. Sheri if It. J. Hail was in town yesterday on business connected with the circuit court session next week.

Miss Josephine Raker, the effic lent county school commissioner of Linn county, was a Hrooktield visitor Thursday. Mrs. Anna JJnn and daughter, Mrs. M. 11.

Metcalf, who have been visiting Itev. Paul Linn, have returned hom*o. Misses Grace and Martha Hunter were called to Detroit, this week to attend the funeral of their brother. 31 rs. L.

K. Crance and G. 31. llolil, of Ht. Joseph, visited 31rs.

Crances daughter, 31rs. it. S. Brownlee Wednesday. llov.

W. P. James accompanied by Tabiau Pratt attended the consecration services of Dr. Mann in Kansas City, Wednesday. 3Ilss Molly Wilkinson, of Kansas, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs.

.1. 11. Tuoss, returned to her home yesterday. 31 rs. J.

31. 3leador; of Quincy, was visiting relatives here Tuesday and gave a very excellent exhibit of painted china at the home Of Mrs. J. 8. ltoger.

3Iesdames L. M. Metner, nat-tie Bennett, Belle Stuver and A1 Dickinson spent Tuesday and Wednesday with 31 rs. 3Ialone McNamara south of 3Iendon. Lane Golbeck, of Beattie, visited K.

N. Bowden and family this week. 3(r. Golbeck is recently from the Klondike where he was very successful In prospecting for gold. 3Ir.

and 3Irs. McCarthy, Mrs. Hollins and 31 r. OBrien, of Ottumwa, Iowa, were the guests of John Tobin this week Mrs. 31c-Carthy anti 3Irs.

Hollins are daughters of Tobin. RENOVATOR invigorates and renovates the system; purifies and enriches the blood; cures the worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache, liver and kidneys. 25c andfl. ut druggists. Free 1 14 N.

Main St. HARRIS FAUT. Ira Owens spent Sunday in Chil-lieorhe. Trank I. Kimber was in Browning Wednesday.

S. I. Iluxtoii, of St. Joseph, was in town yesterday. il.

E. May bee, of Laclede, was in town Thursday. George Smith, of Marcclinc, was in town yesterday. I lev. Ii.

C. Sappeniieid preached in Carrollton Sunday. Miss Cura Hell, of Bucklln, was in Brookfield Monday. Mrs. Win.

Milford, of Sum nor, was in town yesterday. Dr. T. O. Muck, of Itotliville, visited Ii.

C. Terrell Thursday. James Sullivan visited his par at in Monroe City, Sunday. M. Y.

Husk was a business visitor to Clarence, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. II. H.

Johnson visited liinneus friends Sunday. Miss May Knight has returned after a visit with Hannibal friends. Janies Holding loft Sunday for flt. lands to take the Iveoley cure. Charles W.

Potts, of Warsaw, was a rook Held visitor yesterday. Lawyers Libby and Higger, of Laclede, were Hrooklleld visitors Ibis week. Mrs. Charles W. Xortluott, of Liniieiis was a Hrooklleld visitor Thursday.

C. S. Priestly, oT Marcel ine, was a Hrooklleld visitor Wednesday welling. C. It.

McCullough and wife, of IJ 11 ileus, were shopping here yesterday. Miss Laura McTIvvain went to Kansas City Wednesday for a two weeds, visit. Miss Hirdio Krown, of IJnneus, was visiting Hrooklleld friends Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.

Warren Crandall, St. Louis, visited friends in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. W.

C. Hannuin spent the week in Kansas City visiting friends. Ham Roberts and wife went to Chicago this week to visit Mr. Roberts father. A.

L. Pratt went to Stanbury Wednesday to take depositions in the Blossom case. Judge J. M. Iratt and daughter Tlorenceof Laclede, were on our streets Wednesday.

Mrs. M. Hrandow and Miss Minnie Noble, of Hueklin, were in Hrooklleld Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.

Willie McGrall, of St. Joseph, are visiting Hrooktield relatives. J. T. McTIwain attended the eonsecration of Hishop Mann in Kansas City Wednesday.

.1. C. Phillips and wife, of Lin-neus, visited 1 heir daughter, Mrs. II. II.

Smith Tuesday. ADDITIONAL CORREPONDENCES. S1IAFTER. LOW PRICES! Now is the time to BUY CHEAP. Figure with us and see our new styles of Furniture, Side Boards, Center Tables, Book Cases, China Closets and Rocking Chairs.

Toys, Lamps Pictures, Looking Glasses, Glassware, China, Window Glass and Shades. Latest Styles in Wall Paper. Escaped The Pest House. It is reported that 3loadville has a case or smallpox closely quarantined. Phoebe 3IcElroy a eolored girl who was working at St.

Joe, was exposed to the disease, and inorder to escape being sent to the pest house there, came back to her home in 3Ieadville. The city authorities will use every means in their power to prevent further spread of the disease. Ed Gooch returned from Washingto a last week. Herl Bowyer came home from Chilli-cothe Thursday. Hro.

Underwood preached at Antioch Sunday morning and evening. rs. Seth Xorvel died 3londay morning at her home near Haserilie. Hro. Hanna is helping Bro.

Venable the protracted meeting at 3It. Olive. Two of Dick Cr'okshanks Virginia friends have been visiting him for the past two weeks. There was no debate at Pleasant Shade last Friday night on account of preaching at Alt O.ive. Flossie and Dayton Turner, who are.

attending school at Brookfield, spent Thanksgiving with home folks. Willie Street, Mae 3Iorris, Bud Street, Florence Morris, Charley Siugietou, Rosa Alexander and Jim Lay were visitors at J. 31. Morris Sunday. On returning from church Thursday night.

Grover Cooper was thrown from his hurse. hurting him very badly. Dr. Gooc.1 was called to see him. The death of James T.

Phillips occurred at the home of Jake Barnes on Thursday, he was buried on the following Friday at Morris Chapel. The funeral service was conducted by Kev. arry. GEORGE WASHINGTON is said to have thrown a dollar across the Po-tomoc which was a long ways for a Dollar to Gro. But it isnt a circ*mstance to how far a dollar will go here any old day in the purchase of seasonable goods, that we offer at prices only possible by the large amount of business we are doing.

NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES. 5j E. F. Bettelheim Furniture Co. 13roolt field, Missouri.

FORK It. POTATOES, we are still good many. of them. The price $1.00 a bushel or 95 cents in five bushel lots or more. We solicit your business and guarantee you the lowest prices on goods we sell you, and the highest prices for your eggs, poultry, Arc.

Our expenses are small and consequently our profits are also small. Come and be showed. General Merchandise Store. Lawrence Miller, st. Catherine, mo.

Some mule buyers from Wheeling were in this vicinity Tuesday. Willie llogsett and James Sen sen- tatTer were borne from Cameron a few i days the first part of the week. They returned to echooi on Tueda. Some time ago J. V.

Hogsett lost two very tine steers, which he was un.

Linn County Budget-Gazette from Brookfield, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.