South African recipes (2024)

South African recipes (1)

All links in this post will open in a new window. Links to other pages or documents have a number.

1) Please click HERE for my own “pizza” recipe with comfrey or spinach. You will eat your fingers for more! You can follow everything step-by-step with photos!

2) I have found this PDF document with recipes by ‘Moirs’ Recipe_Just-like-Mom-Used-to-MakeIn this document you will find some of South Africa’s most favourite recipes!

3) This next link has only Afrikaans recipes. Die link het veral resepte vir bak in groot maat. Die link sal in ‘n nuwe venster oopmaak.

Skons / scones On the picture you can see the scones I baked from this recipe and you can scroll down for the English translation.

500ml meel
20ml bakpoeier
2 eiers
5 teelepels botter/margarien
150ml melk

Vryf die botter/margarien in die droë bestanddele, totdat dit soos growwe meel lyk.
Meng die melk en eiers – nadat dit goed geklits is –hiermee en vorm sagte deeg. Rol die deeg uit en sny met ‘n koekie drukker die grootte wat jy verlang. Borsel met eiergeel of met melk.
Bak 15 min by 200 grade C

English recipe for scones


500 ml flour
20 ml baking powder
2 eggs
5 teaspoons of butter/margarine
pinch of salt
150 ml milk


Mix the dry ingredients and with your fingers, rub the margarine into the dry ingredients. Whisk the eggs and milk together and add to the dry ingredients— knee thoroughly. Roll the dough and cut medium-size shapes with a biscuit cutter. Bake 15 min by a pre-heated oven of 200 deg Celcius.

Soetkoekies – or Sugar cookies – This recipe in this image is one I’ve tasted and it is REALLY delicious. I’ve translated it the same time too.

4) On THIS LINK you can follow very easy steps by looking at pictures to make a very nice South African side-dish to have with a BBQ! Read the comments of an American soldier who prepared it for his men in Bagdad! There is also a recipe on “how to make pap”.

5) Click HERE on this link for a recipe about delicious Bokkenvolle, something I’ve only discovered recently in South Africa!

6) Please click HERE to find the English recipe for South African rusks.

7) Click HERE to see the milk tart recipe in English.


Hiervoor word gewoonlik skilferkors gebruik.

1 pond Meelblom
1 pond Botter
2 eetlepels Suurlemoensap
½ pint vloeistof bestaande uit – 1 geel van eier en Water

Sif die meelblom, voeg sout by. Druk al die water uit die botter en deel in drie. Neem nou ‘n klein stukkie van een deel af en vrywe dit in die meelblom, maak nou aan met die ½ pint vloeistof en knie deeg baie goed. Die deeg moet geknie word totdat dit soos ‘n stuk rek is. Strooi nou meelblom op ‘n plank en rol die deeg baie dun uit. Neem nou een deel botter en sit dit in klein stukkies op die deeg, strooi effens meelblom oor en vou deeg toe en drie. Laat lê deeg nou ‘n rukkie. Neem nou die tweede deel botter en herhaal die proses en dan weer die derde deel botter ook op dieselfde manier. Rol nou die deeg uit en voer die nodige tertborde daarmee uit en gooi die volgende vulsel daarin:

Meltert vulsel:
6 koppies Melk
6 Eiers
2 koppies meelblom
2 onse Botter
1 ½ koppie Suiker
Sout na smaak

Maak die meelblom aan met ‘n deel van die melk, sit die ander melk op die stoof om te kook, roer die aangemaakte meelblom in en kook goed deur,voeg die suiker en botter by. Klits eiers goed op,maar hou die wit van drie uit. Haal nou die vulsel van die stoof af en roer die eiers ook by,kook weer goed deur. Klits nou die wit van drie eiers styf en vou in die mengsel in,gooi dadelik in die uitgevoerde tertborde. Bak in ‘n baie warm oond. Pypkaneel en suiker word oorgestrooi sodra melktert koud is. Dit word ook net so bedien.

Let wel: Die vulsel moet altyd kokend warm in die uitgevoerde tertborde gegooi word. Brandewyn kan in plaas van suurlemoensap vir die vloeistof gebruik word.

8) Kyk vir meer resepte HIER op Funkymunky.

Soetkoekies: image –

SOETKOEKIES (“soet” means “sweet” and “koekies” = cookies/biscuits…or just plain Sugar biscuits!)

I’ve just made this recipe myself and here’s the results:

These cookies are so scrumptious.
6 cups flour, 500 gm margarine, 2 cups sugar, 6 tsp baking powder,
2 tsp bicarb, 5 eggs , 2 tsp vanilla, (2 cups coconut – optional) (I’m not a coconut fan and I never used coconut in my Soetkoekies )
Cream together margarine, sugar and eggs.
Sift all dry ingredients together.
Mix all together if the dough is to soft add some flour and mix well.
Roll out and cut with biscuit cutter. Bake 10 to 15 min @ 180 deg C.

9) On THIS LINK you can find a very delicious buttermilk rusk recipe.


1 x blikkie kondensmelk
3 x blikkies water
3 x eiers….geskei
4 x eetlepels maizena
4 x eetlepels vlapoeier
1 x pakkie tennisbeskuitjies

Pak tennis beskuitjies in tertbak. Gooi die blikkie kondensmelk in ‘n kastrol en voeg die blikkies water by. Stel die plaat op ‘n lae hitte. Skei die eiers en klop eier witte styf en meng ‘n halwe blikkie water met die eiergeel maizena en vlapoeier. Voeg dit by die kondensmelk in die kastrol. Roer op lae hitte totdat dit styf is. Haal van die stoof af en voeg die eierwitte by. Meng alles nou goed en giet in ‘n tertbak. Jy kan so ‘n knypie kaneel bo-oor strooi…afhangende van jou smaak. Plaas in die yskas vir sowat 30 min voordat jy dit bedien….en geniet dit!

CHICKEN A LA KING (serves 2)


2 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp plain flour
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp sunflower oil
1 green (or red, or both) pepper, diced
1 amall onion, diced
1 cup quartered button mushrooms
1.5-2 cups cooked diced chicken
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper


Heat the oil in a large, shallow saucepan. Add the onion and, when it begins to soften, the red/green pepper. Allow everything to soften over medium heat but don’t caramelise the onions – add a bit more oil to the pan if things start to stick. Add the chicken and heat through, adding the mushrooms towards the end.

Melt the butter in a separate pot and when it is completely liquid, stir in the flour. Allow to cook for a minute or two, then whisk in the milk. Allow the sauce to thicken and season with salt and pepper, then pour over the chicken mixture and mix well. A splash of cream may also be added for richness. Serve at once on cooked rice or noodles.

South African Bobotie
Group A:
30ml fine ginger
30ml brown sugar
15ml curry powder
15ml turmeric
10ml salt
2ml pepper
60ml butter/margarine
5 medium size onions finely chopped.

Group B:
2 slices white bread dipped in milk
1kg lean ground beef
150ml seedless raisins
60ml chutney – which you can buy in Tescos – or order from any South African shop online
30ml smooth apricot jam
30ml vinegar
30ml Worcester sauce
30 ml tomato pasta

Group C
375 milk
2 eggs
Fresh lemon leaves
Heat all the ingredients of group A in a pan except the onions and butter. Add the onions and butter and stir.
Mix group B together and add to the mix in the pan. Slowly simmer over medium heat for about 20 minutes.

Put in an oven dish. Mix eggs and milkfrom group c and add on top of beef mix in dish. Bake for about 45minutes on 350F.

Image and recipe:
You can find another Bobotie (pronounced….bebootea) recipe on the BBC’s food website

2 slices white bread
2 onions , chopped
25g butter
2 garlic cloves , crushed
1kg packet lean minced beef
2 tbsp madras curry paste
1 tsp dried mixed herbs
3 cloves
5 allspice berries
2 tbsp peach mango chutney
3 tbsp sultanas
6 bay leaves

300ml full-cream milk
2 large eggs


Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Pour cold water over the bread and set aside to soak.
Meanwhile, fry the onions in the butter, stirring regularly for 10 mins until they are soft and starting to colour. Add the garlic and beef and stir well, crushing the mince into fine grains until it changes colour. Stir in the curry paste, herbs, spices, chutney, sultanas and 2 of the bay leaves with 1 tsp salt and plenty of ground black pepper.
Cover and simmer for 10 mins. Squeeze the water from the bread, then beat into the meat mixture until well blended. Tip into an oval ovenproof dish (23 x 33cm and about 5-6cm deep). Press the mixture down well and smooth the top. You can make this and chill 1 day ahead.
For the topping, beat the milk and eggs with seasoning, then pour over the meat. Top with the remaining bay leaves and bake for 35-40 mins until the topping is set and starting to turn golden.

Image and recipe…

Curried kaiings (crackling)

1 large onion sliced
3 potatoes, diced
2 tomatoes, skinned and diced
5 ml medium curry powder
5 ml turmeric
1 l kaiings
brown vinegar

Place the onion, potatoes and. tomatoes in a heavy-based saucepan and add the curry powder and turmeric.
Add a little water and simmer until the potatoes are soft. Add the kaiings and season to taste with sugar, brown vinegar, salt and pepper.
Mix well and cook through. Serve with mealie rice. Serves 4.


These tworecipes were sent to me via email, I haven’t tried it myself as yet.

Melktert – another Milk tart Afrikaans from my blogger friend Chris. This recipe is from his mum-in-law and I’ve copied it exactly like he sent it to me.

Genoeg vir 2 tertborde

Smeerkors: 2 eetlepels sagte margarine – hoogvol
1/4 koppie suiker
3/4 koppie meel
1 eier
1 teelepel bakpoeier
knippie sout
vanilla geursel

Room botter en suiker goed. Voeg vanilla by askook geklopte eier. Sif droe bestanddele saam en voeg by bottermengsel. Deeg moet baie sag wees. Smeer borde met vingers en bak by ongeveer 200 grade C of 400 grade F tot gaar. (Indien deeg te styf is, kan ‘n bietjie melk bygevoeg word).

Vulsel: 6 koppies melk
4 eiers
6 eetlepels suiker
2 teelepels margarien
knippie sout
6 eetlepels meel, afgeskud
1 teelepel vanilla geursel
1/2 teelepel amandel geursel

Kook melk en botter saam. Maak meel en sout en geklitste eiers en suiker aan tot ‘n pasta wat kan loop. As melk kook, haal kastrol af van plaat en voeg pasta by. Sit terug op plaat en kook vir 2 min. Voeg geursels by en skep in korse. Strooi kaneel bo-oor.

Ever Ready Bran Muffins
3 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup corn oil
4 eggs, beaten
5 cups self rising flour
5 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 quart buttermilk
1 15-ounce 100% bran or 15-ounce Raisin
1/2 cup fruit and fibre
1/2 cup raisins

Blend sugar and oil. Add beaten eggs. Sift dry ingredients together. Add alternately with buttermilk. Stir in cereal. Keep refrigerated in a tightly closed container. Stir well before each use. Stir in a little more buttermilk with each batch. Bake in greased muffin tins 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees.

Apricot and Walnut Bread and Naan Bread

Apricot and Walnut Bread….Naan Bread – from You magazine, 2007, a South African magazine.

Beef Wellington

Beef Wellington…click on the images for a clear view

Butter Chicken

Butter Chicken – also from the You magazine, 2007. The next recipe comes from a Tesco food magazine – it’s a “wrap”, we use these wraps to make our own Tortillas!

Beef Tortillas

The following two recipes are from a friend of mine, Africa. If you want it translated, give me a shout. The first one is a Baking powder-bread and the 2nd is a healthy-bread-recipe.

4 koppies meelblom (1 000ml)
1 teelepel sout (5 ml)
5 teelepels bakpoeier (25ml)
3 teelepels suiker (15 ml)
1 eetlepel margarine (12,5 ml)
1 3/4 koppie melk (450ml)
Eier en water gemeng

Sif droë bestanddele saam.
Sny botter in.
Meng met melk tot taamlike sagte deeg.
Plaas op meelbestrooide plank en knie liggies.
Plaas in gesmeerde broodpannetjie en druk effens gelyk. Borsel eier- en melkmengsel oor.
Laat staan vir 15 min op warm plek.
Plaas ‘n lag aluminiumfoelie oor pannetjie en bak vir 15 min by 200 grade Celsius of 400 grade Fahrenheit., verwyder die foelie en bak verder vir 30 min tot ligbruin bo-op.


500 ml volkoringmeel
250 ml gerolde koring
250 ml muesli
15 ml afgedopte sonneblomsade
5 ml sesamesaad
5 ml sout
5 ml koeksoda
500 ml ongegeurde joghurt
15 ml heuning
bietjie sesamsaad om bo-oor te strooi


Voorverhit die oond tot 180 grade C. Smeer ‘n broodpannetjie van 21x11x6 cm
Meng die volkoringmeel, koring, muesli, sonneblomsaad en sesamsaad, sout en koeksoda.
Voeg die jogurt en heuning by en meng goed
Skep die deeg in die pannetjie en maak dit gelyk. Strooi sesamsaad oor en druk vas.
Bak vir 1 uur. Keer uit en laat afkoel.

Bake your own Tortillas!

Makes 30 large tortillas

900g flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
200g butter
2 cups water (lukewarm)

1. Sift flour, salt and sugar into bowl.
2. Rub butter into flour mixture until it resembles bread crumbs.
3. Gradually add water and mix into soft dough. The dough should not be too sticky or too dry.
4. Divide into small or large balls depending on size tortillas you want.
5. Place onto lightly greased surface and cover with damp cloth.
6. Rest for 30 minutes. Roll into disks of 3mm thick.
7. Cook each tortilla in very hot griddle pan (like crepe pan) for 30 seconds on each side. If it puffs up, press it down with a spatula.

To wrap, place the filling in the middle of the round tortilla. Fold the bottom up to cover the filling but not all the way to the top, then fold the sides in. At this stage you can add more of the filling if needed.
South African recipes (15)

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South African recipes (2024)


What is the traditional dish of South Africa? ›

Bobotie. Another dish thought to have been brought to South Africa by Asian settlers, bobotie is now the national dish of the country and cooked in many homes and restaurants. Minced meat is simmered with spices, usually curry powder, herbs and dried fruit, then topped with a mixture of egg and milk and baked until set ...

What is South Africa's national drink? ›

Rooibos, which is enjoyed by millions of tisane-lovers around the world, has become an integral part of South Africans' way of life and is considered by many as our national beverage. That's why we celebrate National Rooibos Day on the 16th of January every year.

What is a proper South African breakfast? ›

Breakfast in South Africa

For breakfast, most South Africans eat some kind of hot cooked cereal, such as putu pap or pap (cornmeal porridge, similar to grits), served with milk and sugar. However, they enjoy putu pap and mealie bread (cornbread) for any meal of the day.

What are two famous dishes of South Africa? ›

From national dishes to sweet treats, here are some of our favourite foods to try in South Africa:
  • Bobotie. ...
  • Boerewors. ...
  • Chakalaka and pap. ...
  • Biltong. ...
  • Potjiekos. ...
  • Vetkoek. ...
  • Durban bunny chow. ...
  • Malva pudding.
Jan 4, 2023

What is the most popular meat in South Africa? ›

South Africans now consume approximately four million tons of poultry, beef, lamb and pork a year, with poultry being the most popular, accounting for 65% of market share.

What is fufu made of? ›

It consists of starchy foods—such as cassava, yams, or plantains—that have been boiled, pounded, and rounded into balls; the pounding process, which typically involves a mortar and pestle, can be laborious. Fufu is often dipped into sauces or eaten with stews of meat, fish, or vegetables.

What alcohol is South Africa famous for? ›

South Africa is known for its internationally acclaimed wines, which are a cheerful mix of upmarket sophistication and variety. Jerepigo, a sweet dessert wine with a dash of brandy, and Pinotage, which is a mix of Cinsaut and Pinot Noir grapes, are two local specialities you don't want to miss out on!

What is the most consumed alcohol in South Africa? ›

South Africans are very fond of alcoholic beverages, with 50% of the country drinking alcohol at some point within any given month, and an ice-cold beer is the country's most popular beverage of choice.

What is the most popular co*cktail in South Africa? ›

The Mojito is South Africa's most popular co*cktail, typically chosen by 45% of spirits drinkers. This puts it well clear of other common options like the Pina Colada (36%), Sex on the Beach (35%), Margarita (34%) and Daiquiri (31%).

What food is South Africa famous for? ›

South African cuisine is a colourful blend of diverse and tasty dishes, ranging from street food classics like bunny chow and Gatsby to traditional favourites such as bobotie and melktert. Each dish carries a piece of the nation's history and cultural richness.

What is 3pm eat in South Africa? ›

EAT to SAST Chart
01:00 pm EAT12:00 pm SAST (noon)
02:00 pm EAT01:00 pm SAST
03:00 pm EAT02:00 pm SAST
04:00 pm EAT03:00 pm SAST
20 more rows

What is 2pm eat in South Africa? ›

EAT to SAST call time
12pm (noon)11am
1pm12pm (noon)
44 more rows

What is Africa's most eaten food? ›

What are the most popular African foods?
  • Jollof Rice. Jollof Rice is a beloved West African dish known for its rich, spicy tomato flavor. ...
  • Egusi Soup. Egusi Soup is a popular dish in African cuisine, particularly in West Africa. ...
  • Fufu. ...
  • Suya. ...
  • Injera. ...
  • Doro Wat. ...
  • Bobotie. ...
  • Bunny Chow.
Mar 13, 2024

What is Africa's famous food? ›

A typical West African meal is made with starchy items and can contain meat, fish as well as various spices and herbs. A wide array of staples are eaten across the region, including fufu, banku, kenkey (originating from Ghana), foutou, couscous, tô, and garri, which are served alongside soups and stews.

What food is SA famous for? ›

8 Iconic Local South Australian Foods
  • Maggie Beer. Think of Maggie Beer and you automatically think of food. ...
  • Beerenberg. ...
  • Fleurieu Milk. ...
  • Golden North Icecream. ...
  • SA Gourmet Food Company. ...
  • Alexandrina Cheese. ...
  • Spring Gully Foods. ...
  • Bickfords.
Mar 6, 2022

What is Africa's Favourite food? ›

From the humble maize/grain porridges and root vegetables that form the basis of so many diets, to grand feasting dishes such as breyanis, tagines, stews and aromatic curries, Africa's favorite foods offer something for every palate.


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.