Charles Campbell Papers, 1743-1896. (2024)

Subseries G: Letters , 1846.

109 items.

  • Box-folder 5:73

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg to Peter V. Daniel, Jr., Richmond, 6 January 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Hopes to be in Richmond soon. Says his life is "as monotonous as a canal-boat."

  • Box-folder 5:74

    M[ary] B. Carter, Shirley to Mrs. [Mildred W.] Campbell, Petersburg, 20 January 1846.

    1 page. LS.

    She is still ill and in low spirits. Wishes to see her.

  • Box-folder 5:75

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to Jared Sparks, [Cambridge, Massachusetts], 2 February 1846.

    1 page. AL.

    A list of letters and papers of Benjamin Franklin in the Bland Papers .

  • Box-folder 5:76

    J. K. Tefft, Savannah to Cha[rle]s Campbell, Petersburg, 9 February 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Regrets delay in sending membership certificate and some volumes of the Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. Has received a copy of the Bland Papers. Inquires about several autographs.

  • Box-folder 5:77

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to J. K. Tefft, [Savannah], [After 9] February 1846.

    2 pages. Draft. AL.

    Glad to know he has enjoyed the Bland Papers . Sends some autographs. Has finished his work on the history of Virginia and looks to have it published.

  • Box-folder 5:78

    Sam[ue]l D. Campbell, Natural Bridge, Virginia to [Char]les Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia, 14 February 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Asks if there was an Historical Society in Virginia

  • Box-folder 5:79

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg,[Virginia] to Sam[ue]l D. Campbell, 20 February 1846.

    1 page. ACy.

    There used to be an Historical Society of Virginia and there has been talk of organizing a new one.

  • Box-folder 5:80

    Charles Campbell, [Petersburg] to Jared Sparks, Cambridge, Massachusetts, [ca. 20 February 1846].

    1 page. ALS.

    Informs him of his having written a History of Virginia , and asks advice on how to approach publishers.

  • Box-folder 5:81

    Jared Sparks, Cambridge, Massachusetts to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 25 February 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Suggests he write to publishers in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, inquiring into their terms with regard to publishing the History of Virginia . Is glad to hear that a new History of Virginia will be published, previous ones being defective.

  • Box-Folder 5:82 currently does not exist in this collection.

  • Box-folder 5:83

    W[illiam] A. Caruthers, Savannah to Charles Campbell, [Petersburg], 2 March 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Thanks him for a copy of the Bland Papers . His publisher is asking for stories, and so he asks Campbell for some anecdotes of Virginia's past. Has heard that his History of Virginia is being published.

  • Box-folder 5:84

    Sam[ue]l D. Campbell, Natural Bridge, Virginia to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 4 March 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Sent copies of fathers manuscripts; family genealogy information; brother William is editing a newspaper; William is member of the state convention in Missouri; Sally moving to Missouri.

  • Box-folder 5:85

    M[ary] B. Carter, Richmond to Mildred Campbell, Petersburg, 4 March [1846].

    2 pages. ALS.

    Is visiting in Richmond but did not see "little Wellwood," because he had scarlet fever. Fear of transmitting it to Shirley. Asks her to come at Easter and to bring Charles, his wife and Callaway.

  • Box-folder 5:86

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg to William A. Caruthers, Savannah, 11 March 1846.

    4 pages. ALS.

    Suggests an anecdote about the dealings between Blackbeard the pirate and the Governor of North Carolina as material for a story. Tells of his difficulties in finding a publisher for the History of Virginia. Gives news of his family.

  • Box-folder 5:87

    M[ary] B. C[arter], Shirley, to Mildred W. Campbell, Petersburg, 12 March 1846.

    4 pages. ALS.

    Family news. Expresses strong religious sentiments; disappointment over lack of spiritual interest in her husband's son.

  • Box-folder 5:88

    [Elliot] M.[Braxton], Rich[mon]d to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia, 13 March 1846.

    3 pages. AL.

    Has been saved from suicide but is still depressed.

  • Box-folder 5:89

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg, to E. [Elliot] M. Braxton, 16 March 1846.

    2 pages. ACy.

    Tries to cheer him up.

  • Box-folder 5:90

    W[illiam] B. Sprague, Albany to [Charles Campbell], 26 March 1846.

    4 pages. ALS.

    Letter concerns autograph collecting.

  • Box-folder 5:91

    M[ary] B. Carter, Shirley to Mildred W. Campbell, Petersburg, 30 March 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Has been to Richmond; has met Betty [Campbell Mabin] . Will write for manuscript Charles [Campbell] wants if he will come and explain the matter to her.

  • Box-folder 5:92

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg to James E. Heath, [Richmond], 31 March 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Thanks him for reading his manuscript [ History of Virginia ] which has now been submitted to Drinker and Morris. He is thinking of adding to it a history of the Indian wars written by an uncle, which manuscript he send Heath for review. Expresses hope for founding a new historical society for Virginia since even Rhode Island has one.

  • Box-folder 5:93

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg, Virginia to [?], 2 April 1846.

    2 pages. ACy.

    Letter concerns autograph collecting.

  • Box-folder 5:94

    R. R. Howison, Richmond to Charles Campbell, [Petersburg], 2 April 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Introduces himself. He is researching in the history of Virginia and would appreciate the chance to look at his [Campbell's] manuscript. Encourages him to have the work published.

  • Box-folder 5:95

    Sam[ue]l D. Campbell, Natural Bridge, Virginia to [Charles Campbell], 3 April 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    May use his father's manuscripts.

  • Box-folder 5:96

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to R. R. Howison, Richmond, 3 April 1846.

    2 pages. ACy.

    Offers to help him with information on Virginia history.

  • Box-folder 5:97

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to Alex[ander] S. Campbell, Warrenton, 5 April 1846.

    3 pages. AL.

    Work at Custom House has been slow but is picking up. Has been attending temperance meetings. Cousin Sam Campbell has sent him a manuscript history of the Indian wars in Western Virginia, which he will use as appendix to his own history.

  • Box-folder 5:98

    Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 7 April 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Requests information on descendants of Revolutionary figures he is researching. Has not yet acquired a copy of the Bland Papers . Is glad to hear of Campbell's work on Virginia, hopes himself to do some on Western Virginia.

  • Box-folder 5:99

    W[illiam] B. Sprague, Albany, [New York] to Charles Campbell, 9 April 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Letter concerns autograph collecting.

  • Box-folder 5:100

    Kate B[eckwith], Petersburg, [Virginia] to Anna Burdsall, Poughkeepsie, New York, 9 April 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Visited her old house; Robert Moore dead; invites her to visit; church convention open in May; many beaux in Petersburg.

  • Box-folder 5:101

    Ja[me]s E. Heath, Richmond to [Charles Campbell],[Petersburg], 9 April 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Has talked with Drinker and Morris, who will, he is certain, publish Campbell's manuscript [ History of Virginia ]. Hopes Campbell has not changed it for "adaptation to schools." Is not hopeful for the founding of an Historical Society in Richmond: thinks it would soon languish for want of money, interest, and material.

  • Box-folder 5:102

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to Lyman C. Draper, 10 April 1846.

    2 pages. AL.

    Regrets he is unable to provide requested information on certain historical figures, but suggests names of those who might be of assistance. Sends him a copy of the Bland Papers . Tells him of his work on the history of Virginia, and encourages him to investigate Western Virginia.

  • Box-folder 5:103

    J. K. Tefft, Savannah to Cha[rle]s Campbell, Petersburg, 10 April 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Hopes that his membership certificate and books have not been lost en-route to him. Asks if he can acquire some manuscripts for him.

  • Box-folder 5:104

    A[lexander] S. Campbell, Warrenton, to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 11 April 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Today was his militia's master day. Assembly election campaign hard-fought.

  • Box-folder 5:105

    R. R. Howison, Richmond to Charles Campbell, 14 April 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Confident Charles Campbell's volume will be published in time for use before R. R. Howison's book is ready. Controversial issues in history of Virginia, Harvey, Protectorate, Bacon. Finds Charles Campbell's father's volume on Virginia helpful (as did Bancroft) but disagrees with his view of Bacon. Would like use of Histories of Virginia by Stitch and Keith; only in City Library; knows Charles Campbell owns them; could he borrow these rare books?

  • Box-folder 5:106

    H[enry] Barnard, Hartford, Connecticut to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 14 April 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Tells him of the disposition of the Bland Papers. Looks forward to meeting him in New York. News of mutual friends.

  • Box-folder 5:107

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia to Rev. [William B.] Sprague, Albany, New York, 15 April 1846.

    2 pages. ACyS.

    Letter concerns autograph collecting.

  • Box-folder 5:108

    J. K. Tefft, Savannah to C[harles] Campbell, [Petersburg], 17 April 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Acknowledges receipt of autographs. William A. Caruthers says anecdote Campbell sent him is not appropriate. Offers a Walter Scott autograph in exchange for a Robert Burns manuscript.

  • Box-folder 5:109

    [Rev. Dr. Sprague], Albany, to C[harle]s Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia, 21 April 1846.

    3 pages. AL.

    Letter concerns autograph collecting.

  • Box-folder 5:110

    [A. Alexander Little], Richmond to [Charles] Campbell, Petersburg, 23 April 1846.

    3 pages. AC.

    Richmond election. Won by Mayo by majority votes. Saw Tom Ritchie. Patrick Henry Society decided notice should be given; Congress seems undecided [subject not given].

  • Box-folder 5:111

    [Charles Campbell], to [A. Alexander Little], 30 April [1846].

    2 pages. ADf.

    Petersburg discussing the ship canal; other local news. Taking elocution lessons.

  • Box-folder 5:112

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia to Rev. W[illia]m B. Sprague, [Albany], 4 May 1846.

    3 pages. ACyS.

    Letter concerns autograph collecting.

  • Box-folder 5:113

    [Charles Campbell, Petersburg] to [George Bancroft], [Before: 5 May 1846].

    1 page. Draft. AL.

    Asks how to obtain manuscript of Gov. Alexander Spotswood mentioned in his History of U.S.

  • Box-folder 5:114

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to George Bancroft, [Washington], 5 May 1846.

    1 page. AL.

    Asks him to write to a Mr. Featherstonehaugh, British consul at Le Havre, requesting some manuscripts of Gov. Alexander Spotswood in his possession.

  • Box-folder 5:115

    Charles Campbell to Mary B. Carter, 5 May 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Returns book she lent him. He has obtained an autograph of Gov. Spotswood, whom he calls "the ablest and best of our colonial governors."

  • Box-folder 5:116

    W[illiam] A. Caruthers, Savannah to Charles Campbell, [Petersburg], 5 May 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Inquires into the connections of the Spotswood, Washington, and Dandridge families. Intends to write a sequel to the Knights of the Horse-Shoe . Asks what the reaction to it has been in Virginia.

  • Box-folder 5:117

    Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore to Ch[arle]s Campbell, Petersburg, 5 May 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Thanks him for copy of Bland Papers and praises their importance. Is glad to hear of forthcoming History .

  • Box-folder 5:118

    George Bancroft, Washington to Ch[arle]s Campbell, Petersburg, 8 May 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    He has tried before to get certain manuscripts of Gov. Spotswood from Mr. Featherstonehaugh, and says it is impossible.

  • Box-folder 5:119

    M[ary] B. Carter, Shirley to Mildred W. Campbell, Petersburg, 9 May 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Betty Campbell Maben] is at Shirley for a visit. Invites her for a visit. Longs for death.

  • Box-folder 5:120

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to W[illia]m A. Caruthers, Savannah, 10 May 1846.

    2 pages. Draft. AL.

    Refers him books which contain a genealogy of the Washington family. Gives outline sketch of his own connection with the Moore, Dandridge, and Spotswood families.

  • Box-folder 5:121

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg to Drinker and Morris, 11 May 1846.

    1 page. ADfS.

    Sends account of Pt. Pleasant campaign written by uncle. Dr. Samuel Campbell. Proposes to incorporate it with own manuscript, giving due credit.

  • Box-folder 5:122

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg, [Virginia] to John D. Munford, Richmond, [Virginia], 21 May 1846.

    2 pages. ACyS.

    Notes on Bland family and Munford family.

  • Box-folder 5:123

    [Rev.] William S. Plumer, Richmond to [Charles Campbell], 22 May 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Seems fair that author and publisher should share risks of profit, if not less, but would prefer a net sum. Prime purpose is to place work before the public. Now is the time to collect and note occurrences with correct chronology. (refers to war of U.S. and Mexico penciled in Charles Campbell's hand). Check facts with Departments in Washington.

  • Box-folder 5:124

    L[ucy] D. Henry, Windston[?] to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia, 27 May 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Enjoyed the Bland Papers ; hopes he will visit.

  • Box-folder 5:125

    Drinker and Morrish, Richmond to [Charles Campbell], 4 June [18]46 .

    1 page. ALS.

    Declines publishing proposition, proposes that when it is fully prepared, will make an offer. Par of manuscript was elsewhere, so not immediately returned.

  • Box-folder 5:126

    Jared Sparks, Salem, Massachusetts to Charles Campbell, [Petersburg], 10 June 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Advises him on how to make best possible financial arrangement with publishers. Says that Virginia should attempt to procure its colonial papers from England as Georgia and New York have done.

  • Box-folder 5:127

    Elliot M. Braxton, Richmond to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia, 12 June 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Wishes Charles Campbell were there.

  • Box-folder 5:128

    Henry Barnard, Hartford, Connecticut to [Charles Campbell], [Petersburg], 14 June 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Will be able to meet him in New York any time after the 4th of July. Recommends that Harpers publish his History of Virginia .

  • Box-folder 5:129

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia to Dolly [Lucy] D. Henry, Charlotte County, Virginia, 17 June 1846.

    3 pages. ACyS.

    Would like to visit; visited Gloucester; "'Cupid's' arrows have so completely riddled my heart that there is hardly anything left to shoot at."

  • Box-folder 5:130

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to W[illia]m A. Caruthers, Savannah, 21 June 1846.

    3 pages. Draft. AL.

    Gives further details of the genealogy of the Dandridge and Spotswood families. Sends a facsimile of an autograph of Gov. Alexander Spotswood.

  • Box-folder 5:131

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to Henry Barnard, 26 June 1846.

    2 pages. Draft. AL.

    Has presented his manuscript History to a Richmond publishing house but doesn't know if they will print it. If not, he will got to New York and try to have it published there. Briefly describes the work and his exertions in writing. Plans to go to New York about 18 July to discuss the matter with Harpers.

  • Box-folder 5:132

    J. K. Tefft, Savannah to C[harles] Campbell, Petersburg, 28 June 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Acknowledges receipt of autographs. Informs him that William A. Caruthers has been quite sick; his recovery is doubtful.

  • Box-folder 5:133

    Lucy D. Henry, Windston, to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia, 29 June 1846.

    4 pages. ALS.

    Is anxious to meet him.

  • Box-folder 5:134

    P. R. Page, Richmond to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 29 June 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Sends tomb inscriptions.

  • Box-folder 5:135

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to Elliot M. Braxton, Richmond, 14 July 1846.

    3 pages. ACy.

    Has been unwell; is waiting for the "ship canal" to be finished; has been reading about the West; asks about his mental state.

  • Box-folder 5:136

    M[ary] B. Carter, Shirley to Mildred Campbell, Petersburg, 15 July 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Invites her for a visit when her school is finished. Longs for death. Family news.

  • Box-folder 5:137

    George Bancroft, Washington to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 16 July 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Inquires as to when and where Richard Bland's Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies was first published.

  • Box-folder 5:138

    John Howland and Thomas C. Hartshorn, Providence, Rhode Island to Charles Campbell, 22 July 1846.

    1 page. LS.

    Acknowledges gift of the Bland Papers .

  • Box-folder 5:139

    A[lexander] S. Campbell, Warrenton to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 22 July 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Speaks of Callaway's proposed trip to Tennessee. He is tired of Warrenton and will move at first opportunity.

  • Box-folder 5:140

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia to Mrs. Lucinda F. Lea, 25 July 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Charles Campbell's son will visit Mrs. Lea in the summer.

  • Box-folder 5:141

    Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore to Ch[arle]s Campbell, [Petersburg], 29 July 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Asks for the original of a letter in the Bland Papers. Inquires into content of Col. William Byrd's papers. He will leave in a few weeks for the West to gather more information and evidence.

  • Box-folder 6:1

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to Lyman C. Draper, [Baltimore], 3 August 1846.

    2 pages. AL.

    Encloses the requested document from the Bland Papers . Refers him to William B. Harrison of Brandon for information concerning Col. William Byrd. He is having difficulty finding a publisher for his History .

  • Box-folder 6:2

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg, [Virginia] to Rev. Mr. Childs, 4 August 1846.

    1 page. ACy.

    Would like to have account of Rhode Island Historical Society.

  • Box-folder 6:3

    Jas. E. Heath, Richmond to [?], 4 August 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Unable to find a Bland pamphlet; fears the university plan for an historical society will fail because "the dry records of the past possess few attractions" for Virginians; Mr. Maxwell trying to revive the Virginia Historical Society.

  • Box-folder 6:4

    H[enry] Barnard, Hartford, Connecticut to [Charles Campbell], 5 August 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Has spoken with the Harper Brothers about their publishing the History of Virginia . Asks him to let him know in advance when he will be coming. Has met John Moncure Daniel.

  • Box-folder 6:5

    Charles Campbell, [Petersburg] to Henry Barnard, [Hartford], 9 August 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Now plans to go to New York in early October. Proposes to send the manuscript to him and let him negotiate with Harpers or any other house which will publish it.

  • Box-folder 6:6

    A[lexander] S. Campbell, Warrenton to Charles [Campbell], 16 August 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Announces death of his young daughter Mary. Wife has been sick but is bearing loss well.

  • Box-folder 6:7

    Lyman C. Draper, Baltimore to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 25 August 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Returns the original copy of a letter of Col. Andrew Lewis, of which he has made a copy. Leaves for the West on the 27th; is to spend six to eight weeks there. Offers to help him find a publisher.

  • Box-folder 6:8

    J[ohn] M. Daniel, Richmond to Cha[rle]s Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia. 28 August 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Asks to borrow a book; is anxious to read Charles Campbell's History of Virginia .

  • Box-folder 6:9

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg to Harper Brothers, New York, 31 August 1846.

    1 page. ADfS.

    Letters from Mr. Barnard of Hartford suggest Charles Campbell send History of Virginia to Harper Brothers after speaking with them about it. Sends manuscript by private hand. Would like to personally correct proofs.

  • Box-folder 6:10

    M[ildred] W. Campbell, Warrenton to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 1 September 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    News of her stay with Alexander and his wife.

  • Box-folder 6:10

    Alexander S[pottswood] Campbell, Warrenton to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 1 September 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    News of his illness and planned trip to Fauquier Springs. Dinner given for Vice-President George Mifflin Dallas.

  • Box-folder 6:11

    E[lliott] M. Braxton, Rich[mon]d to [Charles] Campbell, 16 September 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Writes to Charles Campbell when he is depressed, "Troubles seem to thicken"; worries about "the dark vail of mystery and distress that has ever hung around."

  • Box-folder 6:12

    Ar[thur] H[azelrigg] Henley, Chota, [Tennessee] to Charles C[ampbell], 20 September 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Charles Campbell's son is visiting Arthur Hazelrigg Henley; volunteer companies are drilling for "Mr. Polk's army"; will send $115 for his ward's expenses; has read Charles Campbell's novel and thinks the Knights of the Horse-Shoe "inferior" to Horse-Shoe Robinson; family news.

  • Box-folder 6:13

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to [?], 22 September 1846.

    1 page. ADf.

    Has sent Introduction to the History of Virginia to Harpers. Small volume, covers first settlement to siege of York. Main attention to colonial period. Difficulty of being unknown to publishers. Requests a friendly word with publishers so Charles Campbell will get fair hearing.

  • Box-folder 6:14

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to [?], 22 September 1846.

    1 page. ADf.

    Wishes to have manuscript published in [New York?], has sent it to Harpers. Has received from cousin Rev. Samuel Campbell an account of the Point Pleasant campaign written by Dr. Campbell(Samuel Campbell's father). Though you don't know Harpers, Charles Campbell would appreciate kind word in his behalf.

  • Box-folder 6:14

    C[harles] C[ampbell], Petersburg to [?], 23 September 1846.

    1 page. ADfS.

    Received letter and manuscript by Col. Lewis. Appreciates offer of assistance in publication, though don't know him personally. Has sent manuscript to Harpers for examination.

  • Box-folder 6:15

    C. Campbell, Petersburg to James W. Alexander, New York, 22 September 1846.

    1 page. ADfs.

    Campbell tells Alexander that he has send his ms. to the Harpers for evaluation. Refers to a new addition on Point Pleasant campaign.

  • Box-folder 6:16

    Henry Barnard, Providence, Rhode Island to Charles Campbell, 24 September 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Will be in New York again soon and will discuss the History of Virginia with the Harper Brothers. Suggests that Campbell begin making contributions to Jared Sparks's American Biography .

  • Box-folder 6:17

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg to [Henry] Barnard, 26 September 1846.

    1 page. Draft. AL.

    Inquires how long he will be in New York and of the prospects of Harpers' publishing his History . Asks if he could revise the proofs himself through the mail if Harpers did the work. Responds favorably to his suggestion that he contribute to Sparks' Biography .

  • Box-folder 6:18

    Tho[ma]s H. Callaway, Monroe Country, Tennessee to Charles Campbell, 1 October 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Has been sick; Cally will visit after seeing the Henleys; will send Cally home with Mr. Jackson.

  • Box-folder 6:19

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg to John M. Daniel, Richmond, 1 October 1846.

    4 pages. ALS.

    Has seen his article on Virginia history and thanks him for reference to his manuscript. Has forwarded his manuscript to Harpers and hopes they will publish it. Work on the History has not been taxing to his physical condition, even though he writes slowly and with difficulty.

  • Box-folder 6:20

    [Charles Campbell], Petersburg, Virginia to Arthur H[azelrigg] Henley, Chota, [Tennessee], 7 October 1846.

    3 pages. AL.

    Happy that Arthur Hazelrigg Henley like Charles Campbell's son Cally; family news; price of "bread-stuffs" is up and will benefit farmers; prospects good for all produce except tobacco; free traders argue that free trade will help even tobacco prices.

  • Box-folder 6:21

    Ch[arle]s Botts, Richmond to [Charles] Campbell, [Petersburg], 12 October 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Wants Campbell to become the Petersburg correspondent for the Richmond Standard . Is unable to make a firm monetary offer at present, but hopes to eventually.

  • Box-folder 6:22

    Chas. Campbell, to Charles T. Botts, ed. of The Standard , Richmond, 16 October, 1846.

    3 pages. ADfS.

    Campbell has submitted 1st of proposed series of articles to Richmond Standard . Urges Botts as editor to take a more supportive attitude toward Polk administration. Critical of Gen. Taylor's armistice with Mexicans.

  • Box-folder 6:23

    E[lliott] M. Braxton, Rich[mon]d to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia, 20 October 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    His fiancee broke their engagement.

  • Box-folder 6:24

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg, to "Sir" [editor of the Democratic Review ?], 20 October 1846.

    2 pages. ADfS.

    Letter concerns Charles Campbell's subscription to the Democratic Review .

  • Box-folder 6:25

    [Charles Campbell], Richmond to E[lizabeth] M. Maben, [November 1846].

    2 pages. AL.

    Health poor. Does not agree with her that preachers remain fixed for life; suggests a move about every 5 years. Callaway very well. One publisher has rejected his History of Virginia .

  • Box-folder 6:26

    W[illia]m B. Allegne, Richmond to [Charles Campbell, Petersburg], 4 November 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Thanks him for the book he sent. Hopes to visit Petersburg this winter.

  • Box-folder 6:27

    P[eter] V. Daniel, Jr., Richmond to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 9 November 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Will marry Miss Mary Robertson of Philadelphia on December 1, and invites him to the wedding.

  • Box-folder 6:28

    E[lizabeth] M. M[aben], Richmond to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 16 November 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Letter received from Mother; she has been ill. She will visit Petersburg before Christmas. Church news. Asks how his History of Virginia is progressing.

  • Box-folder 6:29

    [Charles Campbell] to [?], 24 November 1846.

    2 pages. ACy.

    Charles Campbell says he would be willing to publish his manuscript in the periodical; is pleased that he is thinking of starting an historical society.

  • Box-folder 6:30

    Charles Campbell, [Petersburg] to W[illia]m Pannill, [Petersburg], 28 November 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Resigns from "The Society" [Young Men's Literary Society of Petersburg?].

  • Box-folder 6:31

    Campbell Wallace, Knoxville, [Tennessee] to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, Virginia, 30 November 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Encloses check for $115.

  • Box-folder 6:32

    3 poems, December 1846.

    3 pages. Ms.

  • Box-folder 6:33

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg to Benjamin B. Minor, Richmond, 10 December 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Inquires into arrangement for printing his History of Virginia in the Messenger . He wants printing completed in 1847 volume of Messenger . He intends to secure a copyright and also wants to examine all the proofs.

  • Box-folder 6:34

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg to [Benjamin B. Minor, Richmond], 10 December 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Draft duplicate of letter of 10 December 1846.

  • Box-folder 6:35

    Charles Campbell to A[rthur] H[azelrigg] Henley, 11 December 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Family news; Charles Campbell's son arrived home safely but the man who traveled with him borrowed $20 from Charles Campbell and has not paid it hack.

  • Box-folder 6:36

    A[lexander] S. Campbell, Warrenton to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 18 December 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Business matters in Washington discussed: He will go there shortly after New Year's Day. He has sent daguerreotype of himself to Sister Betty.

  • Box-folder 6:37

    C[harles] Campbell, Petersburg to [Alexander] S. Campbell, Warrenton, 21 December 1846.

    3 pages. ALS.

    Business matters, touching on trip to Washington. Family news; announces death of Santa Anna. Asks him to look for a book in Washington.

  • Box-folder 6:38

    [Rev.] William S. Plumer, Richmond to Charles Campbell, Petersburg, 26 December 1846.

    1 page. ALS.

    Cannot comply with Charles Campbell's request as has disposed of things (Charles Campbell had lent a very rare Indian relic, stone cooking utensil; Rev. William S. Plumer disposed of it with a cabinet, penciled in Charles Campbell's hand). As ages, less pleased with earth, but loves friends more and more.

  • Box-folder 6:39

    Charles Campbell, Petersburg to B[enjamin] B. Minor, Richmond, 29 December 1846.

    2 pages. ALS.

    Explains the delay in his sending the manuscript of his History of Virginia and hopes it is not too late to include part of it in the January issue of the Messenger . Asks again to see the proofs.

  • Charles Campbell Papers, 
         1743-1896. (2024)


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