So I'm the #1 Hero, So What? - Asarilover - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: So I’m Dead, Now What? Chapter Text Chapter 2: So I’m a Killer, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: So I Bullied a Bully, So What? Chapter Text Chapter 4: So I Needed That, Who Doesn’t? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: So I Needed That Too, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: So I’m a Big Sister, So What? Chapter Text Chapter 7: So I Have a Home, Shouldn’t Everyone? Chapter Text Chapter 8: So I’m Doing a Timeskip, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: So I Met a Waifu, You Jealous? Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10: So I Made a Friend, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: So I Gave Him a Fetish, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: So I Lost a Friend… who cares? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: So I Had Some Heart to Hearts, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: So I Panicked, Who Wouldn’t? Chapter Text Chapter 15: So I Killed the #1 Hero, Oops? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: So I’m Not In This One, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: So I Have Secrets, Who Doesn’t? Chapter Text Chapter 18: So She Needed That, So What? Chapter Text Chapter 19: So I’m Hot For Auntie, Who Isn’t? Chapter Text Chapter 20: So I Gave Them The Talk, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: So It’s a Beach Episode, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 22: So I Have A Wingwoman, Wait Really? Chapter Text Chapter 23: So I’m a Harem Protagonist, So What? Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 24: So I’m a Pet Owner, So What? (Explicit) Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 25: So She Knows, So What? Notes: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: So I’m Dead, Now What?

Chapter Text

Wait, how did I get here?

Let’s see. My sister was sick, so like a good big sister I volunteered to donate one of my kidneys, I was prepped for surgery and now… I’m in some sort of void?

Am I dead, or maybe in a coma? That would be a pretty boring way to go, but I don’t regret it. At 28 years old, I can't say I lived a long life, but I had a good time, made good friends, and read some good books. I also had some wonderful nights with some lovely ladies over the years, so all in all, I can’t complain. But I do wonder if my sister’s surgery went ok. It would suck if I died and she didn’t even make it.

“While it is nice that you are not a whiner, it is ok to wish for more. And to answer your question, yes your sister did survive. In fact she went on to live a nice long life with a loving husband and three kids. They even named their firstborn daughter after you. She grew up into a kinky lesbian too, they liked to joke that she must be your reincarnation, although it is actually just an amusing coincidence.”

It is nice to hear that it went so well for my sister, and it sounds like I would have loved to meet my niece, but oh well. Wait… who said that?! I whirl around, (which I’m not sure how I did seeing as I’m incorporeal and in a limitless void) taking in the sight of a glowing feminine figure. I can’t really describe her, if I focus on any individual part of her face it looks completely normal, but something in the back of my mind keeps me from seeing her as anything other than unknowable. Something more , or other . While I try to puzzle out what it is I’m feeling, I fill the silence saying, “I think I’ve seen this one, are you some sort of goddess in charge of reincarnation?”

She smiles slightly, “Something like that. You died with pretty high karma, so you do qualify for placement in a paradise realm.” She leans forward, dropping her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “Between you and me, paradise realms are boring . It’s all peace and serenity, but nothing ever happens! Which is fine for old souls who have accomplished their life’s ambition, but a young lady like you would probably rather have another shot at life, right? Which brings us to option two! Reincarnation!”

I’m practically bouncing with excitement. “Yes, kind goddess lady! Actually that was rather rude of me, what’s your name? Mine is…” I started to panic slightly, I could not remember my name!

“Names are quite meaningful amongst higher beings, so it is actually quite rude to ask for mine. Don’t worry, I will forgive you this time.” Her smile never wavered, but a feeling of dread came over me as she spoke. I felt as if a mountain was being pressed down on me, the weight of her disapproval was that strong.

“That said you can refer to me as a guide, for that is my role in your reincarnation. And do not worry about not being able to remember your name. It is easier for reincarnators if they do not cling to their past life too much. Accepting your new identity will make that easier.”

“Thank you for your patience Miss Guide, so how does this work? Do I just name a type of world I would like or something?” I would love to be in a fantasy world, being able to cast spells and sleep with pretty catgirls is the dream.

“No, your new home will be selected at random based on your karma value. For example a low karma individual might be reincarnated in Game of Thrones or Warhammer 40k. The likelihood of such an individual enjoying their new life is quite low. With your karma value the worlds that you could go to are generally pleasant, but there are real threats to that peace.”

“Wait, aren’t those worlds fictional? Are all fictional worlds real? What about fanfics? Also why do low karma people reincarnate too?”

“What makes you think those worlds are fictional? Maybe they are real and your authors caught glimpses of them in dreams and flashes of inspiration. And also, for all you know you are from a fictional world, just a mob in someone else's story. World trees are vast things with innumerable branches for the many variations that any particular story can take. Fanfics rarely have their own branch in a world tree, but it does happen occasionally. In your new life I would suggest you avoid abusing children unless you want a drunk, half naked ice goddess to show up and ruin your day. And finally anyone can be reincarnated if a higher being chooses to let them. We generally choose those that we think might be entertaining to watch, but their karma value determines what kind of world they qualify for. Anything else?”

“No, thank you for the explanation, Miss Guide. And don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on abusing any children. So please, let me reincarnate.”

Her face takes on a serious expression, “ Are you absolutely sure you want to be reincarnated? Once the world is selected you will not be able to change your mind, and a paradise realm is still available to you right now.”

Hmmm. While it is risky, I think I want to still be reincarnated. If I wanted to be safe I would choose to go to a paradise realm, but I still have some sense of adventure in me. Besides, Earth was generally pleasant with some real threats to peace. So at worst, it would be like back at home. “I choose reincarnation.”

She smiles, “Very well, let us continue.” A giant wheel like in game shows appeared, with the names of thousands upon thousands of worlds written down. At a glance I could see options like Harry Potter and Black Clover. The Guide let out a polite cough, “If you would spin the wheel please?” I do so, and the wheel spins far faster than I would have thought. A kaleidoscope of colors spins before me, the most important roll of the dice in my life… or afterlife? Eventually the wheel slows down and then stops. My Hero Academia.

A world where teenagers go to superhero highschool to learn how to fight bad guys and save the day. I never watched more than a handful of clips of the show, but my sister was a huge fan and would ramble on about it. Unfortunately she would mostly talk about her favorite ships, she was a big fan of enemies to lovers for some reason, so I only know the basics of the plot. Crybaby protagonist is born without a quirk, the show's term for superpowers, but wants to be a hero anyway. The world's strongest hero gives him his quirk so he can be a hero too. Meanwhile the villain bad touch guy is working for an eviler villain that can steal quirks and give them to other people.

I also am familiar with a few of the lovely ladies from the show due to some, ahem, cultured art. But that’s about all I know. Well, I guess I can just look at it as not knowing any spoilers! But I hope I get a versatile quirk. I always hated how superheroes and anime mages are limited to one power. I like to be a jack of all trades, master of some, you know?

“My Hero Academia, that is quite the popular one. Now for your other spin, this time for your isekai cheat power.” The wheel in front of me changed, filling with all sorts of powers that could make or break my new life. I close my eyes, I do not want to see some power that I have my heart set on only to be stuck with some lame power. Better to not know what I’m missing. I reach forward and spin the wheel. Somehow this makes me even more nervous than the world selection spin. Then the wheel finally stops, and the Guide lets out a giggle. “That is quite the power, I think you will enjoy it.”

I opened my eyes to see what my new power was. The powers of Shiraori (Goddess) from So I’m a Spider, So What?! Oh that’s perfect! Shiraori, aka White, is a bonafide badass! Once she became a god(lol) she could use the power of her soul to do all kinds of awesome things. Power up her body, use all sorts of magic including teleportation and elemental magic, web powers, making giant spider monsters, and even draining the life out of people with the power of her evil eyes! But wait, if I have White’s powers does that mean… “Miss Guide, can I ask a few questions?”

“Sure, and to answer your first question, no. The evil God D will not appear to mess with you.” Well that’s a relief, in the story D is an immensely powerful goddess that enjoys watching White struggle. Even by the end of the series White doesn’t stand a chance against her. But wait, how did the Guide know my question? Is she reading my mind or… “I’m reading your soul, which is much more informative than reading a mind.” Gah! Well I guess that answers that, I should speak quickly if I want to actually ask any questions.

“Won’t I be super overpowered? After all, White could literally destroy worlds by the end of the story if she wanted to. Her final battle with Black needed to take place in an alternate dimension so they could go all out!”

She shakes her head. “While you may indeed become overpowered over the course of your life you will have to earn that strength. Remember, White uses conjuration to turn the power of her soul into magic and effect change in the world. And the reason her soul is so strong is…”

I nerd out, “Because she ate the MA energy bomb and was able use it to become a god with D’s help! But I will just have a normal human soul! So is there a way to make my soul stronger?”

“Indeed. There are numerous methods to strengthen your soul. I will even tell you two of them. First, souls naturally strengthen over time. It varies from person to person, but the average 40 year old soul will be stronger than the average 20 year old soul. The second method works best for those aware of their own soul, although anyone can use it to some extent. People can meditate on their soul to cultivate its growth.” I shudder at the word cultivate. “Don’t worry junior, this venerable one isn’t telling you to join a sect or anything. Just do some meditation, it will come naturally.” She says with a smirk.

“As for the other methods, I will let you figure them out on your own. You are also gaining some of White’s memories and instincts, so you should know how to use your new powers. There may be a little personality bleed over, but it is the only practical way to teach you how to use your new powers. Some of them may work a bit differently though, so I would be careful. When in doubt, trust your instincts. Also one last bit of advice. I would avoid trying to use your annihilating evil eye for a while, because it will kill you.”

I really didn’t need that advice, even when White was at full power she rarely used that particular double-edged sword. A thought suddenly occurred to me, “Will the big bad be able to steal my powers?”

The Guide gives me another smirk before saying, “You actually get a choice for this last bit. You can choose to reincarnate with a random family in Japan, or you can choose to possess the body of a five year old girl who died. The reason you can do this is because her body and your soul are quite compatible. Either way the quirk you get will be effectively useless, your soul will be your primary strength.” So she’s just going to ignore me huh? That annoys me a bit but I supposed she has been more than patient with me. As for the question of how I want to enter the world…

“Am I going to be reborn as a male or female? And how did that girl die?”

“If you choose to be reborn then you have equal chances of being born male or female. The girl tripped and hit her head on the corner of a table. If you choose her then your soul will take over right after her’s leaves and then you will heal the wound from the table. You also will receive that body's memories. Either way you will be the same age as Midorya so you can go to UA with the main cast” Hmmm. Well I think the choice is clear. I really don’t want to be reborn as a male, and the body takeover thing seems about as ethically sourced as it could be. While it would be nice to get those extra five years to cultivate *shudder* I am still going to be a 28 year old soul in the body of a 5 year old, so that should still be a nice head start. Also, I REALLY do not want to experience being born, or being a baby so…

“I would like to take over for the child. I would really prefer to stay as a woman, and while I won’t be the same as the child they lost, I’m sure my new parents would prefer having me over burying their daughter.” The Guide’s face put on a strange expression for a moment before smoothing back into her pleasant smile.

“Very well. We likely will never meet again, but you have been a pleasant soul so I wish you luck. Especially on your harem queen ambitions.” She says with a wink. I let out a squeak. How did she know? Right, she can read my soul. Fricken all powerful higher beings. It's not like it is my primary goal or anything! It would just be nice is all…

Suddenly I feel a lurch, followed by a blinding pain in my forehead that slowly recedes as the wound on my head slowly heals. I hear grunting and muffled pleas. I stand up and look around, unused to seeing the world from such a small perspective. The thing that immediately grabs my attention is the angry large man, kicking a sobbing woman on the floor. There is a rush of memories as I try to figure out what is happening.

Seriously Guide? You said the girl died when she tripped and fell. You failed to mention that she was running from her prostitute mother’s pimp beating said mother to death.

No Way…

Chapter 2: So I’m a Killer, So What?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

So a quick backstory of the body I just took over. So the girl's name is Hinata Yoshida, she does not know her mom’s actual name, who I will refer to as Evil whor* (EW) from now on. EW is a drug addicted prostitute who will sometimes, usually when she is particularly high, let her customers ‘play’ with Hinata. She always cries and apologizes the next day, but she is not getting any forgiveness from me.

As for what led us to the current assault. EW was beaten by one of her regulars, a ‘Hero’ by the name of KnuckleMan. She went to the police, but they practically laughed her out of the building. Upon returning to her rundown apartment, EW’s pimp arrived and started beating her, yelling about how she was going to get him in trouble with one of his best clients. Little Hinata got scared and tried to run, but tripped and hit her head on the coffee table.

Which brings us back to the present, as I puke my guts out from all of the memories I just experienced. That poor girl, to go through that kind of abuse… Mr. Pimp kicks EW again and looks up at me. “Don’t go anywhere little girl, I’m going to take you to a new home once I’m done teaching your mommy a lesson.” Jeeze, it is really strange being able to suddenly understand japanese. But that strange new phenomenon is not enough to distract me from the way he is making me feel. I can feel the bad intentions oozing off of him. That is not poetic license, I can actually feel him. It isn’t sight, smell, or any other normal sense. It’s like I know what he is feeling, as well as getting a general grasp of his character.

His soul I realize with a jolt. I am ‘seeing’ his soul. I know White could do something like that, she could tell at a glance that her teacher’s soul had been seeded by that cyborg elf asshole. I can also see EW’s soul. It is a sad, pathetic thing, full of fear, pain, and regret. I can also tell that she is dying, her soul’s tether to her body getting weaker and weaker. I can’t make myself care. Mr. Pimp gives her one last kick before turning to me. “Come here little Hinata, your favorite uncle is going to take good care of you.” I don’t think that man is my uncle, and I definitely don’t think I will enjoy being in his care. Come on spider powers, don’t fail me now!

I shoot out several threads of spider silk. Ha! Now to slice him into little bits. But my chuni fantasy was not so easy to pull off. The results are less than spectacular, as he only gets a few papercut level wounds. Not that you could tell by how angry the man got. “You little BITCH!” He charges at me, frightfully large and fast for little 5 year old me. I duck under the table, strengthening my body with magic to move faster. Once I gain some distance I look around, trying to find some sort of weapon I can use. He leaps over the table, almost grabbing me. Barely dodging him, I run to the other side of the room.

As the game of cat and mouse continues he occasionally sends out small blasts of fire, which burn right through the bits of webbing that I am using. Fire quirks are going to be the bane of my web slinging ways, I think bitterly. While he is definitely stronger than me, size and mass makes a difference, I am faster than him while I am empowering myself. Finally I have him where I want him.

As he desperately lunges at me I nimbly dodge, while at the same time webbing up his feet. He trips, hitting his head on the same coffee table that claimed Hinata’s life. Points for irony! I could leave now. Mr. Pimp is groaning, only half conscious. I could be out of the building before he has the wherewithal to sit up again. But I can’t move. It isn’t enough. Does trash like him really deserve to breathe in the same world as me?

I slowly walk up to his prone form. With a thought I create a rope of spider silk that slowly wraps around his neck. I step onto his back, and I pull. I pull with all of my magically enhanced strength as I scream. I screamed for Hinata, for all of the pain and fear that these people put her through. That she never had a chance to see the good in this world. By the time I calm down, there are only two souls left in the room.

I turn to look at the other soul left. EW was looking at me, her breathing labored. Her soul is full of nothing but regret as it slowly separates from her body, and vanishes. I feel… I’m not sure how I feel. I don't really have time to ponder it since the apartment is on fire. Strange that no fire alarm has gone off. I quickly run for the door, going through it into the vacant hallway. I see that quite a few of the doors are off their hinges. I think this building might be abandoned, or at least really run down. Hinata almost never left the apartment so I know very little of what is out here. I don’t see anything resembling a fire alarm to pull as I make my way to the ground floor.

I slip out of a side entrance and make my way to the front of the building. Thankfully there are a few people there, one of them is yelling about a fire, so hopefully the fire department can get in to save anyone else in there. Suddenly I feel exhausted, and cold. According to Hinata’s memories it is January, though thankfully it is not snowing.

I quietly strike off towards a local park. I need to find someplace to sleep, and think. I find a nice big tree in the park, climb up it, and secure myself to one of the higher branches. I create a silk blanket, and immediately fall asleep.


It has been a week since my violent introduction to this world. A few things of note. First, trees do not make for great beds, even if you have cool spider powers to make silk blankets and pillows. Second, dumpster diving for food is gross, while shoplifting is really easy with silk strands that you can control with a thought. While shoplifting is easier and tastier, I prefer not to do it. That is because of the third thing. It turns out, sinning taints the soul. Who knew?

When I first arrived in this world my soul was more or less pure. The next day I examined my soul and found something wrong with it. This isn’t exactly right, as souls are hard to describe with words, but in essence my soul now has some noticeable blood stains on it. No need to guess where they came from. And everytime I stole something, I felt another mote of dirt on my soul. Not much, but it adds up.

Now someone might wonder why I didn’t just go to the nearest police station to report Hinata’s abuse and get into a nice home. There are a few reasons. First is because I am afraid of the questions they will ask. I doubt I would get into too much trouble for killing Mr. Pimp, but the stigma of being a killer is something I would rather avoid. More importantly, I am worried about them finding out that I am reincarnated. If the police have some sort of mind reading or lie detecting quirk then they will find out who I really am. I know that the big bad of My Hero Academia was seriously hurt by All Might, but I don’t know when. If he hears about a little girl from another world with crazy powers I am screwed.

The other reason I won’t go to the police is that I don’t trust them. Several of them were amongst EW’s client list, and she was kicked to the curb when she tried to report the abuse from one of the heroes. So no police. And no heroes either. KnuckleMan isn’t the only hero who’s name I know, several other men on EW’s clients were heroes.

Speaking of heroes, I am currently peeking around a corner at the knucklehead himself, speaking and laughing with some thugs. They are huddled around an empty barrel they are using to contain a fire (Where do those hobo barrels even come from?), trying to ward off the night’s chill. He is out of costume, but when you can see souls it is harder to be fooled by a change of clothes. I have been spying on him all day, trying to find a good time to strike. I know I said that killing taints the soul, but I can’t help it! There is some part of me crying out for justice for Hinata, and vengeance is the best that this little spider can do right now.

Suddenly there is a crack, and one of the souls of the thugs vanishes. I watch the man fall down dead before I duck back behind cover. More cracks follow, and more people die. One crack for each one. KnuckleMan is running towards my hiding place when there is another crack and he falls over screaming in pain. At this point he is the last one left. Then a new soul entered my perception, and I gasp in shock. The soul is disgusting, drenched in blood and oozing hatred. I should be running away, but my legs don’t want to work. The new soul approaches the downed ‘Hero’ who manages to gasp out “You?! But aren’t you supposed to be a…” then there is another crack and his soul is gone. That seems to wake me up from my shock, and I desperately begin to run.

Unfortunately the mysterious killer hears me, and after only a handful of steps I feel them grabbing my arm and wheeling me around. Hey, I recognize her! Partially from the ‘art’ from my first life, but mostly from Hinata’s memories. In front of me stands Lady Nagant, Hinata’s favorite hero. She loved the purple and pink haired sniper’s cool demeanor and quiet confidence. She was someone that Hinata had aspired to be like one day. She used to dream every night that the hero would come and save her.

With that knowledge I take a closer look at her soul. While she is indeed full of hatred, most of it is directed at herself, along with a large amount of guilt. The rest of hatred is for… something, or maybe someone? It was definitely something specific. Coupling that with her blood drenched soul I come to an alarming conclusion. Is someone forcing her to do this? Like blackmail or something? Oh no, I’m a witness to her killing a bunch of people including another pro!

Thinking quickly, I try to give her a hug. “Lady Nagant! You saved me from those mean guys!” I try to play up the scared kid angle. This 5 year old body has its uses. I can feel her tense for a moment before she lets me go and accepts the hug. I look up at her, “Did you scare them away? They are always bothering mommy and me!” It wasn’t even a lie, heh. Come on, take the out.

“Ye-yes. I scared them away. Now young lady, what are you doing out so late?” Oh right, ummm…

“Mommy hasn’t been able to work lately so I was trying to find something to eat.” Nailed it! Lady Nagant reaches behind her and pulls out some sort of energy bar. Handing it to me she takes a good look at me. Luckily I’ve been able to keep myself presentable and clean. It helps that I can make my own clothes. Spider powers for the win!

Deciding that I don’t look homeless or something, she says, “There you go, now go back home, it’s cold out here.”

“Thanks Lady Nagant!” I turn and start walking away, but I hesitate. I’m not sure what is going on with her, but it obviously nothing good, and way beyond what I can handle. Still… “Umm, Lady Nagant. I want you to know that you can do it!” She freezes and gives me a strange look. “I can see things about people. I think it is called aura sometimes? That’s how I know the bad men are bad and mean. I can tell something is going bad for you. But I believe in you!”

She gives me a pained look before turning around, letting out a muttered, “thanks,” and walks away. The next day I saw on the news that KnuckleMan died heroically defending some helpless citizens from drug dealers. Two days after that I heard that Lady Nagant went crazy and murdered one of her superiors at the Hero Public Safety Commission.

Well damn… That really did not work.


There will be references to sexual abuse in my fic, but all sex acts actually depicted will be completely consensual. That said the smut chapters will generally be pretty kinky when they do happen, because I am a perverted freak and that's what I want to write.

I think I am accelerating how quickly Lady Nagant lost it, I think this should have been super early in her career. Still, I wanted Hinata to have a more serious reason to distrust the heroes/ the establishment.

Chapter 3: So I Bullied a Bully, So What?

Chapter Text

If I wasn’t worried about the heroes and the police before I definitely am now. The fact that Lady Nagant killing KnuckleMan and those thugs was covered up implies that the Hero Commission had sent her to kill them and had the police cover it up. It would have been obvious from autopsies that they were all killed the same way, with a quirk based weapon no less, and obviously there were no actual citizens that were saved. KnuckleMan was obviously up to no good, but why kill him? Why not just arrest him? As for Lady Nagant killing her superior, I think she may have just snapped. I tried to encourage her but seeing a cute kid praising her may have just made her feel more guilty.

Meeting Lady Nagant also made me realize something, I really should not be trying to get revenge. I know it might be hard to understand for those who can’t see them, but the tainting of souls is vile. The only reason I could stand to be near her was because I knew she didn’t really want to do all of that killing. The thought of my own soul looking like that… words can not describe how repulsive the idea is. So no more killing if I can avoid it!

I also realize that I may have been a little too casual in choosing reincarnation. Looking back on it I really was lucky in my first life (premature death aside). I grew up with a loving upper-middle class family. I discovered my own sexual orientation right after gay rights started to become truly accepted. Hell, I even started getting sexually active right after 50 Shades stoked women's interest in getting dominated! Fun fact, I was always interested in BDSM, long before those garbage books came out, but I am thankful for them making it mainstream to at least try it out.

The point is, everything in my life back then went really well for me. I want to curse my stupidity for thinking that at worst my life would be like it was back on my earth. While intellectually I knew that abuse and corruption existed back in my own world, it was always something that happened somewhere else. To someone else. Now, as I spend most of my days scrounging for food and avoiding various creeps and criminals, I can only feel ashamed of my naivete.

Almost every night I go to ‘bed’ hungry. I’m not starving, but I am certainly not eating well. I end up stealing food at least once or twice a week, but I hate doing that almost as much as I hate going to bed with a growling stomach.

When I am not busy just surviving I spend some time getting a grip on my powers. My soul perception has about a 40 ft radius. It was slightly less when I arrived, so it seems to grow with the power of my soul. I can also increase it to about double that range if I focus on a specific area, but at the cost of no longer sensing things anywhere else and spending some soul energy, in addition to taking a lot of focus.

When I say that it takes soul energy I don’t mean it is weakening my overall soul strength. The way I see it, strengthening my soul increases the size of the container, meaning I can hold more soul energy. All of my powers, from webs to magic to body enhancement, use the soul energy, which slowly refills over time. It takes about 24 hours right now to go from empty to full. Or at least near empty, I feel like I am going to pass out once I am running low. The only thing that doesn’t seem to actively use soul energy is my passive soul perception.

Magic is pretty easy to use, but I unfortunately can’t really use it openly. Just like when White uses it in the show, magic is really obvious with big glowing runes appearing in the air. It seems to be really strong though, so I can keep it in my back pocket in case of emergency.

It’s been eight months since I came to this world. The summer sun beats down heavily on my pale skin. Luckily periodic bursts of healing magic (used in public restrooms or in abandoned alleyways) keep me from getting burned. Oh did I mention? I actually do look like White from the show. Pale skin, white hair, and pink eyes like the real deal, just smol. The only other difference is that I only have nine pupils in each eye when I am using one of my evil eye powers, otherwise it is the normal one per eye. I am quite ok with this, as it means I will grow up into a cool elegant beauty with a graceful demeanor with a nice, but not excessive, figure. Thinking about how I will look in the future leads me to thinking about the future. It leads me to one conclusion, I am going to have to face my fears and talk to the police.

I’ve really had enough being homeless. I hate it so much, the hunger, the fear, the loneliness. I miss having regular meals, having a warm bed, and taking nice long showers. I want friends, people to laugh and joke with, to stress about an upcoming test or complain about obnoxious coworkers. So I need to get adopted, but I don’t want to be put with some random family, I want to be adopted by someone from the main cast to help ensure I can be smoothly inserted into the plot.

The obvious choice would be Momo, as I know the buxom beauty is rich and would meet all of my other requirements. Plus I would love to have her call me big sis (heh). Buuut I do not know her last name, nor do I have any idea where she lives. I also can’t really think of a way to get her family to adopt me, I assume they would be thorough in checking out my background and intentions if a random child showed up trying to get adopted.

With that in mind I set out to find my second choice, the protagonist and his family.


That was about two months ago, since then I have been wandering the country looking for the protagonist. I know the Guide had mentioned his name, something with an M, but I can’t quite recall what it was. But I remember my sister telling me that a bunch of the places around where he lived were Star Wars references. So with that in mind, I am now walking through the city of Musutafu. I probably should have gone to this one first, as it is also the location of UA High School, but there were a few locations on the way that were also Star Wars related. I wasted a lot of time at Darthu and Reveno, but eh, it is still almost a decade until the canon starts.

While I still hate being homeless, ever since I decided on a path forward I’ve been handling it better. I think just having a goal that I am actively working toward is helping me cope. And getting adopted is just step one of my master plan, one with the end goal of making this world a better place.

As for what to do about the Hero Commission and the police? Well it’s simple. Become the #1 hero and change it from the inside! But to do that I am going to need friends and allies I can rely on, as well the personal power to foil any assassination attempts. I’m sure the Commission has more killers waiting to be unleashed.

That is another reason I would really like to avoid getting on the Commission’s radar. I’m not sure what their secret assassination squad selection process is like, but if I had to guess… Taking in talented orphans and training them to be loyal killers seems like a possibility. Maybe I’m being overly paranoid about this. Afterall, I’m only assuming that Lady Nagant was working under the orders of the Commission. Still, it fits, and I remember my sister saying something about hero society being corrupt. Or maybe just having problems? Stupid sister wasting all of her time talking about how Momo/Headphones(?) is a compelling ship when she could have been telling me useful stuff!

Anyway, to become the #1 hero I am going to go to UA. While I undoubtedly have the most potential out of anyone in the world, I still need a lot of training. Plus even if I have all the power in the world I don’t necessarily know when and where to use it. And finally it will be a good place to make connections and find those reliable friends and allies. And not just the lovely ladies! I will be befriending the men too!

I hear a commotion coming from a park up ahead. As the source of said commotion comes into view I pump my fist in victory. Before me stands a green haired freckle face, confronting an angry blond kid and his lackeys. Greenie is yelling something about heroes and justice. Mr. Splosion is not a fan of that, and gives our hero an explosive punch to the stomach. Jeeze, aren’t these kids like 5 or 6? Just play tag or something. But this is probably a good chance for me to make a good impression on this ‘Deku’ kid. “Wow you sure showed him! I think I saw some puppies down the road that you could kick if you want a challenge?” Well, maybe just an ok impression.

“What do you want, Pink-Eye?!” The blond yells at me. I remember hearing that this kid has anger issues but sheesh, how can he be this mad and barely be out of diapers?

“I am just wondering if there is a reason you are beating up that poor kid?”

“I’m just teaching this quirkless Deku his place, beneath me!” (what an overcompensating top) “Plus it makes good training for me to get stronger so I can attend UA and become the #1 hero!”

I give him a strange look, “You don’t get stronger from fighting the weak, you get stronger from fighting those stronger than you! Lucky for you, I am here! I too am going to go to UA and become the #1 hero!” I give him a co*cky smirk, “If you want I can show you what the REAL future #1 can do!”

The kid practically growls at me, “Fine Pink-Eye! But don’t go crying to your mommy after I kill you!” I think my sister’s favorite ship for this guy was him/therapy.

Deku finally manages to get up, “Wait Kacchan, don’t hurt her!” He turns to me, “You can’t beat him miss! He’s even stronger than middle schoolers!” Oh no, maybe I will need to use my annihilating evil eye to win this one.

I give him a co*cky smirk as I begin walking toward a clearing in the park, “That’s ok, because one time, I beat up an adult.” I turn back to Kacchan who looks way more serious now that he knows the true scope of my power. We have a good 10 ft err… 3 meters (I should really stop using freedom units) between us, which seems like a good distance for our little duel. “If one of your friends could give us a countdown?”

The tubby one lets out a squeaky, “3, 2, 1, Fight!” Kacchan immediately charges at me, small explosions going off in his palms. I raise my hands, fingers outstretched as threads are launched at the approaching boy. I have to give him some credit, he has excellent instincts and reflexes. He is actually able to start dodging to the side before my first threads reach him. But he is doomed as soon as my threads start sticking to him, slowing down his movements and making it easier for me to attach even more webbing. Fifteen seconds later he is completely wrapped up, only his head and feet exposed. As he wiggles on the ground like a worm, I walk towards an awestruck Deku.

He practically has stars in his eyes as he starts launching a barrage of questions at me. “That was so cool! What’s your quirk? Are those spider webs? How strong are they? Can you…” I tune him out as I turn back to an irate Kacchan.

“Don’t worry Mr. #2 hero, the webs will dissolve in about 20 minutes.” Turning back to Deku I say, “Why don’t we start with some introductions? Your name is Deku, right?” I hold out my hand, which he sheepishly takes and shakes.

“Actually my name is Izuku Midoriya, Deku is an insulting nickname that Kacchan calls me.” Whoops, that’s embarrassing.

“Well I kinda have the opposite thing going on, I don’t really like my real name, so you can call me White! Let’s be friends, Izuku!” I don’t remember my original name, so I can’t go by that. I don’t particularly like being called Hinata, as I am not really her, and I hate being called Yoshida, as it reminds me of Hinata’s mother. I’m not really White either, but something about it feels comfortable, maybe because I look like her?

For some reason Izuku is blushing up a storm, waving his hands in front of his face. Is it because I said we should be friends? I seem to recall that he didn’t have any growing up. Oops, it could be because I used his first name. Don’t the Japanese have some weird thing with first names? I raise up my hands in apology, “Sorry Midoriya, was that too forward?”

He quickly shakes his head, “N-n-no White, it is totally fine, please call me Izuku!” We start walking off, ignoring the increasingly rabid screams of Kacchan. Izuku gives me a nervous look, “Are you sure you want to be friends with me? I am quirkless afterall.” He flinches away from me as he says that last bit, as if he is expecting me to yell at him or maybe even hit him. Man, kids can be cruel.

I give him a puzzled look. “Why would you being quirkless mean I wouldn’t want to be your friend? Sure Kacchan’s power is pretty strong but he is also really mean. Quirks aren’t everything you know!” I can practically see his worldview changing as I said that quirks aren’t everything. People do seem weirdly obsessed with them. If they can help you with your job or your hobby then sure, that’s great. But most of them are functionally useless, so who cares? It turns out Hinata’s quirk was that she can change the color of her skin. Being RGB enabled is not very useful in day to day life. And yes I can use Hinata’s quirk, but why would I?

Izuku is still muttering up a storm as he brings me to his apartment. Good, that’s where I wanted to go anyway. Time to manipulate a mom into adopting me!

Chapter 4: So I Needed That, Who Doesn’t?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As we enter the home Izuku yells out, “Mom I’m home, and I brought a new friend!” A green haired woman walks out of the kitchen. Whatever she is cooking smells really good, I haven’t had a nice home cooked meal my entire (second) life.

I give the woman a small bow saying, “Thanks for having me over Mrs. Midoriya, my name is White.” She frowns for a second at the single name, but then seems to mentally wave it off saying.

“It’s nice to have you White. Dinner will be ready in half an hour, why don’t you show your new friend your room Izuku.” Izuku gladly does so, showing me a room with a few All Might posters and even more All Might figures. Jeeze, that poster of All Might in the white t-shirt is practically p*rnographic.

Izuku nervously turns to me and asks, “So, what do you think?”

I pretend to think for a second, “Well, I think your favorite hero is All Might.” This leads to the excitable boy waxing poetic about how great All Might is until dinner is ready. Don’t get me wrong, I like All Might fine and respect him a lot, but he is kinda boring as a hero. I was never particularly a fan of Superman either. Wait, that is actually probably a bad way to look at things. All Might is a real hero saving real people, not just a story. Gotta keep these things in perspective.

Anyway, dinner was quite good, with Mrs. Midoriya asking me questions about my hobbies and stuff. It is a little hard to focus as I stuff my face with double helpings of everything, but I try my best. She was not asking me about my past or parents or school or anything else that I could naturally segue into talking about my homelessness, but it’s fine because that would have interrupted the eating process. After dinner I ask Izuku, “Hey Izuku, do you want to have a sleepover?!” He is obviously thrilled at the idea, but Mrs. Midoriya seems concerned.

“That should be fine, but first we are going to need to call your mom and make sure it’s ok.” Here we go, time to earn an Academy Award!

I look down sadly, “I don’t have mommy anymore.”

Mrs. Midoriya lets in a sharp breath, “Your dad then?”

“I never had a daddy.”

She looks quite concerned now, “Then who do you live with?”

“I don’t have a home, I’ve been alone since winter.” Both Midoriya’s look shocked at this, and start tearing up. I look around nervously and say, “Sorry for upsetting you, I should go now.” Before I even finished speaking she had me wrapped up in a giant hug. She makes shushing sounds as I start to tear up. I had forgotten how nice it felt to be held like this. She picks me up and sits on the couch, still holding me close. At this point I am full on weeping. I think these months alone may have affected me more than I thought.

After a while I calm down, and Mrs. Midoriya looks down on me with a gentle smile. “Do you want to talk about it sweetie?” I gave a nervous look at Izuku, who was awkwardly standing nearby. She whispers in my ear, “Do you not want to talk about it in front of Izuku?” I give her a nod. Kids shouldn’t hear about this stuff. Nobody should really. “Izuku, why don’t you go play in your room for a while, White and I are going to have some girl talk.” He gives me a tentative smile before slowly walking to his room, occasionally throwing looks back my way.

Once I hear the door close, I take a deep breath and recount a mostly true version of Hinata’s and my life here. I edited a few bits, making myself seem more childish. I told her about how my mommy would play weird games in her bedroom with mean men in return for ‘grown up candy.’ How she would sometimes let those mean men play games with me too. How one time one of those men was hurting my mom so I ran away. That my home was burned down. That I could not trust the police or the heroes because some of them were the mean men. I told her that I could read people's aura, that I had been wandering around trying to find someone nice to care for me. And finally how she and Izuku are nice, so I want to stay with them.

Besides leaving out the full scope of my powers and my status as a reincarnator, I also don’t mention killing the pimp or the massacre I witnessed by Lady Nagant. By the time I finish, my cheeks are stained with tears. Even if most of the stuff never actually happened to me, the memories are still awful. If I cried a small stream of tears, then Mrs. Midoriya cried an ocean of them. Seriously, does she have a tear related quirk? She is still holding me close, and I can’t help but feel better, safer even. It makes no rational sense, I could beat her with just my webs, but I feel protected like this, like I can relax when she is holding me. When she finally calms down and stops squeezing me, I look up and ask her, “So can I stay here tonight?”

She gives me a teary smile and says “Of course sweetie, and I will do everything I can to help you.” I suddenly feel exhausted from the day's events and let out a big yawn. “Here I can show you to the guest bedroom, you can play with Izuku tomorrow.” She takes my hand and starts leading me down the hall.

A sudden thought occurs to me. “You can’t tell the police that stuff! Some of them are mean!”

She kneels down and holds my shoulders, “We are going to have to talk to the police sweetie, I can’t just keep you here. Also you need to go to school, and to do that we are going to need all sorts of paperwork. I know it is scary but we can trust them, it will be ok.” I literally can’t trust them, I know some of them are working with the Safety Commission to cover up assassinations and some of them were abusive clients of my mom. But I suppose there is probably not some nation wide prostitute hating police organization, and she is right about the paperwork and stuff.

I shuffle my feet, “Can we go together? And I will choose a nice policeman with my power to talk to me?”

She smiles, “Deal. Now let me find some sheets for the bed as well as some clothes for you.” Hah! As if I would use her mundane normal sheets!

“No need!” I say with a jaunty air. I extend my hands and within 20 seconds the bed has silk sheets. 10 seconds later I have created a cute little nightgown for myself.

I put the nightgown on before taking off my normal clothes, then climbed up into the bed. I hear her mutter something about how I won’t be a burden on the clothes budget as she helped tuck me in before turning off the lights. I close my eyes, and fall instantly into the best sleep I’ve ever had, both lives included.


Inko Midoriya closed the door to her son’s room, having spent the last 15 minutes explaining that White might be living with them for a while, and that he needed to not ask her about the girl's past. As it always did recently, thinking of her son brought up quite a few feelings of regret and shame. Things had not been the same ever since Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless. The boy lived and breathed heroes, his greatest aspiration was to become one. And to have that dream ruthlessly crushed by cruel reality? It had changed him. He no longer smiled as much, or laughed as easily. Inko was pretty sure he didn’t have friends anymore, and she even thought he might be the victim of bullying.

While she did her best to comfort her son, she knew what he really wanted was her encouragement. To be told that his dream was still possible. She wanted to give it to him, really she did, but she just could not do it. Being a hero is dangerous work. Just this year three heroes had died in the line of duty, and that was with them having superpowers. The thought of her son facing those same dangers without a quirk? She’d rather he resent her for the rest of her life than have to bury him.

Inko walks over to the guest bedroom, opening the door a crack to peek in on the poor girl. White is sleeping like a baby, her adorable face peaceful as she lay there. A wave of disgust and fury washes over the young mother. How could anyone do such horrible things to such a little angel? To anyone for that matter, but still. She closes the door before going to the computer. She needs to look up everything she can on adoption. A part of her is surprised that she is seriously considering adopting a girl she met just today, but she can see it. As strong as that girl seems, Inko can tell how scared she is, how vulnerable. How meaningful being held with love and warmth, possibly for the first time in her life, had been. How could she abandon someone suffering like that?

Though if Inko is being honest she is also being a little selfish. It felt good to hear the girl say that her aura reading quirk said she is a good person. It makes her feel like less of a failure of a mother. Also having a sister and a friend will be good for Izuku. He had said that she had not cared that he was quirkless, which means the world to the poor boy. So she opens a browser and starts researching what it will take to give that little girl a home.


I wake up to the smell of cooking food. I take a deep breath, enjoying the smell as I feel my stomach growl. I smile, as the feeling of hunger is merely present, not painful or all consuming like it usually is. I get up, creating a cute dress with leggings and a jacket. Unfortunately I haven’t figured out how to do different colors, so it is all the same grayish white. Walking into the kitchen I greet Mrs. Midoriya as I sit in one of the chairs. She puts a plate with a large serving of some sort of eggs and rice dish on the table, giving me a big smile as she does so. I notice she has some large bags under her eyes. “Did you not sleep well?” I ask, voice full of concern. “Also, where is Izuku?”

“I just stayed up late looking up some stuff. Izuku has already left for school, and I thought it would be best to let you sleep in a bit. Once you finish eating, let's get you in a bath, then we can take you to the police.” She tried to inject some cheer into her voice for the last bit, but I still feel really nervous about going to the police. But the bath sounds really nice, I haven’t had one in almost a year!

She helps me out in the bathroom explaining how to use their strange japanese baths. I’m glad she is explaining it though, I would have just gone straight into the tub without rinsing off first. I try to ignore the pity and sadness coming off of her as she looks at my nude form. I am well under a healthy weight, my limbs are thin and you can clearly see my ribs. I’m not quite looking like a holocaust victim, but it is still not a pleasant sight for the kind woman. I think my child's body is also affecting my thoughts as well, because I keep worrying that she won’t want me anymore. It is silly, but it feels like the kind of worries a child would have. It makes me wonder if all of my fears about going to the police will seem equally silly in hindsight. The bath is amazing, but all too soon the water starts to cool and it is time to dry off and head out.

We walk over to a nearby bus stop, taking one to the nearest police station. I kind of would have preferred the privacy of an individual car, but I like how robust the public transport is here. The building itself was just a normal office type building, except with police cars and officers all over the place. As Mrs. Midoriya waits in line to speak to the receptionist, I look around with my soul perception, seeing if I can find someone trustworthy.

Lets see, creepy, greedy, angry, depressed, hmmm, this one isn’t too bad. I might be having too high of a standard, but I am really nervous about being here, so a nice police saint would be great. Oh! Here we go. Kind, honest, earnest. He will do nicely! I grab Mrs. Midoriya’s hand and drag her out of line. I think the receptionist lady yells something after us but I ignore her. We turn the corner and there he is, a plain faced man wearing a tan trench coat. I point to him while looking up at Mrs. Midoriya. She smiles and gives my hand a squeeze before walking up to the man saying, “Excuse me sir? Are you a police officer?”


Thanks so much for all of the hits and kudos, this is the first time I have written anything outside of school. I have actually written quite a bit further ahead, I am not sure yet what my release schedule will be.

Chapter 5: So I Needed That Too, So What?


I'm not a cop, much less a Japanese cop. I'm sure I am getting all sorts of things wrong when it comes to how a real detective and child services worker would do things. Just work with me people!

Chapter Text

The man looks up from a file he is reading saying, “I am Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, pleased to meet you Mrs…”

“Midoriya. I am hoping you can help us out.” She leans in before she starts to whisper, but I still easily hear her with my magically enhanced senses. “I met this girl yesterday. She goes by the name White, and she says she has been horrifically abused and has been living on the streets for almost a year. She doesn’t really trust the police, but she has an aura reading quirk. She would only agree to come in and talk to you guys if she could choose who we would talk to, and apparently she chose you.” About halfway through her little speech the detective's face falls and becomes serious. But what concerns me is the way his soul is behaving. As he gets serious it is like his soul is… observing Mrs. Midoriya. Does he have soul perception too? I thought I am the only one with that!

As she finished explaining he gets up saying, “While this would normally not be my department, there are special circ*mstances at play so I can help you out. If you would please follow me, I am going to take us somewhere where we can talk privately.” Both of them give me a reassuring smile, and then the detective guides us into an interrogation room. He pulls out a pair of chairs for us to sit on, and proceeds to sit on the other side. He finally pulls out a small device. “This is a recorder, it is standard procedure to record statements in these kinds of cases.” He looks at me, both with his eyes and his soul “Now miss White, could you tell me about yourself? Maybe start with your real name?”

I turn to Mrs. Midoriya, “I don’t want to, can you do it?” She looks at the detective who lets out a sigh.

“She can help with some of the hard parts, but I am going to need you to confirm some things. So Mrs. Midoriya, why don’t you start with telling me what she told you.” She turns and gives me a look, wanting my approval. I get out of my chair and climb onto her lap, wanting to be held for this. I give her a whispered ok, and she recounts what I told her to the detective. She holds me close the whole time, stroking my head and back. She pauses a few times and whispers soothing words as I cry in her arms. She also tells the detective how we met, that she wants to adopt me, and how underweight I am. The detective takes notes on his notepad as she talks, I also hear him typing on a laptop a few times. While Mrs. Midoriya and I are in tears, he maintains a professional demeanor, both him and his soul focusing on what the woman has to say. But I can feel that my story is greatly upsetting him.

When she is finally done, he gives us a few minutes to collect ourselves before continuing. “So your mother was being attacked by a man in your home. Is this your mother and the man who attacked her?” He flips his laptop around to show two mugshots, one of EW and one of Mr. Pimp. I nod my head. “Please answer out loud for the recorder. Are these the two people who were fighting?”


“Was there anyone else there?” Both he and his soul look at me intently.


“So while the man attacked her you ran away, correct?”

“Yes.” As the word leaves my lips I see his soul react. It seemed… affronted maybe? The detective’s look sharpens.

“Are you sure there isn’t anything else you did?”

“I’m sure.” Again his soul reacts. “I don’t want to talk about this.” Soul stays normal. “I really need to pee, can I please go to the bathroom?” His soul reacts to the lie. SERIOUSLY?! Half of the reason I didn’t want to go to the police is out of fear of them discovering my status as a reincarnator. And I somehow choose the really nice cop with a FREAKING LIE DETECTOR QUIRK?!

… No way…

So now I am in a room with a human lie detector, while holding some of the greatest secrets in the world. Not great. Besides my soul powers and reincarnation, I also know that the #1 hero can pass on his quirk and I am witness to possible corruption from the Hero Commission. But Detective Tsukauchi looks determined to get to the bottom of this. Stupid me picking an honest, hardworking cop. I stall for time to think. “I don’t want to get in trouble.”

His expression softens. “White, you are just a little kid. No matter what happened you won’t get in trouble.” I’m not worried about getting in legal trouble for killing Mr. Pimp or stealing over the course of the last year. I am worried about how Mrs. Midoriya will react to that news though. I’ve only known her for a day but I have already bonded. If she left me, thought of me as some sort of monster... I’m still in her lap, facing towards the detective. I hesitantly look back at her face. She gives me a gentle smile.

“Don’t worry White, I know you are a good girl. Everything will be fine.” We’ll see about that. Still, I don’t think I can get out of this. So the key is to tell the truth without him feeling the need to ask followup questions. If I can direct the conversation then I can keep him from finding out my most important secrets.

I start to tear up as I speak, voice barely above a whisper, “He said to stay put, that he was going to take care of me, but that was a lie. He wanted to hurt me. I know what he did before, what he wanted to do to me. I had gotten my powers just that day, and I used them to hurt him. I tripped him with my web and he hit his head. I could have left. I could have run away. But he had caused so much pain, what if he got away, what if he had other little girls? I-I-I couldn’t let that happen so I… killed him.” I hear a sharp intake of breath behind me. I climb off of Mrs. Midoriya’s lap, looking up at her horrified face. Nononono, please…

I clutch at my shirt, pulling at it back and forth as I confess, “I just hated him so much. And I know it was wrong. I regret it every day! I can feel it! His blood on my soul. And I can’t get it off! No matter what I do it won’t go away! I scrubbed myself clean again and again and I prayed and I tried to be good but it’s still there!” I didn’t mean to say all that, but it is true. The stains on my soul are still there and it bothers me so much, like an itch I can’t scratch. I can’t get a good look at Mrs. Midoriya’s face. She has her hands over her face, looking at me with weeping eyes. It doesn’t help that my eyes are cloudy with tears as well. Suddenly she moves, sweeping me up into a crushing hug.

She holds me close as she whispers “It’s going to be ok,” again and again in my ear, along with the occasionally added shushing noises. I almost fall asleep as she strokes my back and head, but eventually the detective decides that I have had enough time to calm down.

“Why didn’t you leave it to the police or the heroes?” Stupid detectives and their reasonable questions. I don’t want to be caught up in some big internal investigation. I also still really want to stay beneath the Hero Commission’s radar. Hmmm… oh! That might work.

“Because some of the bad men that she worked for were police and heroes.”

“What makes you think that?”

“A lot of the men had handcuffs like police do. Also the heroes would wear weird costumes, sometimes they would make her dress like a villain so they could pretend to arrest her before taking her to her bedroom to do… other stuff.” That’s right, I’m just a little girl mistaking some cosplay perverts for the real deal. Come on…

He writes down a few more notes. “While we are at it, is there anything else you want to tell me?”

“No.” Huh, his soul reacted a bit to that. “Yes.” No reaction. I guess I really do have a guilty conscience. “I usually ate from trash, but sometimes when I was really hungry I would steal from stores. I hated it but I hated being hungry more.” I’m feeling better but there is still more. “Also sometimes I would tie up people who wanted to hurt me with my webs, but that is against the law, right?” The detective is smiling a little as he nods. I guess there is one last thing. I turn around, looking Mrs. Midoriya in the eye. “I also tricked you. Everything I told you is true but… I know what a whor* is, what sex is, what drugs are… I pretended not to know to seem more innocent, so you would pity me and want to help me. I’m sorry.” I look away, closing my eyes from the look of betrayal that is sure to come.

I feel her hands on face as she gently turns my head back to her. I crack open my eyes to see her giving me a warm smile. She kisses me on the forehead, before hugging me again saying, “I forgive you.” I bask in the feeling of closeness for a while before turning back to the detective.

“I didn’t do anything else bad.” His soul seems fine with my assessment.

He gives me a smile, “White, I want you to know that you are one of the bravest and strongest people I have ever known. I will do whatever I can to make sure you are put into a loving home and have the kind of future you deserve.” I sit up straight at that.

“But I want to stay with Mrs. Midoriya!” Her arms tighten around me.

“I want to keep her if I can.” The detective's soul doesn’t react to that. She wants me! She really wants me! I look up at her and give her the biggest smile of my life. The detective types something on his phone, then looks up at us.

“That should be possible. We are going to have to go over some grown up stuff, so I just messaged an officer to take White to get some food.”

“Don’t you need a bed to do grown up stuff?” Both adults freeze, looking at me with open mouths. I giggle, “I’m kidding, I know you mean paperwork and stuff.” The detective gives me a sad look while she just squeezes me tighter. Ah, I probably shouldn’t be making dirty jokes at my age.

There is a knock on the door, and another officer walks in. “This is officer Sato, she is going to watch out for you while I go over some stuff with Mrs. Midoriya.” He hands her some money, murmuring. “Take her to the bathroom and then let her get whatever she wants from the machines. Keep an eye on her, I’ll text you when I need her.”

Miss Sato extends her hand, guiding me out of the room. I take another look at Mrs. Midoriya, who smiles reassuringly. The officer leads me to a bathroom, saying “Do you need any help?”

“No, I’ve got it.” Closing the door, I sit on the toilet, thinking. Confessing all of that felt good, freeing even. It’s strange, I wasn’t this much of a goody two shoes in my first life. I was a pretty good person, but I had done things I was not proud of and had zero interest in telling people about them. Is this the influence of Hinata’s memories? It definitely isn’t from OG White, she is pretty morally gray. Is it because I can see my soul? I can feel the accumulated filth from killing Mr. Pimp as well as all the theft. Though looking at my soul now, it seems a bit cleaner. Is it guilt then, not actually sin? I’ll have to think on it later.

Right now I have a bigger problem. While I think I was successful in tricking the detective it is really nerve wracking having a lie detector talking to me. His soul was looking at mine, so is it giving off some sort of tell? One that I can control hopefully. I spend the next few minutes in the stall, examining my soul as I mumble alternating truths and lies. Eventually I find it, a small part of my soul that… vibrates? Ripples? I’m going to go with ripples, whenever I lie. The ripples are also more extreme when what I say is further from the truth. If I say my favorite drink is tea, then there are mild ripples. If I say it is coffee (gross) then there are stronger ripples. With a bit of effort I am able to smooth out the ripples of the mild lies, but can’t do anything about the big lies. It’ll have to do for now, the officer outside is starting to get worried.

After reassuring the officer that I am fine, we go and get a bunch of snacks and drinks from the vending machines. It is a lot of fun, trying out all the weird flavors. They sure do like melon flavor here, huh? Eventually officer Sato looks at her phone, saying “Ok White, it looks like they are ready for you.” Time for round 2!

Chapter 6: So I’m a Big Sister, So What?

Chapter Text

Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi sighs, looking over his notes. He did not expect to go through such a harrowing interrogation when he arrived at work this morning. That poor girl… He looks up at Mrs. Midoriya. “That little girl is going to need a warm and loving home, a lifetime of therapy, and even then who knows what sort of psychological problems may crop up. Are you sure you want to adopt her?” Just the way she insists on being called White instead of her given name is concerning. She also never called her mother anything other than ‘her’ which considering what the girl went through is understandable. But still, it is worrying.

Mrs. Midoriya looks him straight in the eyes, “Yes, I want to help her, to take care of her.”

TRUE. “There is something you should know before you make that final decision. On January 14th of this year there was a fire in the apartment of one Yui Yoshida. She and a man named Shuhei Watanabe were found dead after the fire was put out. Both had long criminal records. Autopsies confirmed that neither died in the fire. She was beaten to death. He was strangled to death, the coroner thought it was with a garrotte wire, but clearly it was her web.” He takes a breath. “He wasn’t merely strangled. She had cut completely through his throat and into the bones of his neck. His head was nearly torn off of his body. There was no indication that he struggled while being choked, he was unconscious at the time. I’m not saying she is a bad person, but she IS dangerous. So, I’ll ask again. Are you sure you want to adopt her?

She looks even more determined than before, “Yes”

TRUE. Detective Tsukauchi smiles. “That is very good to hear. In cases like her, someone who has been abused like that and has proven their ability to survive on their own, are considered flight risks. She is much less likely to run away if she is in a home that wants her just as much as she wants to be there.”

She lets out a relieved breath, “So I can keep her?”

He smiles, “That will ultimately be up to child services, but I know some people and my word will carry some weight.”

“Oh? Why is that? If you don’t mind me asking.” She looks worried that she may have overstepped her bounds.

“It’s my quirk, I can tell when someone is lying. I can tell them that you both genuinely want to live together.”

She looks quite moved. After a moment she collects herself saying, “I suppose that is the perfect quirk for a detective. Interrogations must be a simple matter for you.”

He laughs, “Oh it is quite useful, but it can be overcome. Especially if they figure out what my quirk is like White did.” She gives him a startled look. “Yup, it was after she said that she had just run out of her apartment. My quirk told me it was a lie and she reacted. Started alternating between truths and lies to confirm, and then looked panicked. I assume it was the aura reading aspect of her quirk? It’s some power, she is the first person to realize what my quirk is mid conversation.”

Mrs. Midoriya is starting to look concerned, but before she can say anything he holds up a hand, “She didn’t lie after that, she does genuinely feel guilty for the crimes she committed and is already extremely attached to you. But since she knows what my power is she can frame things to be true but not what I really want to know. For example, at the end there she said ‘I didn’t do anything else bad,’ which is true. But she could have done things that are illegal that she considers to be morally ok.”

What concerns the detective the most is what she said about the heroes and the police abusing her and her mom. While her explanation, that it was erotic roleplay, makes sense, she has also shown a talent for misleading adults by pretending to be an innocent little girl. He mentally frowns at the thought. She is an innocent little girl, just not in that way. But she was really nervous, even at the end, when talking to him. She hasn’t done anything wrong, but is still scared that he will uncover something. His detective instincts are screaming at him, she has a secret, something big, something important.

His train of thought is interrupted by Mrs. Midoriya. “Are you going to ask her about it? When can we leave?” She frowns, “Can I even take her with me today?”

“We will need to talk to child services, I’ve already sent them an email outlining the basic situation and they have an agent on the way. And no I don’t plan on asking her any more than I absolutely need to. But one thing I will get us started on is her identity. Her mother does not have any children listed. It is possible that White is not in the system at all.” He sends a text to Officer Sato. “It will be close, but hopefully we can get her in the system in time for her to start school next year.”

The officer opens the door, leading White into the room. She gives a slight bow to the woman and thanks her, before sitting in the empty chair. She looks up at him with those strange pink eyes. “What happens next?”

“We need to confirm a few things for our records. First, I know you prefer to go by White, but what is your real name?”

She frowns, adopting a look of concentration while saying, “She called me Hinata.”

TRUE. “‘She’ being your mother?”

“Yes” TRUE.

Detective Tsukauchi frowns, why does she look so focused for this? Has it just been that long since she has been called Hinata? “Why don’t you want to be called Hinata anymore?”

She gives him a scathing look, “Because Hinata was a victim her whole life, and I don’t want to be a victim.” TRUE.

That sends alarm bells ringing in his head. That sounds dangerously like Dissociative Personality Disorder. He hesitantly asks, “But you are Hinata Yoshida, right?”

Again the look of concentration, “Yes? Who else would I be?” TRUE.

He lets out a sigh of relief. So she is just looking for a fresh start, not creating a new personality. Well, at least as far as he could tell. He should probably mention it in her file for her future psychiatrist. “Do you know your birthday?”

Her face scrunches up. “Maaybe? Ummm… Maybe 8-8-2XXX?” TRUE?

What? Why did his quirk sound uncertain? Even if she is unsure it shouldn’t respond that way.

Mrs. Midoriya smiles, “So you are just about a month younger than Izuku. I guess you will have to call him big brother!” She says with a laugh.

White gives her a bit of a side eye, “Umm, no offense, but Izuku seems to be kind of a wimp, so I’m going to have to be the big sister.” TRUE.

Both adults laugh at that. The detective shakes his head, he must be imagining things. “Now, tell me about your quirk. You can sense auras and make webs, right?”

She puffs her chest out, giving him a proud look. “Yup! My quirk is pretty awesome!” FALSE.

She immediately flinches. So she really can tell when his quirk picks up a lie. He gives her a look, “Is there anything else?”

She looks at her hands. “I’m also really strong and fast. I also have better… what’s the word? Where you can catch stuff even if it is a surprise?”


“Yeah that!” TRUE. She slaps the table as she says it, smiling up at him. He smiles back.

“Is there anything else?” Her face falls, worried again.

“Do I have too? People won’t like it.” Is she worried about having a ‘villainous quirk’?

While the social stigma of villainous quirks is quite high, she has enough other powers that people would never assume she has a villainous fourth or fifth power. But still, this is quite the versatile quirk. “Yes you do, this is for your official quirk registry. Don’t worry though, most people won’t see it.”

She looks nervously at the detective and Mrs. Midoriya before lifting her hand. A strand of webbing extends from one of her fingers. Looking closely he can see the strand is coated in a clear liquid. Her voice drops to a whisper, “I can make poisons and also cure them. But I never used it on anyone!” TRUE.

He lets out another sigh. He understands why she is worried about that. He can already imagine people calling her black widow, blaming her every time someone falls ill. Mrs. Midoriya is stroking the girl's hair. At least she doesn’t seem put off. He is about to move on when he notices White still looks nervous. No… She couldn’t possibly still have more? “Is there anything else to your quirk?” She looks almost panicked, eyes flicking around the room. What could she be hiding about her quirk?

Suddenly she calms down, and then smiles at him, “I can also change the color of my skin!” TRUE. Her skin rapidly goes through the colors of the rainbow before returning to her usual pale self. “This is how I’m supposed to look though, so I don’t change it much.” TRUE.

“And there is nothing else?”

She gives him a victorious smile, “Nope! That’s everything my quirk can do!” TRUE.

It didn’t make sense! Why was she panicking so much over a functionally useless aspect of her quirk? Why did she seem to have a sudden epiphany? But she’s telling the truth, that IS all there is to her quirk. His thoughts are interrupted by the enigmatic little girl. “We have to name my quirk right?! I want it to be called Spider!” That is a fitting name, and goes a long way to explain its many aspects. Animal themed quirks often are multifaceted, though he wouldn’t rule out the possibility that she has two quirks.

Still, he feels like she is trying to move him along. To get him away from a topic she doesn’t want to talk about. Between her weirdness over her quirk and her history with some possibly abusive heroes there is definitely something going on. A thought suddenly strikes him. “White, what do you want to do when you grow up?”

She smiles at him. It is a smile filled to the brim with confidence and determination. “I’m going to be the greatest hero there has ever been! I’m not just going to save people or beat up the bad guys! I’m going to be a symbol, one that brings hope! I’m going to change things. Make them better. To show people that they can be better! So that no one has to go through what I did ever again!” TRUE.

Detective Tsukauchi relaxes as Mrs. Midoriya picks White up in another crushing hug. He recognizes those words. Not the words themselves but the spirit in which they were given. And that smile, so similar to the smile of the his dear friend, the #1 hero himself. While the girl is definitely hiding something, he decides he can let it go. She is a good kid, with a bright future. He can trust that she has good reasons. He gets a message from the receptionist, it is time to get going. Picking up his recorder and turning it off he says “It looks like the person from child services is here. I’m going to go brief them and then they will help you the rest of the way. White, I look forward to seeing you in the top 10 heroes one day.”

“You only need to look at the #1 spot.” She walks around the table and jumps into his lap, giving him a hug. He is a little surprised and feels more than a little awkward as he gives her a stilted hug back. Then she whispers in his ear, “KnuckleMan, Lightning Rod, Spotlight, and Flare Blitz are all bad men.” TRUE. He straightens up in surprise. “Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but I can’t help with this right now. I trust you to bring them to justice.” TRUE. She then scampers off of him to return to Mrs. Midoriya lap.

He gets up, says his farewells, and leaves the room. He talks to the woman being assigned White’s case, giving her the rough outline along with a copy of the relevant notes. Then he sits down at his desk, deep in thought. So she was deflecting when he asked about the heroes that abused her after all. And since she was telling the truth about the heroes being abusive, then she was probably also right about the police too. And since the police were in on it, then they may be helping cover up any misdeeds by the heroes.

No, that’s probably a bit conspiratorial, just because some of them are corrupt does not mean they are coordinating with one another. Still, going at this from official channels may lead to the criminals being warned ahead of time. Detective Tsukauchi starts to appreciate why White is so reluctant to get involved in this. It is going to be a sh*tshow of massive proportions if what she is suggesting is true. He pulls out his phone, sending a text asking for a meeting to All Might. After a few more minutes of consideration, he also sends a request to Nezu, the Principal of UA. This might require some… creative planning.

Chapter 7: So I Have a Home, Shouldn’t Everyone?

Chapter Text

Ahhh… That was so nerve wracking! My trick with calming down my ‘soul ripples’ when lying seems to work fine. I can even say things that are true about Hinata as true for me! I guess because I have her memories and body? But when he started asking about my soul powers I was totally screwed! He just kept asking me again and again if I had more powers. I never intended to reveal that I could make poison with poison synthesis! Then it struck me, I DO have a quirk, skin change! So I used that and told him that’s all my quirk can do. MUHAHAHA!

Detective Tsukauchi seemed to still be suspicious of me though. I suppose he is a detective for a reason. But when he asked me about what I wanted to be and I told him my dream of being a hero that brings change, something changed in him. I think he decided to trust me, even if I was hiding things from him. I hadn’t originally intended to tell him about those ‘heroes’, but changed my mind for two reasons. First, while I no longer want revenge against those who abused Hinata, I do want justice for her. And the thought of those men doing the same things to some other girl is more than I can handle. Second, he is putting his trust in me, and it felt right to do the same. The fact that he didn’t insist on asking more follow up questions shows he is respecting my wish to remain uninvolved. So I will trust in him to get justice for Hinata.

While we wait for the child services agent to speak with us, I am busy with a coloring book brought in by a nice secretary. Jeeze, I haven’t drawn with a crayon in forever. I actually was a graphic designer in my first life, though it was quickly looking dicey as a career with all of that stupid A.I. art being used. While I obviously am going to be a hero career wise in this life, I think I will continue to paint and draw as a hobby. Oooo, and maybe do some sculpting? If I can imitate the OG White’s cutting threads skill I will be able to do some interesting things with that medium. Also, I seem to remember that art therapy is a thing? Because I definitely need some therapy.

This coloring book is pretty boring though, just the top 10 heroes in different heroic looking poses. And Mirko isn’t even in it! Although I think she might not even be a pro hero yet. Eventually the agent steps in, coincidentally her name is also Sato, and she and Mrs. Midoriya start talking. It seems like mostly boring legal stuff, so I ignore them, humming tunelessly as I color in All Might. It will make for a nice present for Izuku. I suddenly notice that the adults have stopped talking. I look up, seeing them both looking at me with smiles. “You are very good at drawing Hinata,” the agent says.

I don’t like her, she seems patronizing. Nothing alarming about her soul though. “Thanks, but I prefer to be called White.”

“Well this is an official proceeding dearie, so it wouldn’t do to call you by some silly nickname Hinata.” Ugh, let’s just get this over with. “Now, I already heard from Detective Tsukauchi that you want to live with Mrs. Midoriya, is that correct?”

“Yes it is.”

“Lovely.” She turns back to Mrs. Midoriya, “There wasn’t anything troubling in the quick background check I performed on the way here, so you are free to take you with her today. I will be seeing you next week to examine your home and ensure that her new living conditions are up to regulations. I have also already made an appointment at the hospital for her to get a full examination. The Doctor there will also be giving you a nutritional guide for her, the poor thing looks starved to death!”

“It’s hard to have a good diet when you are eating from dumpsters,” I mutter.

She looks at me with a condescending smile, “That’s why you don’t eat trash silly.” Nevermind, this lady is obviously a villain! I don’t know how she disguised her soul to make it look normal, maybe her quirk?

Before I could get ready to bring the secret big bad of the My Hero Academia universe to justice, Mrs. Midoriya scoops me up in her arms. “Was there anything else? Because it has been a long day and I want to get this one home.” A little thrill goes through me as she says the word home.

“No, that will be all for today. I will see you next week. Bye Hinata!” She waves as she exits the room. The air feels a bit cleaner, the room a bit warmer, now that the root of all evil is no longer present.

Mrs. Midoriya hugs me closer, “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m just tired… and hungry.”

She whispers in my ear, “She wasn’t bad, was she?”

Sigh, “No, she’s normal. I just didn’t like how she talked to me. Like I was some dumb little kid.”

“Well I know you are a smart little kid” Then she tickles me a bit.

I laugh, “Stop it! And I’m not a little kid! I know all sorts of stuff little kids don’t! Can do stuff little kids can’t!” My voice drops down to a whisper. “Have done things normal people don’t.” Once again I’m wrapped up in a warm hug. I’m seriously getting addicted to these, she is an excellent hugger.

“White you are a little kid. One who has seen and experienced things no one should, but a child nonetheless. I know you are capable, that you are strong, but can you please… just be a little kid? Let me take care of you?”

Once again I tear up. How do I have any left? Is Mrs. Midoriya’s tear quirk contagious? I whisper, “Ok… Mom.” She tears up at that as well. She gets up, grabbing my hand as we head out of the police station. Huh, it felt like we had been in there forever, but it is barely past noon. The bus ride back to the apartment is quiet, but it is comfortable silence. Soon after we arrive Izuku comes back from school. Is it really ok for 6 year olds to be wandering to and from school unsupervised like this? Is this a Japan thing or an anime thing?

Mom (I can’t stop smiling) tells Izuku that I’m going to be living with them from now on as his new sister. Oh the waterwork that inspires. As the living room starts to become a flood zone, I decide to get to the bottom of this. I point to the boy, still producing a literal fountain of happy tears. “I thought you said you were quirkless! But you have your mom’s tear quirk!” There is a moment of silence before Izuku starts chuckling. Mom looks mortified for a moment before she too starts laughing. Soon after that, we are all clutching our sides, howling with laughter.

Once we calmed down again, mom explained, “My quirk is that I can levitate small objects around me. Izuku and I are just good at crying I guess.” She turns towards her son, “So Izuku, are you excited to have a sister?”

Izuku jumps up and down, stars in his eyes, “Yeah! I’ve always wanted a big sister!” I shoot mom a smug look.

“White’s birthday is actually in August, so you are going to be her big brother.”

Izuku puts on a dubious expression, “Are you sure? I think she is going to be more of a big sister.” What is more smug than smug? Whatever it is, that’s what I am right now.

While mom starts working on dinner, I decide to take a nap. I go into my room and jump up onto my bed. My room. My bed. I start to giggle. I have a mom! And a brother! And a dad? Maybe? He hasn’t really come up yet… I’m sure he will soon though. My giggling turns into full on laughter as I roll around in the bed. I have a home!

Chapter 8: So I’m Doing a Timeskip, So What?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It’s been about eight years since then. I’m 14 years old with my second to last year of middle school just ending, and overall things are going quite well. Let’s see… I have yet to meet Mr. Midoriya, who is apparently working overseas. For eight years, without a single break? Izuku and mom treat it as completely normal though. Again, is this a Japan thing, or an anime thing? Or maybe just a Midoriya thing? Well he still pays the bills, so I’m satisfied with the situation.

My adoption went quite smoothly, no hiccups or complications. The doctor’s visit was also excellent, she said aside from being malnourished I was the picture of health. Healing magic, it does a body good.

Therapy has been going well too. It took a few tries until I found someone I liked. None of them were evil, they just weren’t right for me. Originally I was meeting with her once a week, but I managed to eventually convince mom to let me do it once a month instead. I’m now able to mention being homeless for a year in casual conversation without crying! Not so much when talking about Hinata’s err… my abuse. My therapist says it isn’t healthy to talk about those experiences as if they happened to a different person. And while they literally did happen to a different person, I think she is right about this. I still remember it all, it is still a source of trauma for me. I need to be able to confront it. I only have nightmares a few times a month now, mostly about the abuse but occasionally about being homeless. But still I think I am remarkably well adjusted all things considered!

I would say I only have two umm… traits… that I developed from my experiences. The first is that I tend to overeat and hoard food, though thankfully I manage to keep it off my figure. My therapist says this is common with children who were food insecure growing up. That might be it, but honestly it might be my spider self affecting me. I seem to recall the OG White would also hoard food, putting food into extra dimensional storage without even noticing. Then again, she also was constantly worrying about her next meal early on, so…

Secondly, I’m very touchy, especially in Japanese culture. She calls it being touch starved. Touch was definitely my love language in my first life, but this goes beyond that. If I’m walking to school I want to be bumping shoulders with someone, I’ll hug people when meeting them, and I hate sleeping alone. For the first few years I almost never was able to spend the whole night in my own room, ending up in Izuku’s or mom’s bed. I still probably end up in mom’s bed once or twice a month on nights where the nightmares are bad. I had to stop sleeping in Izuku’s bed a few years ago, once he started to… feel things.

Izuku and I’s relationship is quite good. I do genuinely consider him a friend as well as my brother. The problem is, I’m his only friend, and I am also a very pretty girl. So naturally he has a massive crush on me. Not that he is alone in crushing on me, it feels like about half the school is. I was practically being ‘confessed’ to every day by some guy this year. It got so bad that I publicly outed myself as a lesbian. Then I started to get confessions from the girls in class instead. While that was an improvement, I wasn’t really interested in them either. The kids at school feel so immature to me. While I may have a soul that is thirty something years old, I would identify more as a teenager than an adult. Being treated like a kid and having a hormonal young body does make a huge difference. But I do still have a lot of drive and life experience that makes it hard to relate to these girls whose biggest worry is acne. After I rejected a few of the girls, some of the guys got it in their heads that I must be lying about my orientation, so now I get confessed to every week by both boys and girls. Bothersome.

Aside from the relationship drama school has been going really well. It was a bit hard the first year because I was behind when it came to reading Japanese, but now I am solidly the top student. Followed by Kacchan and Izuku in 2nd and 3rd. Math and science are easy because I’ve done them before. Although I think I received an intelligence boost from my spider side as well. I was an honors student (in America, but it still counts) in my first life, but not top of the class. English is also really easy as I am fluent, but I pretend to just have an ear for it. There has been surprising little linguistic drift in the last 200 years or so in this version of America.

History is weird. Everything after quirks appeared is obviously new to me, but even prequirk history can be subtly different. For example, the American Civil War took place 5 years earlier in this version, although all of the important people were the same. So I still needed to really study for that class to not get dates mixed up. Outside of classes I am the president of the art club, which has been a ton of fun but I’m dropping it for my last year in order to train more.

Art club meets three times a week, so the other four days are for training. Once a week I take a martial arts class. So far I have more or less mastered wrestling, jujutsu, and boxing. I also have taken some classes on how to fight with a quarterstaff. OG White used a scythe, but that is probably a bit edgy, not to mention lethal, for my hero career. I never took martial arts in my first life, so maybe I had a talent for it then, because I am picking this stuff up super easily. More likely this is my spider side coming in clutch.

However I’m starting to think I’m going to need to focus on making my own style. All of these martial arts were designed for humans fighting humans, not super-humans. All sorts of assumptions no longer work when superstrength, speed, and who knows what other powers get involved. Still, it creates a good foundation for me to build off of.

Two of my training days just involve working out, lifting weights, cardio, yoga, etc. I think the way my magic enhancements work is a sort of multiplier of my actual strength, so keeping fit is a must. I try to involve Izuku in my training, with middling results. He has been semi-consistently taking boxing classes after I pointed out that All Might’s fighting style is mostly based on boxing. But I’m barely able to drag him to the gym once a week.

I don’t get it, he wants to be the world’s first quirkless hero right? Shouldn’t he be like Batman, endlessly pushing his limits so that he can stand against gods and monsters? It’s like he thinks that by just daydreaming hard enough he will succeed or something. To be honest I find it kinda… disappointing. I think it is his quirk obsession at work. To him quirks are everything, and since he is quirkless he is nothing. Ah well, I know he shapes up dedication wise once All Might gives him his quirk.

Though now that I think of it, that may not happen anymore. I have undoubtedly affected his life, so maybe now the circ*mstances won’t line up for him to even meet the #1 hero. I’m not sure how it happens so I can’t engineer it to take place, for him or myself. I have to admit, having All Might’s power is tempting, but I can make it to the top without it so I’d rather let Izuku have it. I wouldn’t turn it down if I was offered it though… I guess I’ll just let the cards fall where they may.

My fourth day of training, which is on our day off from school, is spent mostly working on my powers. In the mornings I train together with Kacchan. We help each other out, acting like training dummies/test subjects for the other. After lunch we split off to work on our own, so that is when I get magic practice in. But I also use it to practice some secret moves for our next sparring match.

Kacchan and I spar in the morning of the first Sunday of every month instead of working on our powers. And yes I know his real name, I call him that to bug him. When I first started living here he kept challenging me to rematches every day. Eventually I told him I would fight him on the first Sunday of every month as long as he and his goons stopped bullying Izuku.

I actually (sadly) consider him to be my best friend. Mom doesn’t count. We don’t hang out too often outside of training though, I am just too busy to spend time watching movies or going to the arcade. While he is certainly abrasive, he also has that same drive to win as I do. And he is a genius when it comes to combat, so sparring with him is helping me become the best hero I can be. He has also calmed down quite a bit since the early days, I assume because he has an ‘equal’ now.

Turns out mom and Mrs. Bakugo are friends so we have a big group dinner at least once a month, with me acting as a mediator between Kacchan and Izuku. They can behave cordially with each other, but I can tell it hurts Izuku that they aren’t the friends they once were. Speaking of Mrs. Bakugo… guide damn, what a babe. I had seen art of her in my past life but I thought she was Kacchan’s sister, not mom! Definitely my first crush in this life. Sadly she is happily married, so she is off the table. NTR is a trash fetish people! I can literally see in their souls how much they love each other, it would be a crime to try and mess that up.

While I am on the topic of seeing souls, I should probably clarify a few things. Looking at my own soul is different than looking at others. For my own soul, it is like having an extremely detailed 3D model. I can zoom in, look through different layers, and even manipulate it to some extent like when I tricked that lie detector quirk. I understand what the Guide meant by reading souls being better than reading minds. Just studying my own soul has led me to learn alot about myself. While I know how that lie detection quirk works, I have no way of replicating it on other people. Compared to the clarity I can look at my soul, other souls look like really blurry pixelated old jpegs. I can make some guesses about what the image is, but nuance and detail are very difficult. I don’t have a prayer at detecting the ‘soul ripples’ in someone else when they are lying. I mostly just get their current emotions plus a general feel for their character. Although recently the ‘image’ of other souls has started to get clearer, probably because my soul is getting stronger.

Speaking of souls and quirks, I am now working on the theory that all quirks are part of their souls. Detective Tsukauchi’s quirk is obviously part of his soul, but I’ve started to notice a slight… something, in people’s souls whenever they activate their quirks. It makes sense to me. In I’m a Spider, So What? there is a system that gives people levels and stats, but the actual power of the stats and skills and stuff is coming from the user’s souls. The system is basically a crutch/training wheels for using the soul instead of using it freely like I do. So I think quirks are just a way for people to instinctively use the power of their soul in a very specific way. I can’t prove it either way right now, but I think some developments I’ve made point towards it being true.

I’ve discovered that I do not actually need to use runes when using magic! So now I can throw lightning bolts and heal injuries without giant glowing symbols all around me, just by willing it to happen! The downside is that it takes a lot more soul energy to do it that way, like 50 times the energy. Also it takes waaay more focus. I can fire off 10 black magic bullets at once when using runes, but only 1 without. So the only practical use I have found for this new skill of mine is subtly healing myself and others. I already have an improbably long list of powers in my ‘quirk,’ I don’t want anyone to find out I can do more until I have uncontested strength and a bunch of loyal allies at my back. But if I can use magic without the respective runes, maybe I could use quirks without their respective… quirks?

Finally, there are my web powers. Progress with cutting webs has been slow. The most I can cut through in one strike is a pencil. It would be relatively useless without my poison, with which I can coat my webs at will. So that is a fairly strong combo. Impact web is interesting. With a single strand I can only inflict as much force as a flick. A non superpowered flick that is. However, if I form a whip out of the threads and use that, I can send people flying. While I don’t love the idea of me being typecast as some dominatrix (even if it is true), it is too useful to pass up on. Currently it is my most reliable mid range weapon. Long range is pretty much non-existent for me right now, aside from throwing a ball of web there is nothing I can do without magic. Up close is my martial arts and using individual threads.

I’ve also made quite a bit of progress on non-combat applications for my web. OG White was able to make lifelike dolls that look and feel like real people, and while I am nowhere near that level, I figured out how to do different colors and textures with my silk! Now all of my clothes are made by me, so I get to keep my clothes budget as allowance. I can make webs that last for about 20 minutes before they start disintegrating, useful for whenever I beat up Kacchan. I can also make webbing that lasts more or less forever, but I choose not to. I don’t want textile companies bothering me, so I pretend that 2 days is the maximum amount of time my webs last, and that I can reset that time limit by being near them for my clothes and bedding.

The school year is basically over, meaning it is March. Yup, the Japanese school year runs from April to March… Anywho, the only major event left for me this school year is something for the art club. My piece was selected to represent the school in a regional middle school art competition/exhibition. The event is being hosted at some fancy rich school, and I will be attending to present my painting. While I’ve really enjoyed art club, I am ready for it to be over. Next year it will be time to kick my training up to the next level!


In case it wasn't obvious, this fic is like 99.9% MHA. Spider is pretty much only there to be the basis of her powers.

Chapter 9: So I Met a Waifu, You Jealous?


I did a little editing of the last chapter. I changed the bit saying that she is mentally in her 30s to "While I may have a soul that is thirty something years old, I would identify more as a teenager than an adult. Being treated like a kid and having a hormonal young body does make a huge difference. But I do still have a lot of drive and life experience that makes it hard to relate to these girls whose biggest worry is acne." I changed it for two reasons. First, because I think it more accurately portrays my character. She very much acts like a teenager, so saying she is mentally an adult is not true. It also makes it a bit less creepy when she starts dating some of her classmates. Speaking of which...

Chapter Text

Momo Yaoyorozu lets out a sigh of relief, having finally escaped the mob seeking her attention. As the top student of the school, she is used to some attention, but today during the art exhibition her school is hosting, there is a more mercenary angle. Her parents are well known for being patrons of the arts, so many people were trying to use her to get to her parent’s financial assets. The rest were probably there to get an eyeful of her personal ‘assets’. The last year had brought quite the growth spurt for the young heiress, she is now more ‘developed’ than most adults, let alone other students. Her face flush from the shame of all of those leering men ogling her, she starts to walk down an aisle, looking at the various submissions on display.

While to her knowledge there is not a theme for this competition, there definitely is one amongst the art itself. Heroes. Almost every painting, drawing, and statue depicted a hero in some way. Momo respects and admires heroes greatly, she even aspires to be one, and yet something about this feels off. It feels… shallow, vapid even. Then she notices one painting in particular. At first glance it looks just like all of the others, All Might standing victorious over a defeated villain, a crowd of adoring fans cheering him on. But something seems different to her, like she is missing something. She looks at the title, ‘Those Beneath Notice,’ by Hinata ‘White’ Midoriya. So apparently the artist thinks she is missing something too.

After a few minutes of studying the painting Momo thinks she sees what she had missed. But if so, she is not sure if she agrees with the message. Suddenly she feels like she is being watched, but the feeling is not uncomfortable. It is actually somehow… reassuring.

“Do you like it?” Momo starts at the sound, turning to see a stunning girl next to her. She wears her perfectly fitted school uniform like it is the height of fashion, while her white braided hair pulled over her shoulder has an effortless elegance to it. Her etiquette teachers would kill to have half this girl's grace. And there is something about the way her pink eyes look into her own. Like she is truly being seen, as the individual Momo Yaoyorozu, not as an heiress or as an object of lust. A few seconds go by before she realizes she has not responded, lost in those pink orbs.

Momo blushes in embarrassment, saying “Ahem, I am no expert, but the technique and composition seem excellent. I am not sure if I agree with the message though.”

“Oh?” The girl takes a step closer, now standing shoulder to shoulder with the heiress as they both look at the painting.

“Y-y-yes. There are two people in trouble, the homeless woman and the heteromorphic teen who is being bullied. The artist is saying that heroes should be doing more to help people like them. But it is a hero's job to stop villains, right?”

The girl makes a thoughtful noise, “Hmmm… while that is certainly part of their job, at it’s core isn’t it the job of heroes to save people? And there are five people in need of saving in my painting.” She turns to face Momo, extending her hand, “The name is White, nice to meet you.”

Momo shakes the offered hand awkwardly, “Momo Yaoyorozu, a pleasure. And five people?” How could she miss more than half of them?

“Ah, sorry about the handshake, we like to joke that my father must have been American.” She bows slightly in apology.

“It is fine. Why wouldn’t your mother tell you who your father is?” Mentally Momo immediately starts beating herself up. Obviously this is a sensitive subject.

White lets out a snort, though she makes it seem cute rather than undignified. “I doubt my mother knew either.” Before Momo can put her foot in her mouth again White continues, “You correctly spotted two of the five, would you like me to explain my painting?” Momo nodded in agreement. “First I will start with the heteromorphic teen. She is the one I have the least confidence in portraying well, as she is the only person whose struggle I’ve depicted that I do not have personal experience with. Their struggle is plain to see, they look inhuman, and are thus often treated as less than human. I’d ask one if they think I am overstating this, but there doesn’t seem to be a single heteromorph in the building. I suppose there weren’t any who were interested in the arts or wanted to attend this fine school.”

The last sentence was spoken with obvious sarcasm. At first Momo was mildly offended at the insinuation, but then she realized she could not recall seeing a single heteromorph attending the school. There weren’t even any obvious mutations aside from some oddly colored hair or eyes; everyone at her school could pass for pre-quirk humans.

“Then there is the homeless woman.”

“Do you know someone who was homeless?”

White turns to face her, “Yes, me. I was a homeless orphan at the age of five for about a year before being adopted by my current family.”

Momo feels her jaw hang open in shock, “But why? Why not go to the police? Or the heroes?” A year? At the age of five!

A pained look crosses her face. “I would rather not talk about it, but suffice to say I had my reasons to distrust them.” She turns back to the painting, though Momo feels like she is not really looking at it. “You want to know one of the worst things about being homeless? The apathy. I could sit at a corner, shivering in the cold, starving, and only one in a hundred people would even notice me. And the ones that did notice? Most would give me a look of pity, and then move on with their life. ‘It’s not my problem’ they’d say. ‘Poor thing’ they’d say. The only ones I hated more were the ones that saw me, and saw an opportunity, a resource to be exploited.” By the end of her speech, White’s voice is barely a whisper, causing Momo to lean in to hear, equally enthralled and horrified by what she is hearing.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you, and for asking.”

White snaps out of her trance, gracing Momo with a slight smile. “It’s fine, my therapist says it is good that I can speak about it. Helps me move on or something. And besides, the story has a happy ending! I love my new family to pieces, and the experience helped make me the person I am today. So the next person in need of saving is that man there.” She points to a man in the middle of the crowd.

Momo takes a look at him. He seems just the same as everyone else, looking at All Might with admiration. Wait, there is maybe something else there… is that longing maybe? “Is he gay?”

White sputters, turning an incredulous look at her, “What makes you think that?”

Momo smirks, it was fun breaking her composure like that. “The way he is looking at All Might. Everyone else is full of admiration, but he is also looking at him with longing.”

White blushes, muttering “Well they say that artists put a piece of themselves into their art.”

“You mean…” She’s in love with All Might?

“Yes, I’m gay.” Now it is Momo’s turn to sputter and look incredulous. “What did you think I was going to say?” White asks, the picture of confusion.

“That you were in love with All Might!”

“What? No! He is like 50. And also male, which is a deal breaker because again, lesbian here. Anyway, to get why he is looking at All Might with longing you need to look at the people near him.” She takes a look at them. They are all glancing at the third man with… fear?

“They fear him? Why?”

“Fear and hate, yes. Because of his quirk. He has a so-called ‘villainous quirk’.”

Momo looks at her, “You said you have experience with this, so…”

White looks her in the eyes, unflinching, “I have a rather multifaceted quirk, but two parts usually make people uncomfortable. My quirk is called Spider. I can change the color of my skin, I have superhuman strength, toughness, and reflexes, and I can do this.” She holds out her hands, a beautiful spider web forming between them in an instant. ‘She’d make a great hero’ Momo thought. “Those are the parts of my quirk that people find palatable. Next is aura sense. I can sense the emotions and the general character of those around me.” Momo suddenly feels vulnerable, exposed. “It isn’t as invasive as you are probably thinking, there are people who are trained to read body language that could do the same thing I am. I just do it instinctively.” Momo relaxes slightly, is that why she feels so seen around her? Because she is being seen for who she really is?

“Your aura is lovely by the way.” She blushes at the complement. “And finally I can do this.” She extends one finger, letting a single strand of silk extend from it. Looking closely Momo notices that it is coated in something. “I can also create poisons, from mild irritants to deadly neurotoxins.” Momo hastily takes a step back, a feeling of horror coming over her. White is looking at her, a sad smile on her lips. “And there it is, the fear inspired by ‘villainous quirks’.”

Momo feels ashamed, and embarrassed. Especially because she knows White can sense her emotions. Still… “Is it not natural to fear something dangerous?”

“Sure, but that’s not what is really happening here. For example, what is your quirk?”

Not sure where this is going, she answers, “My quirk, Creation, allows me to create any nonliving thing using lipids from my body as long as I understand the atomic structure.”

White nods her head, “An extremely useful and versatile quirk. I can’t imagine the amount of dedication and focus it takes to use effectively.” Again Momo blushes at the compliment. People rarely appreciate how difficult her quirk is to use. They think of it as some magical 3D printer, just type what you want and there you go. They don’t think about the hundreds of hours of studying, or how difficult it is to focus on multiple different elements and molecules when creating something complex. “While I am unaware of the atomic structure of my poisons, if you were to learn them you could make them too, right?”

Momo froze at the implication. “That’s not to mention all of the weapons you could make. Firearms, missiles… How much of an atomic bomb do you think you could make right now?” Just off the top of her head she could likely make all of the components, it's not like the atomic structure of uranium is a secret. Assembling it however… “I imagine with the right knowledge, there are a hundred ways you could kill everyone in the building faster than I ever could with my poisons. And yet, I bet no one has ever looked at you with fear when you explained how your quirk works.”

She was right. Wonder, awe, admiration, envy. Those were the looks she was used to inspiring. Given time and knowledge, she could do all sorts of horrible things, but no one ever just assumed she would. White is giving her a knowing look. “‘Villainous quirks’ aren’t feared for being dangerous. They are feared for being creepy or unpalatable. The man is looking at All Might with longing, because he wishes to be like him. To be admired for his capacity for violence, not feared.”

Momo wants to sink through the floor at this point, but powers through to continue the conversation. “Is it like that for you? At your school?”

“In a way. The majority of my classmates actually admire me, or at least their idealized version of me. I’m the top of my class, attractive, and have a powerful quirk. But they ignore the parts of me they don’t like. Whenever someone brings up the poisons I can make, they gloss over it and move on. They pretend that my poisons, a part of who I am, do not exist.”

“A small percentage of the students do fear and hate me. They think that I am presenting a pleasing facade that hides a malevolent, sad*stic monster. Every time someone falls ill they whisper that the ‘White Widow’ has claimed another victim. Last year it got so bad that the police had to be brought in; thankfully they were able to clear my name.” Momo feels a rush of sympathy. “Oh it isn’t too bad, I do have some genuine friends that like me for me, and a few true friends are all that you really need.”

Again she feels embarrassed for being read like that, but she also feels envious. To be able to know if her friends were true, not people trying to use her for her money or looks... To move past her dark thoughts, she asks, “So who is the fourth person in need of saving?”

White gives her a look full of sympathy before saying, “The next person I don’t expect anyone to spot.” She points to a member of the cheering fans. “He is inspired by my brother. He’s quirkless.”

Chapter 10: So I Made a Friend, So What?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Momo gasps in shock. To be born quirkless nowadays? “He is the 3rd ranked student in my year, and yet he is treated as worthless. The teachers ignore him, the students mock him. The only reason he is not outright bullied is because of me and my influence. The whole thing is ridiculous. The vast majority of quirks are useless parlor tricks. And yet the kids who can pull their eyes out of their sockets or blow steam out of their ears look at him like he is nothing. In some ways he is even worse off than those with ‘villainous quirks’ because at least their peers think they are capable of something. You have one of the most versatile quirks I have ever heard of, and yet you would be no better off than him in most jobs. If you were both accountants the only advantage you would have is that you could replace your broken stapler! The whole situation is just so infuriating…”

White suddenly stops talking, clearing her throat. “Apologies, the topic can get me a little heated.”

“I understand, it is good to know that he has his big sister taking care of him.” It is actually very sweet.

White smiles at her, “Well someone has to look after the dummy. Anyway, as for the final person, I’ll give you a hint, he is towards the center of the painting.”

Momo looks at the painting, “Is it All Might?” White gives her a thoughtful look.

“I hadn’t considered it, but you may be right. While there is obviously no physical threats to the #1 hero, he is ultimately just a man. Who knows what burdens he carries in his heart? We’ll call him the secret sixth person in need of saving. But I actually meant the man beneath his feet.”

“The villain?” Momo asks in shock.

“Yes. Take a closer look at him. See him not as a villain, but as a person.” She does as she asked, studying the painting closely. It does not take her long to realize what White is aiming for.

“He is starving.”

“Yes, he is starving, his clothes are worn out and threadbare. If you look at the money he stole it is only a few thousand yen. This is not the act of a greedy man, but of a desperate one.”

“That doesn’t make it right for him to steal.” Once again White is giving her that sad smile of hers.

“No, it is still wrong to steal. But I cannot truly find myself blaming him either. Hunger is a terrible thing Momo Yaoyorozu. It claws at you, consuming your every thought, growing more and more powerful by the hour. And the worst part is knowing that it doesn't have to be this way. There is more than enough food in the world for everyone, and yet millions go to sleep every night with an empty belly. When I was homeless I experienced many terrible things. The fear, the cold, the loneliness. But it is the hunger that still haunts me. I mostly fed myself dumpster diving, but it was not enough. It was never enough. So once or twice a week, I would steal from a store. By definition I was a villain. I knew it was wrong, and I hated doing it. But I hated going a third day in a row without ever feeling full even more.”

As she finishes speaking White looks at her painting, her expression distant. Momo is not sure what to say. She does not even know what to think. Her life has been so different from White’s. She cannot imagine going through all of that… her thoughts are interrupted by a polite cough behind them. Turning around, Momo sees her family’s butler. “Young miss, your mother wanted to inform you that she has saved you a seat, the presentations are about to begin.”

Momo turns to White and gives her a slight bow. “Thank you White for explaining your painting, it was very thought provoking.” White gives her a bright smile.

“It was my pleasure Momo. Perhaps we can continue after the presentations, I enjoyed speaking with you.”

Momo is a little shocked at being addressed so casually, but decides she kind of enjoyed it. “I would like that.” As she turns to leave White calls back to her.

“One final thought. You asked earlier if it was the heroes’ responsibility to help those people. But they don’t need a great hero with a powerful quirk to save them. They just need a good person to reach out with a helping hand.”

As she follows her butler to meet with her parents, Momo is lost in thought. While she knew of most of the issues White brought up in the abstract sense, having met someone who had gone through those struggles is something else entirely. She is not naive, she knows she has an easy life. Her family is one of the wealthiest in Japan, in the world for that matter. A part of her even feels guilty. What White said about being hungry is not something the young heiress can relate to in the slightest. Nevermind not going to bed hungry, Momo can not recall ever going more than a few hours without at least having a snack. The closest she comes to being truly hungry was when she wakes up in the morning ready for breakfast. A breakfast prepared for her by professional chefs at that.

She also thought about what it meant to be a hero. She has wanted to be one her whole life. She has spent many hours daydreaming about saving the day, stopping some terrible villain with a clever application of her quirk. About being able to always have just what is needed in some disaster zone. But now, something about those daydreams feels off. Like she is missing something. Hollow. She now realizes that she could do more, help more. She still wants to be a hero, but that word has a broader meaning now. It’s funny, but that ten minute conversation with a random middle schooler has made Momo put more serious thought into her future career than a half dozen meetings with professional career counselors.

While she is thinking, student after student comes up onto the stage and makes short three minute presentations about their pieces. She pays them little mind, except when White came on stage for her painting. While she gave a greatly truncated version of the talk she had earlier, she did not bring up her own quirk or hardships, Momo could not help but notice the crowd's reaction. They were generally dismissive of White’s message. They scoffed when she brought up the plight of the desperate villain or those with villainous quirks. A few outright laughed when she brought up the quirkless. It does not sit right with the young heiress. While admittedly the format of the presentation left White unable to expound on her points as well as she had earlier, Momo felt the presentation still is thought provoking. White is able to smoothly finish her presentation, ignoring the hecklers with grace.

Finally, after the last presentation the judges, who had seen pre-recorded videos of the presentations beforehand, came up to give out various awards. To Momo’s great disappointment, White only receives 3rd place. Her mother notices her disappointment. “Are you ok dear? You’ve hardly said a word today, and the only time you paid attention was when that Midoriya girl was making her presentation.”

Her face flush with embarrassment for her lack of decorum being noticed, she responds, “I spoke with her earlier. I had hoped she would place higher.”

Her father scoffs, “It is no surprise. People do not enjoy being lectured by a naive child with no idea how the world works.” She bites back the angry retort that comes unbidden. White is young, and may be naive, or at least idealistic. But Momo feels she has plenty of experience to back up her views.

Keeping careful control of her voice, she responds, “I had the chance to speak with her at length so she could explain her work. I feel the format of the presentation did her no favors.” She apparently did not do a good enough job keeping her voice even, as her father looks back at her with a frown. Seeing that she is upset, he tries to inject some cheer into his voice.

“Well then, perhaps we can speak with her about it now. I would love to get the full picture.” For a moment Momo feels grateful and excited. Then a creeping doubt comes over her. Did White plan this? Did she recognize Momo and spoke to her just to try to make connections? It is a constant worry for the young woman, all too often new ‘friends’ would get upset that Momo is not paying for everything.

They found White by her painting, she appears to be preparing to store it for travel. “Congratulations on getting third, although I have to admit part of me feels you were robbed.”

She looks up with a smile, “Thank you, but I wouldn’t worry about it. Both first and second place were excellent pieces on a technical level, even if I feel they were a bit uninspired. Art is a very subjective thing, and both artists and their critics are fond of making bold statements. Perhaps I did not get first because of how subversive my work is, or perhaps I only received an award because of how subversive it is.”

Momo’s father smiles at that, “That is a very mature way to look at things young lady. And looking at your work in person I have to agree with Momo that it is something special. If you would like, I can put you in contact with some gallery owners who would love to display your piece.”

Momo’s heart sinks a little as White smiles. “Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu I presume?” She gives a bow, “Thank you for your words and your offer, but I will have to decline. I plan on keeping this one, a reminder of where I have been and what I am striving towards.”

Both of her parents look surprised by the rejection. Momo cannot help but feel a bit giddy, she had not tried to use her for her connections! Finally her mother resumes the conversation. “Well then, perhaps next year? We look forward to seeing what else you paint.”

“Unfortunately this was my last year in the art club. I am quitting to focus on my training.”

That is shocking for Momo to hear, “Training? For what?”

White nods with a slight smile. “Yes, training. I need to work hard to ensure my place in the UA hero course.”

“UA! That is where I am going! But wait, I thought…” Momo lowers her voice, “I thought you do not like heroes.”

White shakes her head, “While I do think the system is flawed, with too much focus on flashy popular heroes, their work is important. Villains need to be stopped, people need to be saved. I just think they should be doing more than that. For better or worse our society admires, practically worships, heroes. If I want to bring real change to the world then it needs to be as a hero. Let’s see them laugh at the quirkless when the new #1 hero is supporting them!” By the end of her speech, she has a determined look in her eye. Then she looks at her phone, frowns and says, “As much as I would like to continue, I need to hurry to catch my train.”

“We could drive you to the train station,” Momo says, shooting her parents a pleading look. But before they could respond one way or another, White refused.

“While I appreciate the offer, I would not want to impose. Besides, I am sure your parents would like to speak to some of the other artists here.” Quickly packing up, she gives them a bow. “Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu, thank you for your time and generous offer. Momo, I look forward to seeing you at UA” With that, she gives a brief hug to Momo, who blushes at the feeling of their bodies pressing together, and walks away. Mrs. Yaoyorozu gives her daughter a teasing smile.

“Momo huh? And a hug?”

Momo, still blushing furiously, replies, “She said she is part American, you know they are less formal.” An hour later they are in one of the family limos, heading back to their manor. Her father is on the phone talking about some upcoming board meeting. Her mother is reading some boring looking document beside him. Momo is busy chiding herself mentally for not asking for White’s number. Of course, it would be easy for Momo to get her number, she only needs to ask and one of the family servants would have it tracked down within an hour. ‘But wouldn’t that be rude? I bet she would be offended. But she is rather forward as well, maybe she would admire my daring?’ She thought in circles the whole ride home. By the time she entered her room she was no closer to making a decision. As she was getting ready for bed, she felt something incredibly soft in her bag.

Pulling it out, she sees a white square of silk with pink writing on it. It said, “Forgive me if this is too bold, but I thought it was sad to end our conversation there. I truly enjoyed our discussion and would love to continue talking with you. I look forward to seeing you next year in the hero course, it will be nice to already have a friend at the start of the semester.




My silk begins to disintegrate after a few days, so I would suggest you save my number before then.”

Momo lets out an unladylike squeal of delight, swiftly saving the number written underneath the message on her phone. She almost texted her right away, but ultimately decided to wait for the morning. Finishing her preparations for bed, she lay down, holding the scrap of silk against her cheek. Her last thought before falling asleep is that it would feel amazing to be completely covered in White’s silk.


I have read a lot of MHA fanfics, and one of the common trends, especially if it is an isekai, is that the protagonist will go about things the "smart way". This usually means that they are manipulative assholes who are ruthless killers and use their future knowledge for their own benefit. White is a bit of a Mary Sue, I know, but I think these two chapters are important to illustrate the difference between her and the characters from other fics and from the canon heroes in the world. She doesn't want to just save people, she wants to bring about societal reforms. Part of how she accomplishes this will be by being a positive role model, but she also has plans to make sweeping changes once she has more power. How? Read on to find out!

Chapter 11: So I Gave Him a Fetish, So What?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ahhh, what a lovely spring day. It is nice and warm, the sun is shining brightly, and the trees are all covered with new growth. But what really is making me happy is the fact that Momo has been texting me! I was super shocked to see her at the art competition. I could barely keep myself from gawking at her (she really is gorgeous), and I could not stop blathering on about every thought that came into my head. But she didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I think she liked it. Maybe she even likes me!

I’m practically skipping through the woods on the way to our secret training area, Kacchan right beside me with noticeably less pep in his step. It is time for our monthly sparring match. When I started humming he finally had enough. “What’s got you so damn cheerful?”

“I met someone at my art thing! She is super beautiful and cool and smart and she is going to UA next year too! We exchanged numbers and have been texting all week!” I giggle like the schoolgirl I am. I feel a flash of jealousy from him. Whoops. He is another one of my admirers, although unlike many of the other guys in class he does believe me when I say I’m into girls. In his own brash way he even supports me, yelling at the other guys to get over me. Still, I usually try not to flaunt it in his face. Unfortunately apologizing would only make him angrier, so I hold my silence as we reach a slight clearing in the woods.

We change things up, sometimes we spar in open fields, sometimes in densely packed woods. Generally speaking, open areas are to his advantage while closed ones are to mine. Either way though, he has never won one of our spars, which I know infuriates him. I have had a few close calls however. That just pushes him to work harder, which means I have to keep it up to stay ahead. Classic rival stuff.

As we start to stretch before the match I break the silence. “Oh did you tell your mom sorry for me for missing the last dinner?” Usually nothing would keep me from visiting Auntie Mitsuki, but the art contest was on the same day.

Kacchan scoffs, “You can tell the old hag yourself!”

I shake my head sorrowfully, “What have I said about calling Auntie an old hag? She is a beautiful woman in the prime of her life! With lively red eyes, a warm smile, incredible curves…” I get lost in a well worn daydream.

He stops stretching to glare at me. “I told you to stop thirsting after my mom!”

I laugh, taking a combat stance. “Maybe I will when she stops being an S Tier MILF!”

With a roar he charges me, explosions increasing the speed of his approach. I send out threads, coming at him from different angles, all of them coated in a paralyzing poison. His explosions blast them away, burning the inflammable webs. With a tsk, I start to pull back, trying to keep distance from the bomber. It seems that my latest experiment to make my webs flame resistant was a failure. I leap into a tree, running from branch to branch to keep him out of range. But he is surprisingly fast, launching himself into the air with an explosion.

Within a split second he is right behind me, ready to send me flying with a blast. A little known fact about my webs. While I usually make my webs from my hands, both because it feels more natural and because it looks badass, I can actually create them from anywhere on my body. With that in mind, I shoot some web at the trunk of a nearby tree from my ankle, pulling with my leg as it connects. As Kacchan creates a large explosion where I was an instant before, I land on the ground, forming two whips in my hands.

By the time he corrects his course, I am ready to go on the offensive. I swing both whips at him, one high and one low. He tries to blast them away, successfully for the one going low, but only manages to damage the one aimed high. About half of the web is burnt, but it still hits his arm. My impact web ability acts as a force multiplier, so the hit which should have just moderately stung instead hit with enough force to stagger him.

Reforming the whip in my left hand while reinforcing the one in my right, I continue the onslaught. He puts up an admirable defense, managing to dodge or blast away more than half the blows. What’s more, even the hits I do land are not clean ones. He always manages to position himself to disperse the blow. After a minute of this he manages to clear enough space for him to retreat, weaving through the trees to get a breather. However I had already won. One of my recent developments is a paralytic poison that can be absorbed through the skin. It takes like 50 times as much poison when compared to the stuff I put on my cutting threads, but I’ve landed enough hits that he should start feeling the effects soon.

A moment later I hear a furious “Dammit!” coming up ahead. It seems he noticed. I leisurely walk in his direction, whips at the ready in case he tries one last desperate attack. I push my soul sight in his direction, he is obviously angry and frustrated, but he is also determined. Yup, he is ready to do something big. I grab a rock from the ground, throwing it at an angle from him. He hears the noise and screams “Die!” launching a truly impressive explosion. Seriously, I think he felled a few trees with that.

I rush forward, swinging both whips at him once he is in range. Still sluggish from my poison and the kickback from his blast, he is unable to react in time to stop both whips hitting him in the chest. He is smashed into the ground, and ten seconds later he is in a cocoon, suspended a few centimeters off the ground with only his head exposed.

I touch his forehead, curing him of my poison with magic. “And there we have it. White 102, Kacchan 0. You know, at this point I’m starting to wonder what your real motivation for challenging me is.” I lean in, speaking in a stage whisper, “Admit it, you just want to get tied up by a pretty girl.”

“Shut up dammit!” He is angry from my teasing, but also a little embarrassed and… aroused. Whoops, I think I may have awakened something in him. Unfortunately for him, I am only interested in tying up girls in a sexual way. I wish him the best of luck in exploring his new kink!

I am about to continue teasing him when he starts crying. “Dammit Dammit Dammit Dammit! Why? Why can’t I beat you?!” I almost made a joke there but… This isn’t his usual brashness or hotheadedness. There is something else going on in his mind. Something… bitter.

With a sigh I release him from his cocoon, instead making two swings to sit on underneath the branch. “What’s wrong Katsuki?”

He takes a look at the swing next to me but remains standing. “I told you what’s wrong, I can’t beat you!”

“I have almost every advantage in a fight against you in this type of terrain. I have better mobility, sensory abilities, and can turn a series of light hits into a victory thanks to my poisons. Your explosions are only moderately effective against my webs. In short, I am a bad matchup. Against an opponent immune to poison or someone with a fire quirk like Endeavor, you would be far more effective than me. Everybody has a weakness. There is always a paper to your rock”

He looks at me for a moment before sitting down. “All Might doesn’t.”

“He certainly has fewer than most. But there are bound to be a few flaws in his defense.”

He scoffs, “Oh yeah Miss #1? Name one person who has a chance of beating him.”

“Midnight. If she can get him in a place where he couldn’t simply blow away her knockout gas.”

“Of course you would choose her, you damn horny…” he mutters something unintelligible.

Hey, I resent that! “Miss Joke would also cause him a lot of problems. The point that while a physical confrontation is pointless, a mental or sneaky quirk will still work on him. He is the strongest hero the world has ever known and even he is not unbeatable.”

He reluctantly accepts my point. “Still, I’m supposed to be the best! I need to be the best!”

“Who says that you are the best? Have these people not met me?” I try to lighten the mood a bit but it does not go well.

“EVERYONE! My parents, the teachers, the extras! They all know I am destined for greatness! But I still can’t beat some random girl!”

Ok, I am rapidly losing patience for this, “While I generally greatly value Auntie Mitsuki’s opinion (he glares at me), you do realize she is a bit biased when it comes to this. As for the teachers and ‘extras,’ who cares what they think? What does our math teacher know about what it takes to be the #1 hero? Most heroes don’t know what it takes to be #1! Hell, I’d argue that a lot of heroes don’t know what it takes to be a good hero period.”

I stand up, putting a hand on his shoulder, “In a year we will be starting at UA. Where we will have actual pros as teachers, and actual hero students as peers. THEY will tell you if you have what it takes to be #2.” The last bit I say with a wink and a smirk. For a moment I thought I had gotten through to him, but then he slaps my hand off his shoulder.

Standing up he walks away, yelling over his shoulder, “Don’t you dare look down on me! I will show everyone that I’m the greatest!” Sigh, damn Kacchan, you really make it hard to be your friend sometimes. I know in the show he was like, pathologically arrogant, but I thought I had done a good job curbing that. Was all this simmering below the surface? Well, school starts back up soon, so hopefully he can cool off before classes start.

The next week as I am walking past Izuku’s classroom I hear something in a familiar angry voice. “If you want a quirk so bad, why don’t you take a swan dive off the roof and pray for one in the next life!”


So this is my first time writing a proper fight scene. How did I do? Any constructive criticism (or just straight up complements) is welcome!

Chapter 12: So I Lost a Friend… who cares?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“If you want a quirk so bad, why don’t you take a swan dive off the roof and pray for one in the next life!” I freeze. No, he wouldn’t say that… would he? I slam open the door, immediately seeing what I didn’t want to be true. Kacc… Bakugo, confronting a cowering Izuku. The bully spins around to see who had slammed the door open, he pales upon seeing me. “Wait! I…” I’m on him in an instant, grabbing him by his shirt, lifting him up and slamming him into the wall.

I look him in the eyes as I hiss at him, “What the f*ck did you just say to my brother?”

“Wait, White I…”

“So your fragile little ego can’t handle the fact that you can’t beat me, so you take it out on your quirkless punching bag?”

“N-no, it isn’t like that!”

“Oh, then tell me, what is it like?” I give him five seconds before spinning around and shoving him towards the door, “Get out of my sight, Bakugo, we’re through.” The look he gives me. I’m not sure if he wants to apologize or blow me up. His soul doesn’t paint a clearer picture. With a huff, he finally storms out of the room. I turn to the still slightly cringing Izuku, “Are you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine…” he mutters. I can tell he is not fine, he is hurt and angry, but I try to be respectful of what people say. I can’t really turn off my soul sight without a lot of effort, but people deserve to at least be able to pretend their feelings are private. Still…

I approach him and whisper, “He hasn’t been bullying you, right?”

He looks up and glares at me, “No, big sis has been keeping him in line until now.” Wait, he’s angry at me? He sees my confusion and sighs, “I just… can you leave me alone right now? I need to think.”

“Sure, I’ll uh, see you tonight.” Gah, why is this happening? Is it just teenage nonsense, or have I been a bad friend/sister?

I was planning on going to the gym today, but decided I would rather just take a walk, clear my head. I take a while to sort through my feelings. For Izuku, I’m mostly just worried, and confused. I guess he feels like I am being patronizing by looking out for him? But he has always been grateful for my help. Why is it a problem now?

As for Bakugo, I am furious. I also feel betrayed. I had thought he was my friend, but friends don’t do that. He seriously told my brother to kill himself. Did he tell Izuku that in the original show? Did I somehow make things even worse? I hadn’t really thought about it before, but what if my being here, in this world, is dangerous? What if, despite my good intentions, I make everything fall apart?

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly freeze when I feel a dangerous presence near me. Their soul is bloody, violent thoughts on their mind. I surreptitiously take a look around, but I can’t see them where their soul is. Invisibility? I’m about to run for it when I notice something else about their soul. They are hungry, desperately so. I know what that is like. Are they homeless? How violent their soul is troubles me, but I know how hunger can turn you into an animal. I raise up my hands in a non threatening way saying, “Hello there, how’s it going?” No response. “You know, I was homeless once, for about a year. I know how it is, but I’m not going to hurt you.” Still nothing.

I make a show of reaching into my backpack, the soul tenses, their guard raised. While it looks like I am going through my bag, I am actually reaching into some extra-dimensional storage. That’s right, I can do some spatial magic now. Sadly teleportation still takes too much energy, but a two meter square item box that slows down the progress of time within it? No problem. It is full of food of course, plus a few other emergency supplies. I pull out two meals, putting them on the ground next to me. “I packed a bit too much food, so here you go.” I then weave a nice thick blanket. “Here is a blanket too. Unfortunately it will only last a few days. If you want, I can come back here at the same time tomorrow with more food.” Still no response. Well, I guess they are shy. I set off, resisting the urge to look back and see who is there. I don’t want to spook them. Hopefully tomorrow with a full belly they will be a bit more forthcoming.

Doing that bit of charity helps my mood. I don’t know if being here will be worse for the world as a whole, but I'll be damned if I don’t try my best to make it better. That’s all any of us can do anyway. My new, positive thoughts are again interrupted, this time by a loud explosion. An explosion that I recognize. Is Bakugo going on a rampage?

I run towards the sound, and what I see brings me up short. Kacchan, being held in some sort of slime monster, as Izuku charges in to save him. I start to dash forward, when suddenly I freeze again, this time because of a presence in my soul sense. It is massive, and insanely powerful. I once met a one hundred year old man, until today he had the strongest soul I had ever seen. His soul was not even a hundredth as powerful as this one. I am in full on fight or flight mode, I feel like their very presence is going to crush me. Izuku has made it to Kacchan, desperately trying to claw him out of the slime. Then the soul moves, suddenly they are in front of the two boys, grabbing them and smashing the slime villain. The soul, it's All Might’s!

I take a deep breath, and then sigh in relief. It’s fine, everything is fine. Then I notice something odd about All Might’s soul, aside from how insanely powerful it is. Something is wrong with it, like… not all of it is his. It takes me a minute, but I’m pretty sure there are at least five other soul bits fused in with his. Is he some sort of government experiment or something? After speaking with the police and heroes for a minute, All Might runs off. I walk up to Izuku as he is getting chewed out by some heroes. Well that just won’t do, “Hey Izuku! Nice job helping save Bakugo!”

One of the heroes, some muscle head in a… construction themed costume? Turns and scowls at me. “What he did was reckless and put both his and the other boy's life at risk. Leave the life saving to the professionals.”

“Well I’m no pro hero, but I do know that people need air to live. My brother distracted the villain and injured him, allowing the victim to breathe while you dithered around waiting for someone competent to show up.”

“I didn’t have the right quirk to help him!”

I laugh “You didn’t have the right quirk? My brother is quirkless! You are less capable as a hero than a quirkless middle schooler!” I say with as much derision as I can muster. OSHA Man (or whatever he is called) is furious and embarrassed, he looks like he is about to take a swing at me. Suddenly Izuku gets between us, facing me.

“White I’m fine. It’s fine. Can you head home and tell mom I’m going to be late for dinner?” I study his face for a second, then relax.

“You sure you don’t want me to wait for you?”

“I’ll be fine. Just go” There is still some of that bitterness in him. It probably wasn’t the best move on my part to come in defending him again. I know he is feeling resentful. I just can’t help it! I’ve been looking after him for nearly a decade, this is the first time he has ever seemed to not like that. I nod and head back home.

Mom and I have dinner on our own. She can tell I’m upset, so I tell her that I had a fight with Bakugo and won’t be going to the family dinners with them for the foreseeable future. I leave out my spat with Izuku, I am still hopeful we can resolve that soon. It is late by the time my brother comes back. He immediately heads to my door and knocks, asking, “White, can we talk?”

Sigh, well hopefully I can have one conversation go well today.


It only took like 50 pages, but we are finally reached the start of the show!

Chapter 13: So I Had Some Heart to Hearts, So What?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“It’s unlocked.” Izuku walks into my room, hesitantly sitting on the chair by my desk. I sit up on my bed, taking a good look at him. Something seems different from just a few hours ago. Like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. Taking a look at his soul, I do see a bit of resentment, but mostly there is happiness and hope. What the hell happened on the way here? His soul is practically vibrating with happiness. Something big, on a personal level, happened.

Wait… Wait a minute! Is this it? Did All Might give him his quirk?! I shouldn’t ask him directly, but… “What happened to you? You are practically glowing.”

“Oh nothing, I just liked what you said about me being a good hero, that’s all!” I was mostly just insulting the Village Person, but whatever. Also he is lying, I can tell by the guilt he is feeling as he speaks. I narrow my eyes, making a noise of disbelief. He hastily moves on, “A-a-a-anyway, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I know you are just looking out for me.”

He stops talking, but I can tell he has more bottled up inside. “But?”

“But… sometimes I just feel so useless. Like I don’t want you to save your helpless quirkless brother. I want to save myself, to not need your pity.” He cringes as he says the last part. I sigh, patting the bed next to me. He hesitantly gets up and sits next to me. Once he is settled in, I lean my shoulder against his, and flick him on the forehead with some web.

“They bully you because you are quirkless. It infuriates me that they can be so cruel for such a stupid reason. But I do not pity you Izuku. I protect you because you are my little brother and I love you.” He feels a surge of gratitude and also, a bit of lust. I stop leaning against him. Frickin teenage boys. “Even if you were as strong as All Might I would still try to protect you, understand?” He starts tearing up, but underneath that is a spike of panic from when I mentioned All Might. Hmmm… It isn’t definitive, but I do believe that the #1 hero has chosen his disciple.

“I appreciate that. Still, can you just let me handle things on my own in the future?”

“That depends, are you just going to stand there and take it, or are you going to speak up for yourself?” The way he can’t look me in the eye tells me his answer. Still, I do want to respect his wishes. I am protective of him, but I don’t want to be controlling. I sigh, “Fine, I will stay out if it is just words. However if things get physical I am stepping in. Deal?”

He studies me for a moment and seems to realize I won’t be backing down from this. “Fine, it’s a deal. Nobody’s actually attacked me before anyway, they are too scared of you to try. Besides, Kacchan was probably just having a bad day. I’m sure by next week he will be back to normal.”

“Even if he is back to normal I want nothing to do with that asshole. Not until he genuinely apologizes for what he said.”

He frowns, “You don’t need to do that. Didn’t you just say you would let me handle things?”

“Actually I do need to do this. But it isn’t about you, it is for me. If Bakugo had said that to anyone else in school I still would want nothing to do with him. I can’t be friends with someone who is going around telling people to kill themselves.” He studies me for another moment before deciding to accept my reasoning.

Izuku stands up, looking at his feet, “So are we good?”

I stand up as well, giving him a hug, “Yes, we are good.” Gah! Boy lust! Stupid frickin horny teenagers! I unhug him, saying “Well you have had a long day, you should probably head to bed.” He nods, going to his room, while I preemptively reduce my soul detection radius and hearing. The things you don’t think about hearing with enhanced senses. I lay back down in my bed. While today had been a bit of a train wreck, that had gone well. Hopefully I can continue that momentum tomorrow.

I did not. When I got to school, all eyes were on me. Everyone had heard about my fight with Bakugo, and the popular consensus is that it was a lovers quarrel. How they reached that conclusion when it was about him bullying my brother is beyond me. They say that they knew it all along, we are the two smartest and strongest kids in the school after all. And now I have even more idiots confessing to me, even ones that I had previously rejected!

Now that they ‘know’ I only rejected them because I was taken, they think they have a shot! If I have one more guy telling me how they are a nice guy who knows how to treat a lady I am going to… something. Something bad! Guide damned frickin horny teenagers! When classes are finally over I practically sprint out of the building, trying to escape these delusional kids. Damn anime world. I hear Bakugo yelling after me, but I ignore him. Maybe next time.

I hurry over to where I had sensed the homeless person the day before. I don’t sense them now, but I am a bit early. I create a blanket to sit on, laying out a few more meals. I lay back, watching the clouds cross the sky, waiting to see if they show up. Almost an hour later, just as I was about to give up, I sense them again. I look up, still not able to see them. “Hey there! I brought some more food as promised.” The soul is still uncomfortably bloody, but they seem a lot more calm now. They also still seem to be really hungry, but slightly different? “Do you want me to just leave? If so I will still come by tomorrow with more food. But if you want to talk I can do that too.”

Nothing happens for a few seconds, and just as I am starting to get up and leave someone appears. She is a young woman in a schoolgirl uniform, with yellow catlike eyes, blonde hair pulled up into two messy buns, and visible fangs in her mouth. Wait, I know her! She is that yandere villain! I tense for a second before calming down. I remember my sister saying her story was pretty tragic. Something about abusive parents? I can empathize, and maybe do more than that. Her soul is a bit dirty, but not to the point where it is disgusting. It took years, but my soul is almost completely clean from the blood of Mr. Pimp. I think the blood has to do with guilt or something, and time and learning to forgive myself has helped clean it. And her soul is barely worse than mine was then.

“Wow that was cool, is that your quirk?”

“No, it’s just a trick I picked up. What do you want?” She says the last bit quite aggressively, her eyes staring at me with the intensity of a hunting panther.

“Like I said, I was homeless for a while, so I know what it’s like. I am just trying to help out someone in need.”

She is still looking at me intensely, “People aren’t that nice. They don’t care about someone like me.”

“True, that’s one of the things I hated most about being homeless. The apathy. Most people didn’t even notice me, a starving little girl. Out of those who did, most pretended not to notice me. A few said they would pray for me before leaving me behind, out of mind the second I was out of sight.”

She starts to relax a little, “Yeah! I hate those types! If you want to help then do it! Don’t pretend like you care!”

“Even worse are the ones that see you and want to exploit you. As if being homeless wasn’t hard enough, I had to spend a lot of time trying to avoid the creeps. They see a five year old girl on the streets and their thoughts are full of greed and lust. Disgusting.”

She sits down on the far side of the blanket, out of my reach. Still, progress. She picks up one of the boxes, stuffing her face with the rice balls within. “Right?! Bunch of disgusting old pervs! Nothing that a good stabbing won’t fix! Wait, did you say you were five? Also what was that about reading their thoughts?” She becomes more guarded, tense, at that.

“I can’t read minds. Part of my quirk is aura sense, I know what people nearby are feeling, as well as get a sense of their character. And yes, I was five when I became homeless, and six before I was adopted.” She relaxes a little bit. She finishes the box of food, and looks at the other one, which sits closer to me. I pick it up and toss it in her direction. She opens it up and starts tearing into it too. Looking at her soul, she is still showing that weird different hunger. Hmmm…

“So I can imagine why you were an orphan at five, but why for a year? Why not just go to a hero or the police?” She is considerably less wary of me now, time to try and learn a bit about her situation.

“Before that, how about some proper introductions?” I gesture to myself, “I am Hinata Midoriya, but I prefer to go by White, what’s your name?”

Her guard goes back up, “Himiko.”

No last name huh, “I hate going by my old family name too, reminds me of my mother.” I put some real venom in that last word.

She nods, “Your’s was bad too?”

“Tell you what, how about I share my story, then you share yours?” She tenses at that, “Trust me, it will make you feel better, and I doubt you will ever meet someone else who will understand like I do.”

She mumbles, “You won’t understand, not with my quirk. What it makes me want. What I need.”

Ah, “You have some sort of ‘villainous quirk’ then?” She looks like she is about to bolt. “I understand! At least a bit.” I extend my hand, doing my poison thread trick, “I can create poisons.” She immediately stops eating. I have seen it so many times, but it still manages to hurt a bit. “See! I do know what it is like for people to fear me, to think I am a monster, for my quirk.”

She looks ashamed, then thoughtful, before finally, “Ok, we can swap stories. You first.”

I take a deep breath, this will actually be the first time I’ve told my story to anyone aside from mom and my therapist. Still, I think this might be good for me, just like I can understand her, she can understand me, in a way that people who never experienced the dark side of society ever could. “My mother was a drug addicted whor*. Sometimes she would also sell me for the night. Some of her clients, often the most abusive ones, were police and heroes. One day, she really pissed off her pimp who beat her to death. He said he was going to take me with him, so… I killed him. I didn’t have to. I could have just run, but I wanted to hurt him. To make him pay.”

I stop there, tears rolling down my cheeks. She scoots closer, until our knees are touching. “I didn’t trust anyone, so I wandered the country for the better part of a year. Eventually I couldn’t take it any more, so I found a lady with a nice aura and told her everything. She took me to the police, we were able to clear up everything, and I’ve been living with that nice lady and her son ever since.”

“What about the heroes and police?”

“I never knew the names of the police officers. As for the heroes. One died while I was homeless. I told the names of the others to a police detective with a nice aura. A year later two of them were arrested by All Might on racketeering charges. They killed themselves in their cells that night. The last one died a week later, stabbed to death by a villain. Around the same time there was a number of sudden retirements and suicides from the nearby police precinct.”

Her eyes widen, “A cover up?”

I nod, “I think so…” I’m certain of it in fact. I think that the detective must have contacted All Might, and together brought those creeps to justice. The Hero Commission obviously can’t stop the #1 hero, so they silence the ‘heroes’ before the public can find out that racketeering is the least of their sins. Probably figured out the connection to the fourth hero and killed him before he could also be arrested. I clench my fist. Just a few more years. I’m going to change things for the better, or die trying.


Let me just say it, Izuku and Bakugo's relationship in the anime is weird. He is always super forgiving of his bully's behavior just because he is good at fighting and will "make a great hero". He still has some of that mentality in this, although he is also not quite as obsessed with Bakugo either. But Izuku for the most part has been ignored by Bakugo here, not actively bullied like in the original. So he also has fewer negative experiences with the jerk.

Chapter 14: So I Panicked, Who Wouldn’t?

Chapter Text

“What about you Himiko? How did you end up like this?” She looks at me for a moment before sighing, scooching back a bit so we were no longer so close.

“My quirk is called Transform, I can use it to change into people after I have ingested their blood.” Ah, that must be what that… not hunger is. She is thirsty for the red stuff. As I don’t recoil in horror upon learning what her quirk is, even going so far as giving her an encouraging smile, she seems to gain some confidence. “I’ve always had a fascination with blood, something my parents hated about me. They took me to a quirk therapist. He wanted to give me blood packs, but they refused. And one day, at school, I just couldn’t take it any more! I was just so thirsty! I-I-I attacked a student and drank his yummy blood! And now I’m on the run and I’m always so thirsty! So hungry! So cold! I just want it to stop, I want… I want…” I’m on her in an instant, wrapping her up in a warm hug. She clutches at me desperately, sobbing into my chest.

Luckily we are in an out of the way part of an unpopular park, so nobody bothers us for the half hour or so it takes for her to calm down. For a while she just lays there, listening to my heartbeat as I gently stroke her back. Finally she sits up, refusing to look me in the eyes as she blushes furiously. I pull a water bottle out of my bag/ item box. I hand it to her, saying, “Don’t be embarrassed. In the first 24 hours I knew my new mom, I must have cried a dozen times.” She drinks from the bottle, still unwilling to look at me.

I think for a moment. I know what I want to do, what I need to do to help her. But some part of me is repulsed by the thought. Still, what kind of hero balks at helping someone in need when they have the means to do so? Besides that stupid construction themed hero that failed to save Bakugo, Mr. Foreman. I look up at her, gathering my courage, “So, would you like to drink my blood?”

She gasps, looking at me in utter shock. “Y-y-you would do that for me?”

I hesitantly nod, “To be honest, I kinda don’t want to. But like I said, I can see your aura. I knew from the start you had some weird not hunger, which I now know is for blood. ” She looks down, full of self loathing. “No, it’s ok! To be honest I am impressed you haven’t just attacked me. I can see how all consuming the thirst is. You must have an iron will to resist it as well as you do.”

She hesitantly looks at me, “So do you want to give me blood or not?”

“I am going to give you my blood. I don’t want to, a part of me is terrified of doing this, but I know you need it. What kind of aspiring hero would I be if I refused to help you?”

Frowning, she says with a note of surprise, “You want to be a hero? After all they did to you? Knowing what they are hiding?”

“It’s because of what happened, what I know, that I need to be a hero. The greatest hero the world has ever seen.”

Leaping to her feet, she starts shouting at me. “Why? I thought you were like me! Don’t you hate them? Them and this stupid world! Why would you want to help them? Don’t you want to make them bleed?”

I wait a minute for her to calm down, patting the spot beside me. She sits down warily. “When I killed that pimp, he was already on the ground, semiconscious from a head wound. I stepped on his back, wrapped webbing around his neck, and pulled as hard as I could. When I finished, there I was. I had killed my abuser. My mother, who should have protected me, but instead abused and betrayed me, was dead. I have never felt more empty. And I could feel it. His blood on my aura.” She sits straighter, I nod at her, “Yes, I can feel it on you as well.” She looks worried, but I extend my hand, giving her a warm smile. She tentatively takes it.

“I know things are hard, Himiko. I know that it hurts. That you want to lash out at the world for being this way. But it can be better. We can make it better. When I say I am going to be the greatest hero, I don’t just mean that I will be good at stopping villains or saving people. I am going to be the kindest hero ever. The most caring. All Might, as great as he is, accepts the status quo. I do not. I am going to change things. Whatever group that is covering up the crimes of those heroes? I am going to drag them into the light for the world to see. I am going to be at the top with my poison quirk, to show people that it is your actions that define you, not your quirk. I want to show people a better way, so that when they see a homeless kid they think ‘how can I help’, not ‘it isn’t my responsibility to help’! I’m…” Whoops, kinda started preaching there. Himiko is giving me a measuring look. Even her soul is a riot of emotions, I can’t tell what she is really thinking. “Sorry there, I can get a bit worked up.”

“Do you really think you can do that?”

“I’m not sure, but I think so. What I do know for sure is that I am going to dedicate my life to trying. I promise you Himiko, right here and now, that I am going to change society or die trying. For us, and all the others like us”

She doesn’t seem to know what to make of that. A part of her seems to want to believe. Another part seems to think I’m an idiot. Some of her even seems mad at me. Well, I’ll show her my dedication to my cause. “So do you want to drink this crazy girl’s blood?” That snaps her out of her thoughts.

“Yes! It would be hypocritical for me to hold being crazy against you after all.”

I laugh, “So how do we do this? Also, should we maybe go into the woods a bit to ensure no one sees us?” She nods, walking into the woods. I quickly pack up the leftover boxes and follow her. After a few minutes of walking we are under a nice big tree. I create a couple of swings next to each other, sitting down on one. She soon follows, looking kind of shy. Honestly, without the bloodletting, this would almost be a date. A nice picnic, complaining about our families, dreaming about the future, sneaking away into the woods… Ahem, anyway. “So I was thinking we should go with my arm. Should I cut it or do you just bite?”

“Biting would be better, and thank you for doing this. No one has ever offered me their blood before.” She gives me a shy smile.

I try to smile back, but it is definitely strained. “You're welcome. I am really nervous about this though, so if I tell you to stop, please stop.” She nods her head resolutely, so I extend my arm towards her. She takes it gently, flips it over so that my forearm is pointed down. She licks my arm around the vein by the wrist a few times before biting.

Not as much pain as I expected, but I hate this. Oh how I hate this. I am immediately in fight or flight mode. My breath is rapid and shallow, and I break out into cold sweats. Why is this affecting me like this? The only reason I haven’t shoved her away is because I can see how badly she needs this. Her soul is practically singing with joy. After around thirty seconds she stops drinking because she is thirsty, but because she enjoys it. “Himiko, that’s enough.” No change. “Himiko, please stop it.”She keeps on sucking the life out of me. “HIMIKO STOP!” When that doesn’t stop her I grab her by the collar, yanking her off me. Her teeth come out messily, cutting deep into my arm.

Himiko lands on the ground, but is immediately charging after me, a feral scream on her lips. I quickly web her up into a familiar cocoon, suspended from the tree with only her head exposed. “NOOOOO! GIVE ME MORE!” I run, stumbling away into the woods. It is a good five minutes until I calm down enough to stop. What the hell was that? I understand her reaction, she is a yandere vampire, but what is going on with me? I had never particularly liked having blood drawn but this is something else.

I create a blanket to sit on, taking the lotus position. I had studied meditation techniques in order to… be strong White… cultivate my soul. Disgusting. While I usually use the techniques for growing my soul, it is also good for just examining it. For thinking about myself. After half an hour, I think I know what is going on. Being fed on like that made me feel used. Like a victim, like prey. While part of that is probably from mine/Hinata’s experiences, I think some of it comes from my spider self.

The OG White was extremely proud, actually earning the title Ruler of Pride. Once she got strong, she hunted down and killed an innocent dragon just because it scared her once. It made her feel powerless, it looked down on her, so she meticulously strategized and executed a plan to get ‘revenge.’ She even killed and ate her mother’s soul (or something) for trying to control her. While I don’t feel any drive to get revenge on Himiko, I hated submitting to her like that. Being cattle. Food.

Standing up with a sigh, I start heading back to where the young vampire is hanging. I still want to help her, and I still think she can learn to be better. But I may need to use a firmer hand with her. Though who knows, maybe now that she isn’t blood starved she will be a bit easier to handle. On the way I notice the cut on my arm again. I partially heal it up, so that it is just the two puncture wounds.

Finally I come back into sight of the tree, where Himiko is still hanging. Although now her face is no longer a crazed mask of bloodlust. Instead now it is puffy, tear stained, and snot covered. Her eyes widen for a moment when she sees me before they start tearing up again. “WHIIITE! You came back! I am SOOOO SORRY! I’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorry…” She keeps saying it over and over again like a chant, her eyes closed, awaiting her judgment. I walk up in front of her before lowering the cocoon, propping it up against the tree. I sit down across from her on another blanket.

I can feel it, she is genuinely sorry. She is also filled with self loathing. Still… “What was that?”

She peeks at me, trying to see my expression, but I keep it as neutral as possible. “I am so sorry White! I don’t k-k-know what came over me! You have the yummiest blood I have ever tasted! You taste divine!” I almost react. Can she really taste that I am a baby goddess? “I heard you tell me to stop, and I wanted to, I did! But I just couldn’t stop. And now you hate me. You are the first person to know the real me and not run away, you even gave me your blood! But now you hate me and I hate myself and everything is ruined!”

“I don’t hate you.” She gasps, staring even more intently at my face.

“You don’t?”

“No, I don’t. But you did hurt me, Himiko.” She looks at my arm, “I don’t mean my arm. You said you would stop when I asked. I was nervous about giving you blood, and you lied to me.” She looks like she wants to curl up and die at this point. “That said, I forgive you Himiko. And I still want to help you.” I give her a warm smile in response to her look of disbelief.

With a cry she tries to launch herself at me. She is still in my cocoon, so she kinda just rolls over. She then crawls forward like an inchworm until her head is in my lap. “Thank you White! You are the best person ever!” She manages to get out in between sobs. I just stroke her head while making soothing noises. I leave her tied up though, for… safety reasons. I swear I wasn’t such a deviant in my first life. She lay like that for a good twenty minutes, before turning around so she was face up. I continued to stroke her head. I’m not sure how long we were there, looking at each other. All I know is that all too soon I noticed that the sun is setting.

“I need to head home now.” I shush her attempts to protest. “It is already late enough that mom is probably starting to worry. I could take you with me, if you want?”

She frowns at first, before she brightens up. “I could sneak in with my stealth skill! Then you could hide me in your room!”

Shaking my head, I reply. “No. I won’t hide you from my mom. I owe her too much to try and trick her like that. If you come with me we are telling her that you are homeless and I want to help you. Anything we tell her beyond that is up to you. But seriously, she is super nice, I’m sure it will not be a problem.”

Thinking it over, she slowly shakes her head. “I’m not ready to face other people. I just can’t.”

“It’s ok, we can go as slow as you want to.” I stand up, opening my backpack and pulling out another meal. “Is there anything else you need?”

“How much food do you have in there?”

“I don’t feel comfortable unless I have at least a few days worth of food on me. My therapist says it isn’t uncommon for people like me.” I go ahead and weave another thick blanket, setting it and the food on the ground. “Well I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“Ummm… White? Could you untie me please?” I look back at her, she is making a cute pouting face while in her cocoon on the ground. Whoops!

“Are you sure, you look pretty comfy down there?” She rolls her eyes at me. With a theatrical snap the threads fall apart, leaving her free to move. As I start to walk away she calls back to me again. I turn around to see her bowing on all fours, her head on the ground. I think it is called dogeza?

“White, I am so sorry for hurting you, and for betraying your trust. Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and patience. I promise you, I am going to do my best to make sure I never hurt or disappoint you again!” She is filled with determination, guilt, and something else. I couldn’t quite place it, maybe purpose? I walk back to her, kneel down and gently lift her head.

“You are going to be here tomorrow, right? I would be hurt and disappointed if you disappeared on me.” She eagerly nods her head.

“I won’t leave this spot until you come back!”

Concerning… “You can still sleep wherever you normally do, just make sure you are back at the park by the time school ends.”

Again she nods her head eagerly, “Of course! Whatever you want White!”

Her voice sounds almost… fanatical. Very concerning. It’ll probably be fine though, right?

Chapter 15: So I Killed the #1 Hero, Oops?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Well it was mostly fine. Over the next two weeks, I spent every day with Himiko. That feeling I had a hard time identifying? It is obsession. The yandere vampire is obsessed with me… It’ll probably still be fine though, right? She has made a lot of progress! She really believes I will change society for the better now! Admittedly, I could probably convince her that the sky is red if I wanted to… yandere brains sure are built different.

Her being obsessed with me is probably good for her personal growth and morals (What Would White Do?) but I am concerned about some of my future plans. More specifically, my harem plans. I know it is childish but I still want one! Not only because of all the beauties in this world but also… I’m terrified of being alone. The thought of dating someone, only for them to break up with me or die or something… I just can’t do it. Having multiple women that I can trust and rely on sound infinitely better. Also hotter, but that is secondary! And yanderes and harems go together like Captain Hardhat (Deatharms) and competence.

Still, I can’t just abandon Himiko! Not only because she needs me and it would be wrong, but also because I do enjoy her company! She is funny, smart, and talented. Not to mention cute. The blood thing is a bit of a problem. I’ve fed her three more times, and each one is an ordeal for me. At her suggestion, I tie her up beforehand (I swear, it was completely her idea), but even then I still hate the feeling of being food. But the last time I fed her, she actually stopped drinking the second time I asked! Baby steps people!

I also spent some time researching cases like hers, and I think she may be legally in the clear. If quirks cause urges that can be ethically provided for, and are prescribed to the person, then denying them that care is a form of abuse. If I am reading it correctly, then her parents denying her blood even after the doctor prescribed it to her means she is not responsible for her actions, her parents are. I tell Himiko this, but she doesn’t believe me. I eventually convinced her to let me ask some experts about her case. I think what really sealed the deal was that I said I needed to get back to my hero training, so I wouldn’t be able to spend all day hanging out with her.

But if she was cleared, and could go to school and train with me… So the next day I swing by the park, give her food and head pats, and then head on over to the beach/dump where Izuku has been training with All Might. I noticed them about three days ago, Izuku cleaning up the beach and speaking with some skeleton looking dude. When I reached out with my soul sense, I was shocked to find out that it was All Might himself. Does he do a magical girl transformation sequence when he changes?

Anyway, the duo are right where I expect them to be. Izuku is trying to drag an oven away while All Might shouts encouragement. When I get close enough I yell out, “Hey Izuku, what are you up to?” He starts with a squeak. This is the protagonist? Still got to work on him.

“H-hey White. I’m just trying to clean up the beach as training!”

“Ah, you are finally really working on your training! I guess the fact that you are already a better hero than Mr. Bulldozer made you finally believe in yourself!”

He looks confused for a second before saying, “Do you mean Deatharms?”

“I mean that failure of a hero in a construction themed outfit that was standing around when you saved Bakugo!”

“That’s Deatharms…”

“So he doesn’t even know that his name and costume should have the same theme? He is worse than I thought… Anyway, care to introduce your friend?”

All Might, who had been following the conversation with some amusem*nt, extends his hand, “The name is Toshinori Yagi, I’m just helping young Midoriya with a few training tips.”

I shake his hand saying “Hinata Midoriya, but please call me White.” Then I lean over to Izuku, saying in a stage whisper. “Are you sure you want this bag of bones to help you train?

He blushes, “White, please stop…”

Then I lean over to All Might, again with the stage whisper, “And is it really ok for you to reveal your real name like that, Mr. Symbol of Peace?” He looks at me for a second before coughing up a fountain of blood and collapsing.

Wait… did I just kill the #1 hero? Did he give his quirk to Izuku yet? Have I doomed this world?! Izuku rushes over, but before he gets there All Might sits back up and shoots his protege a glare. I laugh, “Relax All Might, he didn’t say a word. It’s part of my quirk, aura sense. I can sense the auras of people around me, and each one is unique. While I can’t say I have most auras memorized, your’s is rather distinctive. I would recognize it over my own mother’s.”

He stands up, wiping the blood off his mouth with his hand. Eww. I quickly create a rag for him to use. He accepts it gratefully, saying, “Aura sense and some sort of thread power? That is quite the quirk young White.”

A sincere smile lights up my face, “Spider webs specifically, enhanced body and poisons too. I call it Spider. You are looking at the next #1 hero!” I give him a look over. Skin and bones, blood splattered on his shirt… “On second thought, the #1 hero after the next one. I’m not so sure you are going to make it until I graduate.” He actually laughs a bit at that, while Izuku has his head in his hands, groaning in embarrassment. “So All Might…”

He holds up a hand, “Please do not call me that while I am in this form.”

“Sure! So All Bones, what are you doing helping my brother out anyway?” He laughs again before saying.

“As you noticed, in a situation that had other pros hesitating, he charged in to save that boy's life. It is in recognition of his heroic spirit that I am helping him achieve his dream.”

“That’s it? You are helping a quirkless kid try to be a hero because he is braver than Sir Girder?”

“That counts for a lot young White… and besides, I think young Midoriya here is actually a late bloomer.” He is noticeably sweating as he says that. So is Izuku.

“What makes you say that? After all, I know mom brought him to all sorts of experts when he was a kid, surely they would notice that?” Maybe I will switch to the villain team, being mean feels so good.

All Bones coughs, saying, “I’m sure I’m right about this. I’m not the #1 hero for nothing!” Well, enough playing with my food.

“I actually came here wanting to ask you about something hero related, at least I think so.” He gestures for me to continue. “I met a girl. Her quirk gives her… urges… unsavory ones. Buuut, urges that can be ethically sated. Her doctor prescribed her that ethical source, but her parents refused to give it to her, saying it was disgusting. She eventually snapped and assaulted a classmate to sate her needs. She has been on the run ever since. I was wondering, could she be cleared since her parents were refusing her treatment?”

He makes a thoughtful noise, stroking his chin, “I think so… I’m pretty sure I heard about a case like this about a decade ago. I can ask around a bit if you would like. Do you have any more information?”

“I do, but this is all she allowed me to tell you. I don’t even know her full name, she can be a little difficult.”

“Why are you trying to help her then?”

“Because she needs it, why else?” Oh I definitely gained some points there. He is feeling quite a bit of admiration for me. Izuku is feeling both proud and… worried? fearful? Oh! I bet he is worried All Might may pick me over him. Don’t worry little bro! If he had offered it to me first I may have done it, but I won’t steal your opportunity now. “Are you ok with exchanging numbers? Or if you prefer we can use Izuku as a middleman.”

“No it’s fine, it would be best if I could contact you directly. Besides, I am just getting the number of a future colleague, eh?” I laugh, swapping numbers with the skeleton. Speaking of which…

“Please stop me if I say too much, I don’t wish to overstep my bounds but… Is there no cure for whatever is going on with you?” He lifts up his shirt, showing a disgusting wound on his side.

“Got this a few years back. A villain took out a few of my organs. But don’t worry, the Symbol of Peace still has plenty of fight left in him!” He brings his fist to his chest, trying to give his iconic smile. It doesn’t really work when he looks half dead. Hmmm… I’m pretty sure I can heal that. I almost certainly can with rune magic. But magic is the ability I am the most worried about showing… I’ll have to think about it. He may not be the ideal hero in my opinion, but he is still a truly great one.

I give him a deep bow, “Thank you sir for your sacrifice.”

He laughs, “I don’t do this for thanks.”

“But you have mine anyway. Talk to you later, All Bones!” I walk over to Izuku and give him a hug, whispering “I’m proud of you Izuku, keep up the good work.” Gah! Boy lust! I need to stop giving him hugs, except I’m a huggy person! No matter what I choose, I lose…


So obviously Himiko and White will be in class 1A at UA. The question is, who should they replace? Currently I am leaning towards getting rid of Koji Koda, as I find him to be boring. An obvious answer is Mineta, because he sucks. Still, I actually think I am going to keep him, at least to start. White having to tolerate such a scumbag classmate seems like fun to write. I may end up writing him out after the summer camp arc depending on feedback. The other three candidates for White and Himiko to replace are Tailman, Sugarman, and fake frenchy. Thoughts?

Chapter 16: So I’m Not In This One, So What?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Toshinori Yagi sits in an out of the way booth in a small coffee shop recommended by a friend. He takes a sip of his tea, wishing that he could drink coffee instead, but his digestive system can’t handle the acidity. A lot had changed since his fateful battle with All For One five years ago, far more than just diet changes. He takes a deep breath, hating how difficult the simple action was. He had nearly died that day, losing a lung and his stomach, but it was worth it to finally kill the Symbol of Evil. To rid the world of the quirk stealing puppet master who had ruled Japan in the shadows for centuries.

His thoughts are interrupted by the chime of a bell. Looking up he sees his friend, detective Naomasa Tsukauchi walking towards the booth. Asking for a black coffee from the approaching waitress, he sits across from Toshinori. “I was surprised to get your call Toshinori, is this to catch up or is this business?”

“A bit of both, but we can save the business for the end, I just need your opinion on something. How long has it been?”

He grins, “Almost a year, though at least I can still see you on the news. I see those injuries haven’t slowed you down huh #1?”

Toshinori grins back “Oh they very much do, it’s not my fault that everyone else is too slow to notice!” They both laugh, but that triggers a coughing fit from the injured hero. The waitress gives him a concerned look as she gives the detective his coffee, but he waves off her offer of help. Once it finally subsides the detective leans in, his voice filled with concern.

“Forgive me for asking but, have you found a successor?”

Toshinori raised an eyebrow at that, this was unlike him to pry… He is one of the few people in the world that knows that his quirk, One for All, can actually be given to others. As the eighth wielder of the quirk, it is his solemn duty to pass it on to someone worthy. As such, finding a successor to pass on his powerful quirk has been something on the back of his mind of late, although thankfully his search was now over. Still, he is curious to see where the detective is going with this, “As you know I’m starting at UA as a teacher next year for that purpose. Why? Do you have someone in mind?”

He looks around to make sure no one is in earshot. “She is currently in her last year at middle school. She is a survivor with the heart of a hero. She was actually my source for that mess with Lightning Rod, Spotlight, and Flare Blitz.” Toshinori scowls. The detective had come to him and principal Nezu with a tip that those heroes were abusing people. He had refused to name his source, only that they were a previous victim.

Still, a little over a year of investigating later they got the evidence they needed to arrest Lightning Rod and Flare Blitz, only for them to both ‘kill themselves’ that night. All footage from that night was mysteriously lost, and none of the guards heard anything. But at the same time, none of them knew anything either, they were clean. So was it a cover up, or an expert assassination? Were the ‘heroes’ working for some underground criminal organization? At the time All For One was still at the height of his power, killing a few failed pawns would be easy for him or one of his agents. The fact that Spotlight was stabbed to death a week later tells him that there was some outside force at play.

He is pulled out of his contemplation by a sudden thought, “Wait, you said she is in middle school. You are telling me she was your source as a child?”

The detective nods his head, “She was homeless for about a year before she came to me. She didn’t trust heroes or police after what she had been through. She is clever, she actually figured out my quirk in the middle of my interrogation. I knew she was hiding something, but she was able to stay evasive. And then I asked her what she wanted to do when she grows up.” He wears a fond smile as he reminisces, “She gave me a smile that reminded me of yours, a look of sheer determination in her eyes. She said she was going to be the greatest hero ever. And not just because she is strong and can save people. She wants to show people a better way, to be better people. So that no one will have to go through the hell she went through. I decided to let her keep her secrets after that. When I turned off the recorder she came up and whispered the names of the heroes who abused her. Considering what a mess that was, she was right not to want to get directly involved.”

“That was nearly a decade ago, is she even still interested in being a hero now?”

He nods, “Last year there was a bit of a situation at her school, some students were accusing her of misusing her power. But luckily it was baseless accusations, just the rumors of jealous and quirkest schoolmates. But I spoke with her and she is still training hard to make her dreams a reality.”

If Toshinori had not already chosen young Midoriya as his successor, this girl certainly sounded like someone worth looking into. She might still be, just because he wouldn’t give her his quirk doesn’t mean he could not help in other ways. “You said she figured out what your quirk is? How?”

“I think it is part of her quirk. She has quite the diverse power set. She can change the color of her skin, has an enhanced physique, can create poisons and webs, as well as…”

“Sense auras.” He starts laughing, which quickly turns into coughing. What are the odds?

“You know White?” Naomasa looks quite surprised.

“She is the reason I’m here. What a small world we live in. To answer your earlier question, I have chosen a successor. White’s quirkless younger brother, Izuku Midoriya. Though I suppose that they are not actually related?”

“No, she originally approached the Midoriya’s, she said their auras were nice. Then she insisted she got to choose which police officer would take her statements, apparently my aura is also ‘nice.’”

A thoughtful look comes over Toshinori’s face, “That aura reading quirk sure is something. With just that she could make a great support hero, like Mandalay and Ragdoll of the puss*cats.”

“So why did you choose Midoriya?”

“I saw him leap into action to save a classmate in a dangerous situation that made even seasoned pros hesitate. He has the true heart of a hero, but fate has robbed him of the ability to make his dreams a reality. And I realized I could give him the chance to defy that fate. Thank you for telling me about White, she sounds like she would have made a great successor. But it also sounds like she can be a wonderful hero by her own power. So I will help the one that needs me the most.”

Naomasa lets out a sigh, “Well I can’t argue with that. But you said that White is the reason you wanted to see me?”

He smiles as he remembers that strange encounter, “I was at a local beach, you know that dumping ground? Well I’m having young Midoriya clean it both as an act of community service and as exercise. Young White walks up, says hi to her brother, and introduces herself. I tell her my name and she asks if it is really ok for me to tell her the real name of the Symbol of Peace. Her aura quirk was able to recognize me even in my weakened state. When I told her not to use my hero name, she started calling me ‘All Bones’ instead.” He pauses to join the detective in his laughter.

“I don’t think she really believed me, but I told her that young Midoriya is a late bloomer, and that was why I was training him.”

The detective shakes his head, “She is clever, and you aren’t exactly a great liar, so she probably saw through you. She seems to be discreet though, so I doubt she will bother you too much about it.”

“That was my impression as well, then she told me about a homeless girl she had met…” Toshinori relays all of the details White had given him.

Naomasa nods his head, deep in thought. “Yes, I think her interpretation should be correct, although depending on some of the other factors she could still get into some trouble… She will definitely need a good lawyer. Are you still in contact with that one you saved three years ago? The hotel hostage thing?”

“Mr. Suzuki?”

“Yeah, I seem to recall that his expertise was quirk law. See if you could maybe convince him to take the case?”

“You seem quite invested in this, not that I don’t agree.”

The detective sighs, “White said she trusted me to get justice for her with those corrupt ‘heroes’... and we failed her. I failed her. The least I can do is help out her friend.” He finishes his coffee and stands up, “Sorry to keep this short, but I need to get back to work. Keep me updated on this please, and let me know if you need any help.”

Toshinori slowly finishes his tea, enjoying the quiet ambiance of the restaurant as he thinks about what he just learned. Finally he pulls out his phone, scrolling through the contacts. He needs to make some calls.


To be honest I'm not super happy with this one. I wanted a way to talk about One for All and other big plot points in case for some reason I have some readers who aren't MHA fans, but it just feels redundant and bleh. Whatever, it's done, moving on to rescuing the vampire!

Chapter 17: So I Have Secrets, Who Doesn’t?

Chapter Text

Four days after meeting the #1 hero I get a call from the man himself. The gist of the conversation is that he has some hot shot lawyer buddy that thinks Himiko should be in the clear. Buuut he needs more information before he will officially take the case, including her full name and a face to face meeting in his office. On the plus side as long as we are representing her case accurately he is willing to do it pro bono as a favor for All Might. Welp, let’s see how my crazy vamp takes the news.

Not that well. “So you are saying that All Might’s lawyer friend wants to help me for free, because you asked the #1 hero to help me?” She gives me a flat look, “While you’re at it why don’t you tell me you have gotten over your blood hang up so I can drink you all the time?”

“I don’t have a blood hang up! I just don’t like you drinking from me.” She nods, conceding the point. She has been called a monster her whole life for wanting to drink blood, I know the fact that I don’t hold her needs against her means a lot. “And I know it sounds ridiculous but it is true! I met All Might, asked him about your case, he said he will ask some friends, and a few days later he tells me about his lawyer buddy!”

She stares suspiciously at me. “So when you left to ask people for expert advice you just happened to run into the #1 hero, who’s agency isn’t even in Musutafu. And he immediately goes out of his way to help the random girl he spoke with, even giving his number away?”

I try to smile, “Well it is only natural for him to help out the next #1!” Her glare intensifies. I sigh, pulling her into a hug. “I have secrets, Himiko. Some are mine, some are others’. I don’t like keeping them from you, but I am not ready to tell you, to tell anyone, all of my secrets. And it would be wrong to betray the trust of the people whose secrets I know. But I promise you Himiko, I will never maliciously lie to you. Everything I tell you, have told you, or will tell you will be the truth, or as close as I can get to the truth. So please, trust me?”

Pulling back she looks me in the eyes for a long minute, until she sighs and rests her head on my shoulder. “I want to White, really I do. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, my first true friend. I still struggle to believe how nice you are, especially to someone like me. I used one of your old blankets a few days ago and it dissolved in my sleep. I woke up without it and thought it had all been a dream. I cried for a few minutes before noticing the other blankets I had laying around. But this is just so unbelievable. Like a fairy tale miracle…”

I pull out my phone, pulling up All Might’s number. Hopefully he’ll help me here. “Good afternoon young White, how did it go?” Hmmm, that isn’t his All Might voice, but his All Bone voice… what was his name again?

“This is Mr. Yagi, All Might’s personal assistant right? I was wondering if the big guy could help me out with something today.”

There was a noticeable pause before he responded, “That should be possible, what do you need m-HIM for?” Very smooth…

“My friend finds it hard to believe that All Might is helping her, but if he proves that he is it should be easy to secure her cooperation for the rest.” I give Himiko a look, she nods slowly, still looking unconvinced. “We’re in a secluded park in Musutafu, if I give you the coordinates could you have him meet us in half an hour?”

“That should not be a problem, I will b-tell him to be there!” He hangs up before he can flub any more. I grab Himiko’s hand and pull her towards the edge of the woods.

“We should probably meet him in the actually clear part of the park.”

She pulls her hand away from me. “That’s it? You just call All Might’s assistant and he comes to us?”

“We’ll find out in half an hour if it is that easy or not, right?” With that I pull her to the edge of the forest, sending All Might my coordinates. Himiko is getting more and more nervous every passing minute. Finally I have to ask, “What’s wrong? We are about to solve your problems!”

“I know! That is why I am so nervous! Before you came along there was nothing but loneliness, shame, and hunger. Now you are trying to give me a future! That isn’t something I’ve had in a long time…” I give her another hug. “What if the judge rules against me and I go to jail? And even if I am cleared, what then? What am I supposed to do with my life?”

“If the judge convicts you then we will appeal. And if nothing works then I will visit you as often as I can, and be ready to help you when you get out. But the lawyer thinks you will be cleared, so don’t worry so much.”

She pouts at me, “You wouldn’t break me out of prison?”

I roll my eyes and flick her forehead, “I’m trying to be a great hero who changes the system from within, not a violent revolutionary. There is a right way to do things. Still, I will do everything I legally can do to help you, no matter what happens, ok?” She nods, still pouting. “As for what to do once you are cleared, that’s up to you! You could even try and join me at UA!”

She looks at me in total disbelief, “Me? The crazy girl with a blood obsession who attacked a classmate, as a hero?”

Giving her a sad smile I responded, “Why not? The next #1 is a crazy girl who strangled a man to death. I believe in you Himiko, you can be far more than you think. Who you were doesn’t have to define who you will become.”

We are interrupted by a sonic boom as All Might shows up. He laughs as he approaches us wearing a tight white t-shirt and some cargo pants, “HAHAHA! I am here just as I-my assistant promised! You must be the young lady that young White told me about.

Himiko looks at him in complete shock. I flick her on the head again. She turns to me, pouting, “That’s what you get for doubting me!”

Her pout melts in the face of my smug expression. She turns back to him, her voice hesitant, “Is it true All Might sir? I can be free?”

He gently puts a hand on her shoulder, “Yes young lady, we think so. Mr. Suzuki says the law is clear in cases like these and there are good precedents. If nothing else I could always put in a good word for you, HAHAHA!”

Rather than being reassured Himiko looks even more suspicious, “Why would you go so out of your way to help me?”

I can’t help but feel a bit curious myself. All Might gives us a nervous look before saying, “While I do try to help out wherever I can, if I am being honest, it is less about you and more about young White.”

Ah that explains it. “I am flattered sir, but I will have to refuse. You are like 50 years old, and more importantly a guy. I’m a lesbian, and while your chest is impressive it is the wrong kind of impressive, sorry.” I wait a few seconds, taking in his shocked appearance, before bursting into laughter. I turn to Himiko to see her reaction and freeze at the look she is giving me. It was like a whole new world of possibilities was opening up before her eyes. I feel more hope in her soul than when All Might appeared. I can feel her obsessive feelings for me slowly turning… lustful. Damn, yandere brains are terrifying.

I let out a slight cough before continuing, “But seriously, even I am a bit curious now. Why are you trying to get on my good side?”

He leans down and whispers in my ear, “It has to do with your past…”

I give him a look, “Himiko knows about my past, but how do you?”

Ah! Well… When you told Detective Tsukauchi about the heroes and police that abused you he was worried about going through official channels. He contacted me and a few other trusted friends to help him bring them to justice.” He gives me a deep bow, “We failed in our task, we failed you. Helping your friend now is the least we can do to make up for our mistakes.”

Huh, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that earlier. All Might was the one who arrested that scum, it makes sense that he would be friends with the detective. As for his apology, I don’t really need it. While it would have been better if they had stood trial and been convicted for their crimes, I have largely moved on. Still though, “There is no need to apologize. While it wasn’t ideal, at least they can’t hurt anyone else anymore. However, there is something I’ve been curious about. How did they manage to kill themselves in police custody?” The last bit was said with obvious sarcasm.

He frowns, “We looked into it, but the investigation never went anywhere. While we had arrested them for racketeering, they undoubtedly had other ventures. Our best guess is that they were killed by a professional from some criminal organization, perhaps their boss didn’t want them to talk to us.” Hmmm… I don’t think he is lying but I also think he is holding something back. Something in his soul seems uncomfortable with the topic though, so I will drop it for now. Besides, I can think of a certain government organization that is a much more probable suspect in my books.

Chapter 18: So She Needed That, So What?

Chapter Text

Soon after that All Might had to leave, but not before giving me the lawyer’s email. I sent him a quick message introducing myself and asking him what he needs from us next. While we wait, I go ahead and let Himiko have some blood. It’s important to reward good behavior after all. Ugh, I still hate this feeling though. Also this time she wanted to drink from my neck instead of my arm, which I refused to her great disappointment. Frickin yandere, being all romantically obsessed with me now.

By the time we were done I had heard back from the lawyer. He wants Himiko to fill out some questionnaire followed by an appointment for a video call later in the week. Let’s see, he needs her full name, parents’ names, psychiatrist’s name, her recollection of how everything went down, to list any other crimes she committed while on the run… Yeah this is going to take a while. I’m certainly not waiting around for her to fill it out on a phone keyboard. “Alright Himiko, it is time for us to head home.”

She looks at me with sad puppy-dog eyes. “Do you really have to leave already? It isn’t even dinner time ye… wait, ‘us’?”

I give her a nod, “Yup! You need to fill out a big questionnaire for the lawyer and it would be way faster on my computer. Plus he wants to do a video call later this week and it would be good to get you properly cleaned up.”

Fear, uncertainty, and a dash of hope fills her soul. “Are you sure? I know you are ok with it, but what about your mom? Will she really be ok with someone like me being there?”

“Why wouldn’t she? She took me in.”

“Yeah but you were a cute little girl and I’m…”

“A cute little teenager?” She blushes and I feel a spike of arousal coming off of her. Oops, I really should be more careful complimenting her.

Once she gets a hold of herself she continues, “It’s not just that. You are so much nicer than me. Not to mention prettier, smarter… just better! Why would she want to help me? Why would anyone? Why do you want to help someone as messed up as me ?!” She’s shouting at me at the end of her speech. Her emotions are a mess, full of fear and self loathing. It’s definitely a weakness of my soul sense, I have trouble detecting things that are brewing beneath the surface. Like Bakugo’s weird superiority/inferiority complex, and this… Does she think she isn’t worth my kindness? That she doesn’t deserve another chance?

I may end up regretting this (it may encourage the yandere), but I will definitely regret not doing this more. I pull her into another hug, letting her relax in my arms. I whisper slowly, soothingly into her ear, “Himiko, you don’t have to be perfect to be loved. You don’t have to be the best to deserve a home. As for why I want to help you? At first it was because that’s the kind of person I want to be. When I see someone struggling, I want to help them. I want to show the world that it is ok to be kind. That if you can help, you should help. Now though? I also am helping you because you are my friend. But I don’t want to hang out with you in some dumb forest anymore. I want to go to the movies with you to watch whatever stupid action flick is popular. I want to complain about our teachers as we eat lunch on the school roof. I want us to go to the beach so I can show off what a badass I am at volleyball. And one day, I want you to stand by my side as a hero while we fix this broken society, so that no one ever has to go through what we did.”

Her emotions are tumultuous for several minutes. Fear, hope, shame, anger, love, and many other emotions ebb and flow through her. Eventually she reaches some sort of decision. Her soul becomes tranquil. “My full name is Himiko Toga. I trust you White. Let’s go home.” I smile, letting go of her and heading towards the park entrance. “Ummm actually, can we grab some stuff from my cave?”

There are caves nearby? “Sure.” I follow her for about ten minutes before we reach her ‘cave’. I think a more accurate description would be a few rocks leaning against each other which barely provided maybe two square meters of cover. She crawls in, coming out with a backpack and one of my blankets. I peek inside, noting a few more of my blankets as well as a bunch of empty blood bags.

“We are coming back tomorrow to clean up this mess.” She rolls her eyes at me.

“Yes mom .” Luckily I never was into the whole mommy daddy kink, so I am able to laugh without any embarrassed blushing.

“Also, why are you taking that blanket? You know I can just make you another.”

She shakes her head vehemently, “No, this one is special. It is the first one you made me! I made sure to bring it back every day for you to restore it!” Aww, that’s cute. Hmm… yeah I can probably trust her with this.

I reach out and touch the blanket performatively. “Well now it is permanent. Sorry about keeping that I can make permanent silk secret, I just don’t want textile companies hounding me day and night to make them fabric.”

“Is that really a concern?”

Nodding my head as we head back into the actual park, I pull out my phone and send mom a text saying I am bringing a friend over for dinner. Then I reply, “Big time. I have been approached by no less than twelve fabric or clothing companies. Including two from out of the country. One even offered to help do a bunch of research with me to try and fix the ‘flaw’ in my web making. The only reason I don’t have to deal with them daily is because I pretend that my silk is not long lasting.”

“Oh that does sound like a pain. You should reconsider your non-stabbing policies.” She earns a forehead flick for that. I use a web to do it, she never even sees it coming (Muhahaha). She tries pouting at me but doling out such a righteous punishment to such a terrible sinner will never make my heart waver. Finally she says, “Fine, you win this round. And also, thank you. For the blanket and the trust.”

We chat as we make our way back to my home, but when we reach the apartment building she stops. I can feel her nerves, so I just give her a warm smile, grab her hand, and drag her into the building. I unlock our front door, yelling a greeting as I take off my shoes. Mom comes around the corner, looking surprised at Himiko. “Hey White, who is your friend? I don’t think I know this one.”

Now this here is going to be a delicate operation. “Right, introductions! Himiko, this is Inko Midoriya, my mother in all but blood and the most wonderful woman in the world. Mom, this is Himiko Toga, a homeless girl I befriended recently who I am hoping can stay with us while we sort out some legal trouble.” Hmmm… I don’t think I exactly nailed it. Himiko is worried while mom is… exasperated.

“Why don’t you show your friend the bath, dinner won’t be ready for another 45 minutes and I’m sure she would love a good soak.” ‘Then we will talk’ was left unspoken.

I guide Himiko to the bathroom, making her a fresh set of clothes for when she is done. “Did you really have to introduce me like that?”

“I told you, I won’t lie to mom. I can tell her not to pry but if she really pushes I will fold, she deserves to know who is living under her roof. Is there anything specific you need me to avoid talking about?” I feel like such a hypocrite for saying that. I have kept so much from her. But I just can’t, I can’t tell her about my past life and my real powers, nevermind the secrets I know about this world. At least I am only lying about who I was, not who I am. I am myself, my true self, with her and everyone else I know, and that has to count for something, right?

Thinking over it while she unbuttons her shirt, Himiko shakes her head, “I trust you, say what you need to.” I almost miss what she says, distracted by the view. She smirks, “Though maybe I shouldn’t trust you with some things.” She makes a show of covering up and turning away from me, as if to avoid the gaze of some pervert. Which I suppose she technically is, although I can tell she is just teasing me. I quickly make my exit before temptation can get the better of me. Asking Himiko to share a room with me might have been a terrible idea.

I walk up to mom, trying to play it cool, “So I was thinking she could just share my room. If you need to cut my allowance to make up for the extra food cost, that is totally fine.” She sighs, sitting down on the couch and patting the spot next to her. I sit down, leaning against her.

“Start at the beginning.” So I tell her Himiko’s story. About her quirk giving her a need to drink blood, and how her psychiatrist had prescribed giving her blood. About how her parents refused, calling her a monster. I may have focused a bit more than necessary on that part, mom hates abusive parents. I mean most people do, but it seems to have a special place in her hate. I tell her about how Himiko finally snapped, attacking a classmate. And how she has been on the run ever since, stealing blood from hospitals to stay sane(ish). At this point Himiko had finished her bath and was listening in around the corner. Eh, she deserves to hear this, it is about her after all.

Finally I tell her about running into All Might, although I leave out his skeleton form and Izuku, asking him for advice, and introducing us to a lawyer. She is also skeptical about All Might just deciding to help me out. Well this didn’t work on Himiko, but maybe it will on mom! “Well it is only natural for him to help out the next #1 hero!” She gives me a flat look. Why doesn’t anyone believe in my dream? “Mom, it's fine. There is something else to it but it isn’t anything bad. I will tell you later, I’ve had a bit of a day.” I never told her that I was actually abused by heroes. It never seemed like a good time. But now that All Might bringing it up has brought it back on my mind, I think I do want to tell her. Izuku too. He could use a bit of a reality check from his hero fanboyism.

She looks me in the eye for a minute, “Are you sure about this?” I am about to respond when she cuts me off, “No, I know you want to do this, what I mean is this really ok? Is it safe?”

I hesitate. Himiko is listening but I can’t lie to mom. “When I first met her, she did scare me a bit. But I’ve told you before, desperation can turn anyone into an animal. Underneath the fear, hunger, and thirst is a sweet girl who cares a bit too much about those closest to her. Someone who just needs a bit of help.”

“You said she has to drink blood, you haven’t been helping her steal some have you?”

“Of course not! I just gave her some of mine.” She gasps, looking at my neck. I roll my eyes, showing her my arm, the two puncture marks from an hour ago still not fully healed. I usually magically heal them before I get home, but I figured I would have to wait until tonight to heal them since I am pretending to have just a mildly accelerated healing factor.

Mom grabs my arm, pulling it close to look, then she stares at me in horror, whisper-shouting at me, “What? White why?! Is that even safe?”

sh*t, Himiko feels like she is about to run. I need to settle this now, “Mom I’m fine. Himiko only needs about half a liter a week to stay sane, well within what I can donate. And she couldn’t overpower me to get more if she tried. I was always safe, and always in control. And you know why I did it. Because she needed it, and I could help. Now I told Himiko that she could stay with us for a while, but if you aren’t comfortable with it I will just go get us a hotel room or something.”

She takes in my determined expression before sighing, “Fine, she can stay. At least for a few weeks.” I give her a big smile and a kiss on the cheek.

“I love you mom.”

“I love you too. That’s why I worry so much. You have such lofty dreams and such a giving heart. But the world can be cruel, I just am worried it will take more than you can afford.”

I frown, “Don’t lecture me about how cruel the world is.” She flinches. Gah, that was a bit harsher than I intended. I pull her into a hug, “It is because of how cruel it is out there that I need to be kind. To show people it can get better. But you don’t need to worry about me giving too much. I can be a little selfish too, and my own health and happiness is my first priority.” I’m not some self sacrificing shonen protagonist. I need to take proper care of myself to be able to help others. Plus a full belly, a hot bath, and a warm bed are all really important to me. I’m not giving those up for anything less than to save someone's life. And I’m talking about someone I care about, not some rando.

“You say that, but I’m going to worry anyway. Call it a mother’s prerogative. Now why don’t you show our guest your room, I need to finish up dinner.”

I give her another kiss on the cheek before walking over to Himiko, who was pretending to just get out of the bathroom. “I know you were listening. I thought she would have taken it better than that, sorry. I guess I shouldn’t have just dumped it all on her so suddenly.”

She giggles, “Honestly I think she had the normal reaction. You are probably the craziest one here for accepting me like you do.” Hey, I resent that! I am not crazier than this yandere vampire. After a quick forehead flick in retribution for her slander, I lead her to my room. I keep it pretty minimal. A double bed, a desk with my pc and digital art tablet, an easel and work table for my painting and sketches, and a mirror. I just make my clothes daily, disintegrating them when I am done, so I don’t even have a wardrobe. I have a few posters on my wall, mostly of Mirko but one of Mt. Lady as well. I also have a few figurines, again mostly of Mirko, but also a complete set of the Wild Wild puss*cats. And yes I even have Tiger. Him committing to their cute cat bit as a jacked dude is hilarious. And finally I have my painting ‘Those Beneath Notice’ dominating one wall.

She looks around curiously for a minute before turning back to me with a suggestive smirk, “You sure have a lot of Mirko merch. You must really admire her as a hero.”

I nod solemnly, “Of course I do. She is the top female hero in Japan. I admire the hard work and dedication she puts into her job...” My expression becomes lecherous, “And into her thighs.” We both laugh, but underneath her amusem*nt is a fairly large spike of jealousy. Like I said, yandere are the natural enemy of harems. I then show off my painting, explaining the meaning until dinner is ready. The conversation during the meal was slightly stilted, mom and Himiko not sure how to act around each other. Izuku arrived halfway through, looking dead to the world. His training with All Bones must be intense. If only someone had been more dedicated about going to the gym with me over the past few years.

After dinner I helped with the dishes while Izuku took a bath. Taking one after he was done I went into my room, ready for bed. Himiko is waiting for me, already under the covers, looking at me with a face full of excitement. Hmm… I probably should have set my boundaries and expectations earlier. “Can you sit up for a minute, Himiko? We need to talk.” She does so, revealing she is only wearing her bra and panties. Keeping careful control of myself I ask, “Do you usually sleep in your underwear?”

She smiles as she slowly crawls towards me, “No, but I usually don’t have company. And I want to thank you for saving me… properly .”

I almost lost control there. The way she is looking at me, so bold, yet so submissive. It is almost perfect. Except… “Himiko, we are sharing a bed, but we are not sleeping together tonight.” She stops, looking at me in shock. I quickly wrap her up in a blanket and sit her down next to me on the bed. “I’m sorry if I misled you, that was not my intent. I just wanted you to have a warm and safe place to sleep. If you want I can go sleep on the couch. I just know that when I was adopted I couldn’t sleep unless I was sharing a bed, sharing warmth with someone. That way I knew I wasn’t alone anymore. I thought it might be the same for you, so I went ahead and offered to share my bed.”

She thinks for a minute. “That does sound nice, and I don’t think you were leading me on. But now that we’re here, why not indulge?” I shake my head. She is full of worry and doubt now. “Is it because I… I’m not…” She glances at my posters.

“No! No, Himiko you are beautiful. I find you to be very attractive. That isn’t the problem. I mean, do you even really find me attractive? I didn’t feel any lustful feelings coming from you with my aura sense until I said I am a lesbian.”

For the first time since we met Himiko looks at me angrily, “What, so you think I’m just some psycho who changed her sexuality just to please her savior? I thought you were beautiful from day one! I have masterb*ted at least twice a day while thinking of you ever since you first gave me your blood. I just made sure to not think those thoughts while you were around, I was terrified you would find me disgusting. But when you said you were a lesbian today, I realized you wouldn’t be disgusted. That maybe, we could be together.” She leans in, purring into my ear, “That I could be completely and utterly yours…”

Seriously, has she figured out I am a dom? Because she is making it really hard to resist. Also I apparently really need to stop relying on my soul sight so much, it is not as foolproof as I thought. “I’m sorry Himiko for thinking your attraction to me was just because you are a yandere vampire.”

She smiles at me, “It’s ok, I know I am not exactly normal in the head.” Well yeah, even if I was wrong about this bit she is still a crazy yandere. She leans forward, allowing her cleavage to peek through the blanket, “So now that we have cleared that up, can we please do this? Not just because I want to please you as my savior, but because I want this for myself as well?”

I almost do it. I am so incredibly tempted. There is just one problem. Well two, if you count my juvenile harem dream. But mainly the first thing. “Himiko, you said you want to please me, but tell me. Are you also afraid of not pleasing me? Does the thought of upsetting me in any way terrify you? Are you worried that if you don’t do everything you can to make me happy I may leave you, abandon you?”

I ignore my soul sense, just looking at her face. And I can see it. The fear. I pull her into a hug. “It’s ok. I was like that too for months when mom adopted me. I did everything she asked of me, always striving to do it perfectly. At first she appreciated it, she thought I was just being a good girl who was very obedient. Then one night I broke a plate and I just started sobbing. It took her ten minutes to calm me down as I begged her not to kick me out of my new home. It took me months to internalize that I didn’t have to pretend to be perfect for her. That her love for me wasn’t that shallow, that I could make mistakes and just be myself.”

I pull back so I can look her in the eyes, eyes that are turning red as she struggles to hold back tears. “You are my friend Himiko. Maybe one day we can be more. Honestly I am not sure if I even want a relationship right now. But when I am ready, I know I want partners that aren’t afraid to push back. That aren’t terrified of denying what I want for what they need. In a healthy communicative way of course. Girls who aren’t afraid to set boundaries. Does that make sense?”

She slowly nods, a thoughtful look on her face. “My offer to share my bed still stands, but it will be completely platonic.” I add with a smirk, “If you try anything I will tie you up and throw you on the floor, ok?” She laughs, nodding. “Ok, so do you want pjs or a nightgown?”

“Sports bra and booty shorts?” She asks with a sly look. I make her the booty shorts, but she gets a tank top instead. She pouts a bit before putting them on over her current underwear. I put on similar clothes, though my shorts are a bit looser and go to the middle of my thighs. I turn off the lights and crawl under the covers. She follows suit, and after a few moments she hesitantly scoots over, cuddling up to me. A little skinship should be fine.

I can feel the tumultuous emotions going through her mind. Ten minutes later she is crying. Five minutes after that she is sobbing in my chest as I gently rub her back and comb through her hair with my fingers. I don’t need my soul sense to understand the strange mix of relief, sadness, hope, and happiness going through her mind. Afterall, I’ve felt exactly the same. After a while she calms down and we fall asleep, me still holding her close. I could almost swear I heard her whisper, “Partners?” before I slip into dreamland.

Chapter 19: So I’m Hot For Auntie, Who Isn’t?

Chapter Text

Three months have passed since Himiko moved into the Midoriya household. She is now free and clear! Well, mostly. So the judge definitely ruled that her parents were at fault for her attacking a classmate. However he was a little miffed about the whole stealing blood from hospitals thing. They do use that after all. I think All Might may have written a letter to the judge or something, because in the end Himiko is pretty much just on probation. Honestly it all seems pretty fast to me, but then again I remember hearing that the legal system back in America was notoriously slow, so who knows.

Also as of yesterday, she has officially been adopted by mom! They warmed up to each other pretty quickly, she is a sweet girl underneath the stabbyness. So I now have a new little sister! Who is a year older than me. But she agreed to be the little sister, so I do not have to suffer the indignity of being called lil sis or something horrible like that.

Himiko is now going to school with me, she had attacked that student halfway through her last year of middle school so right now it is mostly a refresher. But I still push her to work hard to bring up her grades. She is going to need to be at her best if she wants to go to UA. That’s right, Himiko is completely on board with me to change society! She has been working tirelessly for the cause… or really for me. She believes in me, not my mission, but still! She is dedicated!

We are training six days a week now that the trial is over. Three days are dedicated to working out. Lifting weights, running, swimming, agility exercises. We even took some classes on rock climbing and parkour. You never know when skills like those might be handy.

Two days a week are dedicated to combat/quirk training. It’s mostly combat training for her, as her quirk doesn’t have much to train. Turns out she is quite good with knives, so she is working on that as her primary fighting style. I mostly do quirk training. Largely with the stuff I do publicly (webs, poison, etc.), but occasionally I work on some magic when Himiko isn’t around, usually the few times a month she goes to therapy. It’s always good to have an ace in the hole.

One day a week we spend working on other skills. For example, for the last month we have been taking a first aid course. It is way more in depth than my old Red Cross certification, and as heroes we will often be the first responders on the scene. Next we plan on taking a water rescue course. We would invite Izuku but All Bones says he needs to focus on his physical training until the UA entrance exams.

The last day of the week is a day of rest (shout out to the book of Genesis), which I usually spend drawing or hanging out with my siblings. Though Izuku is usually too busy, I think that kid is going to work himself to death. If I’m not hanging out with her, Himiko usually just watches some trash tv, but recently she has also been researching something on her phone with unusual intensity. I asked her what she was looking at but she refused to tell me. Even when I pushed a bit she stood her ground. I’m pretty proud of her for that, she would have folded a few months ago.

For those who were wondering, I still am giving Himiko my blood, although now I have it drawn by the school nurse for her. Though she only gets half a liter from me, and while that is sufficient she prefers a full liter a week. So half her blood is random people blood she gets from a hospital, legally this time. She complains about this, saying my blood is much tastier fresh, and also tastier in general compared to other people, but too bad. Being fed on is too horrible for me to go through if there are easier options. I’ve only fed her directly once since she moved in, on the day she was legally cleared. The next time I plan on doing that is for her birthday in August, which she is not happy about, but she isn’t the only one who shouldn’t be afraid to set boundaries.

We are walking back home from our latest first aid class. Himiko is in a bit of a daze. It was a class on how to treat open wounds and she found the videos of bloody victims… stimulating. “You know you are going to have to keep control of yourself when we actually need to treat a person. You can’t go licking stab victims.”

She shakes her head, trying to get rid of her distracting thoughts, “Why not? The doctors say my saliva is antibacterial, that’s why it is hygienically fine for me to bite people. Really me licking them would help prevent infection!”

I give her a flat look, “Sure, but it would also be a PR nightmare and a bunch of lawsuits waiting to happen. Plus you would get a bunch of crazies begging you to lick them or something.”

Her face takes on a sly look, “Well then we will match! I have licking crazies and you have whipping crazies.”

I snort, “Unfortunately for them I only whip bad guys, training partners, and… ummm…” She raises an eyebrow, “Oh look we’re here.” I gratefully unlock the door while Himiko chuckles at my expense. When I enter my home I am welcomed by an incredible sight. My mom, and more importantly, Auntie Mitsuki doing yoga in our living room. I stare in wonder for several moments before I am rudely interrupted by an elbow to the ribs.

“Seriously?” Himiko hisses in my ear, “You are practically drooling.”

“Can you really blame me?” I murmur back as the MILF slowly moves through downward dog, yoga pants and sports bra straining to contain the treasures they hold.

Her pupils dilate as she takes in the glorious sight, and she finally mutters, “Fair enough.”

Feeling that I have perved on her enough I start taking off my shoes, saying “We’re back. Hi mom, hi Auntie.”

They stand up, turning to face us. Auntie gives me a big smile and a bigger hug. Pure bliss. “White! I haven’t seen you in forever! What have you been up to?” She says it casually, but there is an edge underneath. I still haven’t forgiven Bakugo for what he said to Izuku, and so I haven’t seen Auntie since early in the year.

“Sorry Auntie, I have been pretty busy this year, getting ready for UA and all. Plus I’ve been helping Himiko get settled in.”

Mitsuki turns to my new sister, “Himiko, Inko has told me so much about you! I’m Mitsuki Bakugo, but you can call me Aunt Mitsuki like White here does.” She looks over at mom, “They are going to have to put a shrine up for you at this rate. Inko Midoriya, Goddess of cute homeless girls everywhere.” Mom blushes.

I give Himiko a significant look. She turns to mom and bows, hands clasped in supplication, “I know I would make offerings at your shrine every day, oh patron of the adorably needy.” Mom blushes even harder. Time to go for the kill.

I quickly weave myself a rough approximation of a shrine maidens outfit over my clothes. “I think I will have to give up my hero career, I have a new, more important calling now.” Mom’s face is tomato red now, finally she lets out a squeal and flees to the kitchen. Something smells good in there, I guess she was just taking a break for yoga.

Auntie, Himiko, and I all burst out laughing. Now to gracefully exit, “Well Auntie it was nice seeing you, but I’m pretty tired. So I’m just going to take a bath and head to bed.” I disintegrate my shrine maiden robe, which I notice Himiko looks disappointed about. She liked me in that outfit huh? I may have to keep note of that. I have to admit, I am really falling for this girl.

It is almost enough to make me give up on my harem dream since she obviously wouldn’t go for it. Plus my online research into polyamorous relationships make them seem really difficult to pull off. The main thing keeping me from giving up is Momo. We still text every day, plus a video call at least once a week. At first Himiko was really jealous, but for the last few weeks she has been surprisingly chill about it. Momo really is amazing. Smart, sophisticated, funny. I’ve totally fallen for her too!

So I keep that small ember of my harem dream alive, hoping that I can somehow snag both of these incredible women, because I don’t know how I could possibly choose one over the other. I should try to get Momo to visit. Maybe she and Himiko would hit it off. Maybe they would realize that they don’t mind sharing me. And that they don’t mind being with each other either. I start daydreaming of walking into my room after a long day of class to find the two of them making out on my bed. All dressed up in lingerie, they had gotten tired of waiting for me and decided to get the party started themselves, not that I mind in the least. Harem sisters should be close after all. Oh! And then maybe Mirko walks in…

My daydream is interrupted by Mitsuki waving a hand in front of my face, “White, are you in there? You kinda zoned out for a bit.” Whoops. Himiko is giving me a slight smirk while raising an eyebrow. I hope she didn’t use her yandere powers to read my mind there. I’d rather not be stabbed tonight. And for those of you who weren’t aware, yandere have strange and unknowable powers when in proximity of the object of their obsession. Mind reading is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what mystifying feats these rare creatures can produce.

“Sorry Auntie, like I said, I’m tired.” I move to go past her but she gently grabs my arm.

“Actually White, I was wondering if I could talk to you alone for a bit, maybe in your room?” Ah, how many times have I fantasized about hearing those words? With her in a similar outfit even. Somehow I don’t think she is about to make a woman out of me in real life though.

“Sure. Himiko, why don’t you take the first bath?” She agrees, but not before giving me a fake pout and a wink. At least she doesn’t think something is about to happen between me and my childhood crush, I would hate to have to put my new first aid skills to the test. I guide her into my room, sitting down on my bed as she sits on my desk chair.

She studies me a moment before finally sighing. “What’s going on with you and Katsuki?”


Mitsuki looks into those fascinating pink eyes, waiting for an answer. When Inko had first told her that she was adopting an orphan girl Izuku met at the park she thought her friend was being a little crazy. But five minutes after meeting the girl Mitsuki understood. White was a little angel. Cute as a button, funny, smart. Everything someone could want in a daughter. And most importantly for Mitsuki, this little angel was strong. She didn’t care for herself, but it made all the difference for her little firecracker, Katsuki. The boy was just too damn talented. Academics, athletics, hell even cooking. When it came to anything, Katsuki dominated all others. Which of course made Mitsuki incredibly proud, but it also made the brat way too damn full of himself.

Even when he was six it was starting to be a problem. He was surrounded by a bunch of spineless wimps that were awed by a few firecrackers going off in the brat’s hands. Even the teachers were all in on that crap, going on and on about how he was going to make a great hero. Mitsuki knows that he can be a great hero, but having an overinflated ego was both dangerous and unappealing. She tries her best to even things out, showing him some tough love, but her efforts were only minimally effective. The only reason her firecracker’s head can fit through doorways was because of White.

At first when the Midoriyas started coming over every few weeks for dinner it was mostly for Inko and Mitsuki’s sake. But soon enough Katsuki was asking when the next time White would come over almost every day. He had finally found himself an equal. Well no, that wasn’t quite right. After all White has him beat in every subject at school. And judging from some of the comments White makes when teasing him, Mitsuki is pretty sure he never wins their ‘secret’ sparring matches either. And she absolutely crushes him in interpersonal skills, not that her stupid brat cares about that one. The only thing he is superior at is cooking, that girl could burn a salad. Rather than being put down by these losses, Katsuki relished them. He finally had someone who could challenge him, make him better. Both a true friend and a rival.

Mitsuki actually used to dream that one day they would be more than that. That their passionate rivalry would turn into a passionate love. That she would help to take care of their brats while they went off to save the day as the #1 and #2 heroes. That dream was crushed once White hit puberty. The precocious brat was more interested in her than her son. It was somewhat disappointing, but it was also pretty flattering as well. And it was incredibly cute how eager the girl was for hugs, how she would hang on Mitsuki’s every word. Katsuki was surprisingly aware of her disinterest in him romantically, but that did nothing to tarnish their friendship.

But something was wrong now. At the beginning of the school year Katsuki showed up from his spar more upset than he had been in years. And a week later he practically blew his door off its hinges as he slammed it on his way in from school. She heard through the mom rumor network that he had a fight with White at school. They said she dumped him, though obviously they weren’t dating in the first place. Mitsuki actually asked if he had made a pass at her or something, to which he responded, “Of course not! She’s more interested in your saggy body than mine, you damn hag!” Smacking the back of his head had never felt so good.

Two months ago his mood got even worse. He blew up, sometimes literally, over the littlest things. He was working as hard as ever on his training, but she was pretty sure he wasn’t getting the results he wanted. And this week she found out her damn brat had dropped four places in the class rankings. Enough was enough, if the angry brat won’t tell her what happened, then she’ll ask the horny brat instead.

Said horny brat finally speaks up, “I guess it started at the beginning of the school year. Bakugo and I had just finished our ummm…” Mentally Mitsuki winces at that, she isn’t even using his given name when he isn’t around?

Out loud she says, “The training matches you two have every Sunday?” White’s mouth opens in shock. “You aren’t as sneaky as you think. I notice that my brat shows up on Sunday cut and bruised up. Inko says you are better about cleaning yourself up but sometimes there are soot stains on your cheeks. Plus you have been doing this for damn near a decade. So what happened this time?”

White flushes with embarrassment, before smirking. “Well as usual I showed your son who the future #1 is. I usually give him a good natured ribbing to celebrate my win, but this time…” She stops smirking. “This time was different. This time there was something bitter in his aura. He was really frustrated that he can’t beat me. Kept going on about how he is supposed to be the best. How the teachers, his classmates…” She looks away from Mitsuki, “you and your husband, are always saying he is the best. I pointed out that as much as I value your opinion you are a bit biased in this case.”

She glares at the damn brat, who laughs. “That is the exact look he gave me, just with a less appealing face to give it.” She glares at the damn horny brat, who laughs again. “As for everyone else, what do they know about being heroes? Bunch of kids with parlor tricks they call quirks and an English teacher who doesn’t know the difference between then and than. I told him to train hard with me, get into UA, and let them decide who is the greatest.”

White stops smiling, growing somber. “I thought I had gotten through to him. I mean I know he has a temper, and an ego the size of a… whatever big egos are compared too. I just thought he was having a bad day or something. Then the next week at school I overheard him saying something to Izuku.” Her eyes grow hard, while she barely contains the anger in her voice. “He told him something terrible. I confronted him, he wasn’t remotely sorry, and I told him we were done.”

Mitsuki isn’t sure if she really wants to know this, but she has to ask, “W-what did he say?”

White studies her face for a few seconds before sighing, “I’m not going to tell you. That is ultimately between the two of them. But if he had said it to anyone else I still would have dropped him. I refuse to have a friend who treats innocent people that way.”

What the hell did that damn brat say? “Have you talked since then?”

She nods, “I had been avoiding him at school so he finally waited for me here. He apologized to me, but wasn’t sorry for what he said to my brother. We fought some more, he left. I haven’t spoken with him since.”

Mitsuki sighs, “That damn brat… Can you please just tell me what he said?”

“Nope, I told you, it’s not my place. Just go ask Izuku, if you come to him dressed like that, give him a big hug, and hold him close while you ask him what happened I’m sure he would be putty in your hands. If he didn’t faint, that is.”

She looks down at her exposed cleavage, realizing she hadn’t put her shirt back on after doing yoga. “sh*t!” The perverted brat falls back onto her bed, laughing. Then Mitsuki smirks, “Why waste time? I could just snuggle up with you, and ask you oh so very nicely what happened…”

White smirks right back at her, “Yes please, I may even tell you what I know… eventually.” Damn brat. White suddenly sits up straight, glancing nervously at the door. Then she looks back to her and says in a more serious tone, “I really am sorry I haven’t seen you and uncle for so long. You guys are family. But I can’t be around him right now. He knows what he needs to do. I’m just going to have to wait for him to swallow his pride and pull his head out of his ass.”

Mitsuki sighs in defeat and stands up. “I guess that will have to do for now then. Thank you White for talking to me… and for trying to help my firecracker.”

White follows suit, standing up from her bed. “Well that’s what heroes do, they help people. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go take a long and… relaxing, bath.” As she says relaxing the cheeky brat lecherously eyes her up and down.

‘Ah what the hell, I can give her one for the road.’ Mitsuki pulls the girl into another hug, this time purposefully pushing the brats face into her chest. She holds her there for a few seconds before letting her go, “Enjoy your bath you damn horny brat.” Then she walks out of the room with a bit of extra sway in her step. Like she said, the girl's crush was flattering and pretty damn cute.

Chapter 20: So I Gave Them The Talk, So What?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It takes me a moment to recover from that divine experience. That truly might have been the greatest three seconds of my life. I know Aunt Mitsuki is just teasing me. I have never been subtle about my attraction to her, and it has only ever caused her to feel amusem*nt, pride, and a tiny bit of exasperation. If it had made her genuinely uncomfortable I would have stopped years ago. Nobody likes a creeper that can’t take a hint.

I’m just surprised Himiko never burst into the room. When Auntie had suggested that she might seduce the answer from me I felt a small burst of jealousy and envy from the vampire. While both of those emotions make sense with the context, I am weirded out how she knew what was happening. She definitely couldn’t hear us… probably yandere nonsense, best not to dwell on it.

That conversation was not an easy one though. I really do miss Kacchan, that asshole. Training just isn’t the same without him. And his drive to be #1 similarly pushed me to try my hardest. That kind of motivation is hard to consistently achieve on your own. But like I told Auntie, our conversation two months ago had not gone well.


I was just getting back in the evening after a long day of magic training when I noticed Bakugo waiting outside my building. I sighed, knowing I couldn’t avoid him if I wanted to get into my apartment. “What do you want Bakugo?”

He walked up to me and gave an awkward bow, “White, I’m sorry and sh*t. Can we please go back to training?”

I crossed my arms, “Oh, what are you sorry for?”

“For being mean to Deku. I just got really mad, that quirkless lose…” He took a second to hold back the reflexive insult, “he wanted to go to UA.”


So ? He’s quirkless! He can’t be a hero!”

“Then he will fail their entrance exam. Problem solved! A solution that doesn’t involve telling my brother to kill himself !” I started to push past him but he moved to block me. “Move!”

“Doesn’t it bother you? That loser having the same goal as us?”

“We don’t have the same goal.” He looked shocked and confused by that, “Why do you want to be #1?”

He puffed out his chest, “To show I’m the best, to always win no matter what, just like All Might! But it’s the same for you! You want to be #1!”

“I want to help people! I want to save lives! It just so happens that makes being a hero the perfect job. I can save lives and use the fame and influence of being #1 to bring societal change. To make the world a safer, kinder place. If I could do that better as a janitor I would be training on how to mop floors!”

He totally didn’t get it. I could see it in his face. “Look Kacchan, we aren’t little kids anymore. This ego problem is just going to get you hurt. You aren’t the best. I might not be either. But we are both good. We are both really damn good, and we can use that to make a real difference. So grow up, get your head on straight, and apologize to my brother. And I mean really apologize, you need to mean it. Then we can get back to training.”

I walked past him, his eyes unfocused as if he were in a daze. “Until then, don’t talk to me. I can’t be friends with someone who goes around talking like that to people. Goodbye Kacchan.”


And I haven’t heard from him since. I mean I see him at school. His soul is still as full of anger and bitterness as it has all year. A part of me wants to approach him. Help him improve. I’m sure he would get better, faster, with me in his life. But I just can’t. Right now being near him makes me furious. It’s all I can do not to punch the jerk. So I just leave him to it for now.

Ugh, all this serious talk has me bummed out. I walk towards the kitchen, where I see the rest of the family eating dinner. Honestly I’m surprised Izuku is here, he usually isn’t home until later. I fill my bowl and join them. Mhmm, real ramen is so delicious. Mom looks at me, “So what did Mitsuki want?”

“She wanted to confess her undying love for me. It happens when you are as beautiful as I am. But we all have our own struggles.” My siblings chuckle, but mom just glares at me. “She wanted to know what is going on with me and Bakugo, I told her that we fought and aren’t friends anymore.”

Izuku looks up in surprise, “Wait, you are still mad about that?”

“Of course I am!”

“White it’s fine. It’s just Kacchan being Kacchan.”

I shake my head. This kid… “This is why you need a big sister. If you won’t stand up for yourself then I will stand up for you.” Himiko nods her head, though I think mentally she is rolling her eyes.

Mom looks confused, “What happened?” I gesture to Izuku, but he refuses to meet mom’s gaze. We finish dinner in an awkward silence.

As I put away my bowl I decide that I need to set a positive example for the dummy. Plus this has been weighing on me for the last few months. Also I am already depressed thinking about Kacchan, so I might as well get the other bad conversation out of the way. “Can you guys come into the living room for a bit? I need to talk to you about something.” They followed me in, Izuku and mom sitting on one couch, Himiko and I on the other.

“Izuku I know you have always wondered about my past, and I am really grateful that you have respected my silence. But I am going to tell you about it now, both because I want to, and because some of it you need to hear if you want to be a hero. And mom, this is also going to explain why All Might was so eager to help Himiko and I.” She clutches Izuku’s hand, a mixture of dread and curiosity on her face. Himiko grabs my hand as well, ready to support me.

Here we go, “My mother was a whor*. And a drug addict. And sometimes when she was high she would sell me for the night too.”

Mom is already tearing up. Izuku gasps, eyes bugging out, “But you were six!”

“I’m pretty sure I was four when it started.” Mom starts sobbing, although for some reason I am staying pretty calm. “She had all sorts of clients; lawyers, business men and women, police officers. I never knew who they were. But there were four of our clients, the four I hated the most, that I did know. Not their real names. Their hero names. KnuckleMan, Lightning Rod, Spotlight, and Flare Blitz.”

Both of them gasp in shock. Mom looks at me in horror, “But I thought…” She thought it was me mistaking some cosplayers for the real thing.

Izuku is the picture of disbelief. “But they’re heroes! Why would they…” He looks away from me awkwardly. Then he suddenly looks back at me, curious, “Why do two of those names sound familiar?”

“Because All Might arrested Lightning Rod and Flare Blitz when we were seven, they killed themselves while in police custody.” A look of understanding comes across his face, but he does not get excited like he usually does when someone brings up his idol. “When I was five my mother’s pimp beat her to death in front of me. He told me he was going to take me with him, so I fought him and…” I take a deep breath. Mom is shaking her head but I ignore her, looking Izuku in the eye, “I killed him.”

Mom leaps off the couch and runs over to me, pulling me into a hug. I keep my eyes on him though, looking for his reaction. No hate, no disgust, no fear. Just concern, shock, and confusion. Good. He finally speaks up, “Y-y-you didn’t have a choice! You…”

I cut him off, “I did, Izuku. I did have a choice. I had tripped him and he had hit his head. I could have been out of the district before he had regained his senses. But I wanted him to pay, and to make sure he couldn’t hurt another little girl, so I strangled him to death.” I wait a moment for him to take in what I said. “I know it was wrong. I can feel it, his blood on my soul. After all this time it is still there, never completely fading away.”

“Your soul?”

Whoops, “My aura. I can feel it with my aura sense. It’s called poetic license Mr. 4th rank.” Bakugo wasn’t the only one slipping in his studies. “Anyway, after that I was homeless. I didn’t trust heroes or the police for obvious reasons, so I just kinda wandered the country. Trying my best to survive and avoid bad people. It had been almost a year by the time I met you. At that point I was just so hungry, so tired, that I decided to risk trusting someone again. I told mom everything, and she took me to the police. I picked out a detective with a nice aura, not realizing he had a lie detection quirk.”

Mom mutters, “So you did know…” I pull her off me, giving her a questioning look. “While you were taking that bathroom break, he mentioned that you had figured it out.”

Dang competent detectives being good at their jobs. “Well yeah, I noticed his aura reacting whenever I lied. But I really did not want to get involved with an investigation of those heroes, so I tricked him… and you I guess, into thinking I was mistaking roleplay for the real thing. After the interview was done and he turned off the recorder I realized I could trust him a bit more, so I told him the names of the heroes, telling him they had abused me. It turns out, he is a friend of All Might, so they investigated them. KnuckleMan had actually died while I was homeless, apparently some drug dealers got him. They arrested Lightning Rod and Flare Blitz for racketeering, but they killed themselves before their other crimes could be discovered. And Spotlight was killed a week later by a villain.”

I turn to fully face mom, “That was why All Might was so eager to help me. I had told the detective that I trusted him to get justice for me. By their reckoning they failed.”

Izuku looks pensive as he asks, “Do you feel that way?”

“It certainly isn’t ideal. They should have stood trial, and had all their crimes revealed. Their victims compensated… But I don’t really blame All Might and Detective Tsukauchi. They tried their best. And the bad guys can’t hurt anyone again. It will have to suffice.” I let everything sink in for a few moments. “Well there you go, now you know about my past, and why All Might was so eager to help me.”

“Why tell me this now?”

“A few reasons, first to illustrate that it can be nice to clear the air, to talk about your traumas.” He looks away from me. “Second because mom was wondering why the #1 hero was helping out Himiko and I, so I thought it would be a good time to tell you about my past as well. And finally, because I wanted to show you something about heroes.” He straightens up, looking at me with curiosity. “You want to be a hero, someone who saves others and brings them comfort. Hope. A noble thing to aspire to. But not everyone who becomes a pro hero thinks like us. Some are in it for fame, or money, or women. All great things,” Himiko snorts, “but some are also in it for power. To feel above others. Who want to use their authority to abuse those they are supposed to protect.”

He looks nervous, “Are you saying you think there are others like those four?”

“Izuku, my home city had what, maybe 40 to 50 heroes in it? And I know for an absolute fact that four of them were actual lolicons. There are thousands of heroes across Japan, it is impossible that the only bad ones in the country all lived in one place. I know there are others like them out there.”

He sits in silence for a minute, looking thoughtful. “Why are you telling me this?”

“I don’t mean to discourage you from your dream if that’s what you are thinking. I just want you to look at heroes for what they are. People. Some good, some bad. I want you to go into this with both eyes open, not wearing your hero worship blinders.”

“What about All Might, is he… you know…”

I roll my eyes, this frickin fanboy. “As far as I can tell he is every inch the hero everyone thinks he is.” He smiles in relief. After a few more minutes of asking questions he goes to bed. I turn to mom, giving her a hug. “I’m sorry for tricking you again.”

She sighs, “I suppose you had good reasons. Still, is there anything else you are hiding?” I stiffen. She sighs again, “I guess I will just have to trust you. But you need to promise me that you are being safe.”

“I promise mom. I plan on living a long and happy life. And thank you, for trusting me and for being the best mom I could ever hope to have.” Her face turns bright red, but she just holds on to me tighter. After a few minutes we finally pull apart, and I head off to take a bath. Unfortunately it was a short one, even remembering Auntie Mitsuki’s goodbye hug isn’t able to get me back into the mood, so I head to bed.

Himiko latches onto me the moment I lay down. I think she expected me to be more upset. A few minutes later my guess is confirmed as she asks, “Are you ok?”

“It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. In some ways it was a relief.”

She seems to be concerned about something. I wait patiently for her to ask about whatever is bothering her. Finally, she whispers in my ear, “KnuckleMan, did you kill him?” I look at her, shocked. Her yellow catlike eyes seem to glow in the dark. “When you said he was killed by drug dealers you didn’t seem to believe it. Like you know what really happened.”

I need to get less perceptive friends. “I didn’t kill him. I was stalking him, thinking about it… when he and the thugs he was hanging out with were killed. If I’m right they were killed by the same people that killed the other three abusers.”

“So you think it is some government conspiracy, like those old American thrillers you like?” The Bourne trilogy still rules in this world by the way. It even has less shaky cam!

I nod, “Yes, I think that the Hero Commision silences people who would be an extreme scandal to hero society.” Captain Crane (Deatharms) is lucky that they have such a high standard of who counts as an embarrassment. We are unlucky that they have such a low standard of heroes.

“Really?” She doesn’t doubt me, I think she is just asking for confirmation.

“Yes really, I won’t go into the details now, but I have some decent evidence. At least when it comes to KnuckleMan. And one day, I am going to expose them for the hypocritical murderers that they are. How can heroes be monitored, regulated, and guided by a group that kills people to hide inconvenient truths? Can I trust you to have my back when the time comes?”

She nods resolutely, “Always.” I smile, pat her on the head and roll over to go to sleep.

Ugh, there are still a few weeks until summer vacation. Which is super short by the way! Back in the USA summer vacation was around three months, here it is only a little over one month! I could really use the time off, although I will probably just kick my training up another notch. Still, I should think of something nice to do over the break. I wonder if Momo could maybe swing by at some point. I could show her the beach Izuku has been cleaning. And maybe she could show me what she looks like in a bikini. Oh and then Himiko would get jealous, but instead of stabbing people she would just get a slu*ttier bikini! And then Auntie shows up to tan, and being the thoughtful girl that I am, I offer to help her apply her lotion. I slowly drift off to sleep, my dreams full of lovely ladies wearing very little.


I feel like I have been leaning into White's backstory a bit too hard. This is like the fourth scene I have written where it is just her laying out her past. I think next time it comes up I will just say that she told them, inserting relevant reactions if they are interesting/add to the story. In other news, get ready boys and girls, because it is time for a beach episode, with smut to follow soon after!

Chapter 21: So It’s a Beach Episode, So What?


Expect things to get a little lewd, but not smut yet.

Chapter Text

Momo practically vibrates in her seat out of excitement as her driver makes his way through the streets of Musutafu. Technically the reason for her visit is for a tour of UA tomorrow, but the reason she is so excited is that she is going to spend the entirety of today with White. Momo has a massive crush on the pale beauty, she is self aware enough to know this. She had vaguely been aware of her interest in women for years, though she has kept her bisexuality to herself. But she has never felt about anyone, man or woman, the way she does about White.

She is amazing. Graceful, funny, brilliant, and incredibly gorgeous. But perhaps most importantly she is kind. Not in a polite, superficial way, White genuinely cares about others, even strangers, and does her best to help them. After speaking with her for the first time Momo started to see them. The homeless, the poor, the hopeless, and the bullied. People that had been there the whole time but she had never noticed. Most of her allowance now went to various local charities, and the pride in knowing that she was helping helped ease the shame of not noticing earlier. Not that White held her ignorance against her, as always she was kind and understanding. Just speaking with White is helping Momo become a better person and eventually a better hero.

They finally arrive at the beach that was their meeting place. Apparently they are right on time, as White is walking across the street, wearing a lovely white sundress with a sunflower pattern, a large wide brimmed hat protecting her pale skin from the summer heat. Beside her is a cute girl with catlike eyes and blonde hair pulled into two messy buns, dressed in a simple tank top and shorts. Himiko Toga.

Momo has mixed feelings about the blonde. On the one hand, she was incredibly proud of White for helping the young homeless woman. From her understanding she had even helped get some legal trouble cleared up. White refused to elaborate on that, saying it was up to Himiko to reveal her past. Understandable, but the heiress had to admit it irked her somewhat. It took all of her willpower not to have the servants investigate. She also was of course happy for Toga, who had received a second chance at life. She apparently even planned to apply to UA to be a hero alongside White. Which is all well and good but… did Mrs. Midoriya really need to adopt the girl too? And did they have to share a room? And from what Momo saw when video calling White, did they even share a bed?

Momo had worked up the courage to ask if they were together a few weeks ago, and White had denied it. Still, it is obvious that Toga is in love with White. She also obviously saw Momo as a rival… or at least she used to? Whenever Momo and White spoke on their video calls Toga would usually chat at least for a while. And while at first the blonde was clearly a little hostile to the heiress, over the last couple months she started to mellow out. When they were planning this beach trip a week ago she seemed almost eager to finally meet Momo in person. That did not change the fact that the girl was obviously in love with White, and Momo came prepared to stake her own claim.

Once it was decided that they were going to the beach she did some research on the most enticing swimsuits. Apparently the hottest kind of bikini, one that is sure to win the heart of any man, is the sling bikini. And while Momo’s crush isn’t a man, from her research it seems that lesbians often find similar clothes attractive on their partners. And she had researched diligently over the last few months, though she also had to take frequent breaks to relieve… tension. Still, the sling bikini was a bit much, or more accurately, not nearly enough for the young woman. The bikini she ended up purchasing is still quite revealing for her, but she needs to present a strong offensive.

Momo wasn’t sure if she had measured incorrectly or if the bikini was supposed to be this way but it was a bit tight. Especially around her chest and buttocks, though since that was all it covered she supposed those were the only places it could be tight. Still, looking at herself in the mirror when she first tried it on, she was of the opinion that it only enhanced the effect the swimsuit had on her… assets. Snapping out of her reminiscence, she tells the driver to find a place to relax while she is with her friends, she does not want her father’s servant to witness the somewhat mortifying display that was to come. But still, Toga lived with White and had opportunities every day to seduce the hopeful young heroine, so Momo had to try twice as hard to secure her place.

As Momo approaches the pair, a nice red sundress covering her scandalous swimsuit, she once again feels so seen as she smiles at White. She then takes a more careful and appraising look at her blonde rival. She is certainly attractive, with a feline grace to her movements and almost luminescent yellow eyes on her doll-like face. Still, Momo certainly has her beat when it comes to curves, both top and bottom. A few months ago she would have naively thought that meant her victory was assured, but her research had led to a shocking discovery. Apparently oppai is truth, while flat is justice. And while Toga isn’t exactly flat, she is small relative to both Momo and White, who embodies the adage that medium is premium. And as befitting a young hero, White loves both truth and justice. Still, Momo was determined to show the superiority of truth to her crush. After all, it’s not like she can date both of them at the same time.


As I walk down the sidewalk with Himiko, both of us carrying a bag full of beach supplies and beach umbrellas over our shoulders, I notice something odd. Specifically, I notice that she seems almost as excited to meet up with Momo as I am. She also feels very determined in my soul sense. I can’t help but feel concerned. “You seem awfully excited about this.”

She turns to me, smiling, “Yup! It will be the first time I get to meet Momo in person. Plus I’m sure the three of us will have a blast at the beach.” Still concerning. I had noticed over the past month that Himiko had been making a real effort to be friendly with Momo, but I feel as if there is something else going on besides friendliness.

“You aren’t planning on like, stabbing her or something, right?”

She gasps in fake shock. “Of course not, she is your friend, and I want to be her friend!” I wait a bit, she is doing a dramatic pause. She smirks at me, “Plus I didn’t bring any knives.” I still think she is scheming something, but I think I can trust her not to do anything too crazy. After all, the last thing she wants to do is upset me.

We are crossing the street to get to the beach when a limo pulls up (dang rich people), and a minute later Momo gets out. She walks to us wearing a lovely red sundress, and my heart practically skips a beat as she smiles at us. Well, at me. She turns her attention to my favorite vampire, and she is filled with determination and a fair amount of jealousy as she studies her ‘rival’. Himiko smiles at her, also filled with determination, but surprisingly almost no jealousy. Sheesh, I hope I am not about to be in the middle of a stupid love triangle. Still, is that why Himiko is so happy? A chance to show up Momo and win my love or something?

I greet Momo, giving her a big hug. I love the feelings of happiness, embarrassment, and a healthy amount of arousal that my touch gives her. “It’s good to finally see you again Momo. I can’t wait for us all to be at UA so I can see you every day.” A big blush from that, I am pretty sure she is embarrassed about how happy that makes her. Ah, she is just so much fun to bully a little. I let go of her, turning to third person in our little get together. “I know you have spoken over the phone, but since this is the first time you are meeting in person I will go ahead and make introductions. Momo Yaoyorozu, hero in training, meet Himiko Toga, hero in training.”

Momo gives a small bow, “It is nice to meet you in person Toga.”

Himiko surprises both of us by going up to Momo and giving her a bit of a side hug. “Any friend of White’s is a friend of mine, so please, call me Himiko. Can I call you Momo too?”

Both of us are shocked, but Momo eventually manages to give a quick, “That’s fine Himiko.” I decide to move this party along, walking to a nice part of the beach. There is still quite a bit of trash littered about, but we have a solid 50 meter stretch of pristine sand available. Momo appears to have some doubts, “Ummm… White? Why is this beach also a dump?”

“It has been used as an illegal dumping grounds for years. Thankfully my brother has been cleaning it for the past four months both as training and as community service. Nobody comes around here anymore, so we basically get our own private beach for free!” She does not seem to be appropriately in awe of my brilliance.

“Is that really a problem? Usually when my family and I go to the beach there is hardly anyone around.”

Frickin rich people. “A beach like this would probably have nearly a hundred people on it by this time in the morning. You may be used to expensive private beaches.”

She flushes with embarrassment, “Ah, right. I apologize, I sometimes take my upbringing for granted.” Then she shoots me an inquisitive look, “You said your brother is cleaning it for training, as in hero training? Didn’t you say he is quirkless?”

“Yup! But earlier this year he met a hero who thinks he is actually a late bloomer. Supposedly his quirk is going to come in soon, so he needs to actually get training if he wants a chance to get into UA.”

She looks appropriately skeptical, “A late bloomer? At 14? Which hero is this?”

Himiko, who had been walking behind me so she could watch the wind mess with the bottom of my dress, subtly comes forward to watch me as I explain/deflect. I’m pretty sure she has figured out the hero in question is All Might, but she has respected my silence on the matter. I know it annoys her that I am keeping her in the dark though. “15 actually, his birthday was last week. As for the hero, he has asked me not to tell anyone. But don’t worry, if it turns out he has been tricking my little brother I'll make sure he pays!” I have a somewhat bloodthirsty grin as I make my proclamation. Whoops, Momo looks a little unnerved.

Himiko laughs, “Careful White, your big sis energy is showing.” I blush slightly as Momo joins Himiko in her laughter. We set down our stuff and I start working on setting up the umbrellas. It is a perfect day for the beach, the hot summer sun offset by the cool sea breeze.

Momo suddenly asks, “Wait, you said your little brother just turned 15, but aren’t you still 14?”

Himiko laughs (again), “Yeah her birthday is 8-8, but she insists she is the big sister. I mean, my birthday is the 7th of August, and she still says she is the big sister, even though I am a year and a day older!” I blush slightly more as Momo joins Himiko in her laughter. Ugh, how was six year old me supposed to know that wanting a cool spider themed birthday would cause me so much grief? Still, at least Himiko and Momo seem to be getting along!

As I finish setting up I explain how both Izuku and I had independently decided that I need to be the big sister so I can take care of him. That gets some awwws from the girls. Finally I finish, weaving some nice big fluffy towels for us to lay out in. Time for some grand reveals, I can’t wait to see what these two are hiding. As they watch me I strike a pose, snapping my fingers dramatically as my dress disintegrates into nothing. Underneath I am wearing a sporty two piece. My top was essentially a black sports bra with some cute white spiders on it. The bottoms were tiny booty shorts, white with cute black spiders on it. Technically it is fairly modest as far as modern swimsuits go, but it is cute! Also I don’t think I need to show off too much for these two to get them going.

My thought is instantly confirmed as Himiko licks her lips, eyes dilated with arousal, while Momo rubs her thighs together, face blushing. I gesture to Himiko, who starts to slowly, teasingly taking off her shirt, revealing a red bikini. It is somewhat surprisingly tasteful, revealing enough to be enticing without being too skimpy. A good tease. She turns around, bends over, and takes off her shorts, waving her cute little butt back and forth as she does so. I quite enjoy the show, and surprisingly so does Momo. Maybe my harem dream isn’t so farfetched?

Finally we turn expectantly towards the young heiress. She blushes as she fiddles with some ties behind her neck. I watch with interest as her soul is filled with ever increasing amounts of shame, and equally rising amounts of arousal. Finally her fumbling fingers manage the tie, yanking her dress down as she turns away in embarrassment. Thank you Guide, for giving me this chance at a new life. I can see why she is embarrassed, that thing was not made to actually be worn at a beach. Also I am beginning to think that this brilliant, heroic soul is quite the exhibitionist. Not kink shaming in any way, just making an observation.

Himiko and I walk a slow circle around the blushing woman, the blonde letting out a low whistle of appreciation. Momo’s bottom is a string black bikini, except the back is tiny. Like maybe half of her cheeks are covered. It also appeared to be a little tight, as her skin bulged slightly against the fabric in a very appealing way. The top… I’m not familiar with what you call this type of bikini, but it is small. Basically it is a strip of forest green cloth, maybe 4-5 cm wide, wrapped around her torso without any additional support. The top is held together by a 3 cm gold ring in the front. Which gives her maximum cleavage, as well as substantial underboob. And again it is tight, I actually worry that the slightest bit of pressure will cause the whole thing to snap. Wouldn’t that just be terrible?

Himiko gives voice to my fears, her tone full of amusem*nt, “Damn Momo, I think that thing might tear if you breathe too deeply.” She feels even more ashamed and aroused at that.

I walk up and whisper in her ear. “I can make you something else to wear if you want, you don’t need to try and impress me.” She looks at me with disappointment, “Don’t get me wrong, you look incredible. I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

She smiles at me, looks thoughtful for a moment, before saying. “N-n-no thank you. My hero costume will also have a lot of exposed skin by necessity, so I can think of this as t-t-training.” Her blush was at an all time high as she finished, as was her arousal. Almost certainly an exhibitionist.

I give her a minute to recover before asking, “So you’re saying your costume needs to be skimpy? Why?”

“When I use my quirk the objects I create come out from my skin wherever I want, but with larger objects it is far easier to use larger areas of my body than my arms or legs. If I do not leave large parts of my torso exposed I would just end up destroying my costume, so I thought it better to simply have a revealing outfit.”

That makes sense in a pervy anime kinda way. Like Quiet running around Afghanistan in a bikini because she breathes through her skin. Eh, if she’s ok then I am ok. I turn to Himiko, “What about you? Is this a preview of your hero outfit?”

She laughs, shaking her head, “Nah, but I do like the color. I think I’m going to go with a red and black bodysuit. Spandex is a superhero classic for a reason. And you?”

“I am going to have a bodysuit, but that is mostly to help prevent sunburn. I plan on having a skirt and blouse to make it a bit more modest.” They both look disappointed at that. Aww, they're all in sync. I smirk, laying down on my stomach on one of the towels, “Speaking of preventing sunburn, would either of you like to help me rub some lotion on my back.”

““Yes!”” Adorable.

Chapter 22: So I Have A Wingwoman, Wait Really?

Chapter Text

While they had answered simultaneously, Himiko was far quicker to act. She rushed over to our bags, pulled out some sunscreen and knelt beside me. Momo can only pout in defeat as her rival begins rubbing the lotion between her hands to warm it up. As she started to rub my lower back I let out a low moan. I may be a tad weak to pampering. Hmmm, Himiko won fair and square, but I don’t like how dejected Momo feels. Oh, I know! “Hey Momo, do you think you could…” I let out another moan as my helper’s hands start moving up my back, “could help me with my legs?”

To my utter disbelief Himiko says, “Great idea! Here, use this, I’ll grab another.” She gives Momo the bottle of sunscreen before digging through my bag to find another. I just don’t understand what is going on with this crazy vampire. She is acting pretty much the opposite of how I expected. Was I wrong about her being a yandere obsessed with me?

My train of thought was wonderfully derailed as Momo began to work the lotion onto my leg, starting with my left calf and slowly working her way up. By the time she reaches my upper thigh she is closer to groping me than rubbing lotion in. Not that I blame her, my thighs are amazing. Quite muscular with a healthy layer of fat with baby smooth, pale skin on top. I am quite proud of my body, I even have abs! Not a six pack or anything, but clearly defined abdominal muscles. Eventually she moves over to the other leg, repeating the exquisite process.

I spend the next ten minutes in paradise, being massaged by two beautiful women. At some point some silent communication goes on between the two, and they switch positions. Momo starts working on my back and shoulders, while Himiko starts working on my legs, going straight for the thighs. At this point they aren’t even pretending to be applying sunscreen, and are simply getting their hands on me. And they are enjoying the experience almost as much as I am.

My little slice of heaven is rudely interrupted by another soul entering my perception range. A soul that is full of an emotion that I cause so often but want nothing to do with. Boy lust. It seems Izuku has wandered over, deciding to take a break from his labors to watch a beautiful show. Although I can’t really blame him, we are doing this out in the open and I knew he was around here somewhere. Ah, what the hell, I’ll give him ten more seconds to enjoy the view before I go over there and punish him.

Eight seconds later the insanely powerful soul of All Might enters my range. Nooope, we’re done now, “Ladies, we might want to stop, it seems we have picked up an audience.” Himiko reluctantly stops, sitting back on the towel. Momo, who is facing away from the boys, continues to massage my shoulders. What’s more, she actually lifts her ass in the air a bit and shakes it back and forth slightly, as if swaying to some slow music. Jeeze, that exhibitionist streak is stronger than I thought. Also I need to stop her, I’m pretty sure Izuku is about to faint. I give her a quick forehead flick with some thread.

She lets out an “eep,” falling backwards on her butt. Her chest wobbles enticingly, her top straining to stay on. Sadly it wins that battle, and Himiko and I sigh in disappointment. Momo, realizing what she had been doing, blushes heavily, “Sorry, I didn’t hear you the first time.” She lies like a horny exhibitionist liar.

Himiko decides to help out, “I understand. And I must say, I admire your dedication to making sure White’s skin remains nice and unburned.” Momo nods her head, not noticing the sarcasm.

I get up, “Well I’m off to scold my brother, why don’t you two get your fronts? I can do your backs when I return.” I feel a renewed sense of determination coming from Himiko. It seems she is about to make a move. But I’ll trust in her, I’m pretty sure she isn’t planning anything bad after all. Still, I won’t move too far away, just in case some healing magic is required.


Himiko watches as the love of her life walks away, the hypnotic sway of her hips drawing her eyes. With a massive effort she turns away from the alluring sight, to instead turn her eyes to another beautiful view. Momo, who is watching White’s retreating rear with great intensity. A tiny part of Himiko wants to stab her for that, for daring to lust after her savior, but it is an easy impulse to ignore. After all, White wanted the heiress, she cared for her, lusted after her. Therefore, Himiko is determined to help seduce the busty woman, to help the most wonderful person in the world get what she wants. But, that doesn’t mean the vampire couldn’t also get what she wants… “Damn girl, you’ve got it bad.” Momo starts, looking at her with a confused expression on her face. “You are totally in love with White.”

“What! No I just…”

“It’s ok. She likes you too. You should have seen her earlier, she was practically skipping on her way over here she was so excited to see you. And when you showed off your bikini? I think it took all of her mental strength not to throw you over her shoulder and take you to the nearest love hotel.”

She smiles brightly as she confirms her savior's mutual attraction, “But the first thing she says to me is to make sure I’m comfortable. It is one of the best things about her, how kind and considerate she is! I can listen to her talk for hours about her dreams of the future! And she is so smart, top of her class and by a solid margin.”

Himiko leans in, whispering conspiratorially, “And that body of hers is amazing. I mean those thighs are incredible, what I would give to have them wrapped around my head.” Momo nods dreamily before her eyes suddenly snap into focus, looking at the blonde.

“Are you saying you…”

“Oh yeah, I’m madly in love with her.” Literally Himiko thinks to herself. She knows she isn’t exactly normal in the head. White calls her a yandere vampire, and at this point she is comfortable with that assessment. She totally understands now why her savior was so hesitant to initiate a relationship. After all, she was obsessively in love with White, and that usually means she would be incredibly jealous of any other girl approaching the object of her obsession. Luckily Himiko had an epiphany a few months ago. And now she is going to ensure she gets to spend the rest of her life by the side of the perfect woman, even if it is along with her harem.

Momo snaps her out of her rumination, “So I suppose that makes us rivals then.” She gives the vampire a determined look.

“It doesn’t have to make us rivals.” She looks confused at that. Himiko leans in to whisper, keeping an eye on White to ensure she doesn’t come back. She has incredible hearing, but hopefully the sea breeze will ensure the blonde’s proposal doesn’t reach her. “Do you want to know what kind of p*rn White likes?” Momo splutters, but she doesn’t say no… White obviously used safe search, but thankfully all Himiko had to do to find out what she was searching was figure out Inko’s password for her ISP account. Then she could see everything that White clicked on. Besides obsessively looking up pre-quirk english media, she spent most of her time online reading doujin, smut, and looking at erotic fan art. And there were some obvious themes in her searches…

“Obviously, all of it is lesbian p*rn.” Momo nods her head, leaning forward with interest. “But there are three different themes in what she enjoys. The first two… well, I’ll keep them to myself for now.” The first was BDSM, which did not surprise Himiko in the slightest. White obviously enjoyed tying her up, and everytime she earned a forehead flick a sad*stic smile shone on her savior’s face. Half the time Himiko did something ‘bad’ on purpose, just to give White an excuse to enjoy herself. The second was futanari, which was not something Himiko was familiar with beforehand. After a bit of ‘studying’, she could see the appeal. The thought of White standing over her, massive shaft begging to be worshiped… She shook her head, focus!

“One of her favorite themes is polyamory… harems…” White’s favorite smut fic seemed to combine all three, with a dominant futa playing with her loving sub harem. It was Himiko’s favorite too now.

Momo leaned back, a complicated series of expressions forming on her face. Finally she looks doubtful, “That’s just a fantasy of hers, p*rn isn’t meant to be taken seriously.”

“It isn’t just p*rn. She has spent a lot of time on forums, researching polyamorous relationships. ‘How do I tell a girl I’m poly?’ ‘How to make polyamory work?’”

“And so what, you want to help her make a harem?” Yes.

But out loud she says, “White saved me. And I don’t just mean that she gave me a home when no one else would, or that she accepted me when my own parents called me a monster. She didn’t just save my life, she saved my soul.” The way White speaks about how killing that pimp stained her soul with blood… Himiko doesn’t think she is being metaphorical. She is pretty sure at this point that her ‘aura sense’ is actually a soul sense. And while Himiko doesn’t really think that a bloody soul sounds bad, in fact it sounds super pretty, the way White shuddered when describing it shows that she thinks it is disgusting. And that’s what really matters.

“When she found me I had almost given up. I hated the world, and everyone in it. Every day there was a growing desire in me to lash out. To make everyone suffer like I have. And then I met White. I don’t know how much you know about her past, but she has suffered terribly, even worse than I have. But she didn’t despair like me. She saw the same darkness I did, and instead of wanting to give in and cause more suffering, she decided to fight against it. She rose up, became greater, and then started to save others too. And now I plan on standing by her side, to help others instead of lashing out as I wallow in misery. If it wasn’t for White, I’d probably be a villain right now, instead of a hopeful hero in a loving home. So yes, if White wants a harem, I will do my best to grant her wish.”

Himiko leans in, whispering with a sultry voice in Momo’s ear, “And think about it. Have you ever known someone as selfless, as giving, as White? She is going to keep helping, giving, saving, for the good of everyone for the rest of her life. Doesn’t a woman like that deserve a little indulgence? Would you really deny her a warm home full of love, laughter, and pleasure?”

That was the epiphany she had all of those months ago. When she realized White wanted a harem, at first she was upset, furious even. The thought of her savior with another woman was repulsive. She almost stabbed White in her sleep, looking down at her, knife in hand. A nice murder-suicide, that way they could be together forever, but something changed her mind. Looking at her sleeping face she remembered the first day they spoke, and how White had given her blood. And how she had shamefully betrayed that trust. How White had returned, forgiven her, and helped her anyway. White obviously hated being fed on, but she did it anyway, because Himiko needed it.

So she decided she would allow her savior to have a harem, even if it did hurt. Not ideal, but if that is what made White happy. Then a thought occurred to her. Making White happy makes Himiko happy. Having a harem makes White happy. So White having a harem makes Himiko happy. The math checks out. Within two weeks she went from wanting to stab to wanting to help seduce. As the most wonderful person in the world, White deserves to have as many girls as she wants. Plus it helps secure the vampire's place, on her own she is not good enough, but if she is just one of many to worship her savior…

Himiko looks at the scrap of cloth straining to contain Momo’s bust. And it wasn’t like White would be the only one benefiting. She continues, purring in the heiress’ ear, “Plus, I saw the way you were looking at me when I was getting undressed. I bet you wouldn’t mind getting your hands on my cute little butt.” She sits back, taking a glance at White who is still berating Izuku and some skeleton looking dude.

Momo takes a moment to get her blush under control before asking, “You said your parents called you a monster, why?”

“Besides being assholes? My quirk requires me to drink blood or I go crazy. My parents refused to let me have any, even from blood bags. The first day I met White she offered me her arm to drink from. She hates doing it, she almost has a panic attack every time she does, but she does it anyway every time I need it. Because that is the kind of person she is. Though now I mostly get my blood from bags.”

Momo looks thoughtful, and Himiko thinks she might have struck a chord with her. It looks like White is winding down, she needs to finish her pitch. “You asked earlier if we were rivals, but that depends on you. If you want to be White’s only girlfriend, then I will do whatever I can to stop you. If you want to be one of White’s girlfriends, then I will be your best possible ally. Think about it.” From the look on her face, Momo is indeed thinking about it, and is enjoying the thought quite a bit…


After scolding the #1 hero and his fanboy for not respecting our privacy I return to make good on my promise of helping the girls with their backs. I’m not sure what Himiko said to Momo but the heiress had gone through quite the emotional rollercoaster. But she seemed to have settled down into a sort of… lustful curiosity? Interesting.

Rubbing the lotion into their backs and legs is an incredible experience. I start with Momo, spending a solid 15 minutes working on her with Himiko’s help. And since her bikini bottoms are so small we may have needed to touch (grope) her ass to do a thorough job. I’m pretty sure she is close to climaxing as we finish up, so it is only slightly surprising that she asks if we would be interested in getting her front too. Himiko immediately agrees, but I regretfully decline. If we start doing that then this is definitely going to become an R rated outing. And I need a chance to think about how I am going to broach the poly thing. The girls are getting along surprisingly well, but that doesn’t mean they will be ok with sharing me.

So I refuse Momo’s generous offer and instead get to work on Himiko. Another enjoyable 15 minutes pass. The first few minutes Momo watches somewhat jealously, but that jealousy is slowly replaced with lust, and she helps out for the last 10 minutes. Seriously, is this the p*rn parody version of My Hero Academia?

After that I decide we should cool off a bit sexually speaking, and decide it is time for some beach volleyball. I played volleyball in highschool during my first life, but I always enjoyed beach volleyball more. And not because of the girls in bikinis! Volleyball uniforms have an equal and unique appeal when compared to bikinis. No, the reason I like it more is because of the two on two nature, requiring a lot of communication and trust between the teammates. Plus the sand is much easier on the knees than the court. We call Izuku over to be our fourth. I also make Momo a sports bra and shorts to wear over her ‘swimsuit’. As much as I would have enjoyed the inevitable wardrobe malfunction, there is an impressionable young boy around!

After almost an hour of playing, disaster struck. Momo’s driver, who I assume is named Jeeves, comes up and hands her a phone. After a few minutes of increasingly heated discussion Momo comes back, looking like her dog just died. “That was my father. Apparently there is a dinner function I need to attend tonight, so I will have to leave in order to prepare myself.” She bows in apology.

Gah, this sucks! Himiko is of the same opinion, “Damn that sucks! But wait, why didn’t you know about this beforehand?” Hey! That’s a good point!

Momo shakes her head sadly, “I’m not sure, after all, I had been planning on coming a day early to the UA tour for the last few weeks. And these kinds of dinner parties take weeks to plan… No matter, my parents need me to attend, so I must be off.”

I go up and give her a big hug. “It’s ok, I understand. And hey, just think about how often we will be able to hang out once we are all at UA.” She smiles, though she is clearly still upset.

Himiko comes up and gives her a hug too, whispering something in her ear. Momo gives her a thoughtful nod in response. And with that, she heads off after her driver. Frickin rich people with their limos and their fancy dinners. I sigh, turning back to Himiko, “So do you want to head back or stay here.”

She takes a moment to gauge my mood, “We can head back if you want.” And with that I say my goodbyes to Izuku, pack up and head back home. On my way back I can’t help but ask what she and Momo were talking about, to which she responds, “Just my hopes for the future.” Concerning. Or maybe not?

Chapter 23: So I’m a Harem Protagonist, So What?


I need to apologize.

Yes, there will be Futa smut scenes in my fic. I am sorry for not tagging it as such. I had originally tagged it just as harem and BDSM because I was planning on having more specific tags on the specific chapters. It did not occur to me that futa would be a deal breaker for some people. It is one of those things where I never specifically search for futa, but a lot of my favorite writers feature it and I enjoy it. I have updated the tags to include futa and will at some point next week add more tags so that we can hopefully avoid this happening again in the future.

That said not all of the smut scenes will be futa. Maybe even the majority will not be. And you will always know at the start of the chapter whether it is there or not. If this is a deal breaker for you then I understand. But I hope that you will just skip those chapters and read the rest, I am really proud of what I have written so far and am looking forward to all of the (hopefully) amazing things to come.

Once again I am truly sorry for this, and I hope you will continue to enjoy my fic.

Chapter Text

It has been almost two months since our trip to the beach. Himiko and I had a shared birthday party last month, but it was pretty much just us, Izuku, Auntie Mitsuki, and mom. So maybe birthday dinner is the better term. I received some nice art supplies, while Himiko just wanted money. She says she is saving up for something. Concerning…

She and Momo seem to be up to something. They are texting back and forth frequently, and one time I walked into my room to find them video calling each other. I would think that they have a crush on eachother, but Himiko is definitely still in love with me so… I almost want to conclude that they are planning to ask me out. But that’s just wishful thinking, right? It is a Sunday afternoon, mom is going on a spa day with Auntie Mitsuki while Izuku is off training at the beach so it is just Himiko and I hanging around the house on our day off. Oh, I can sense that Himiko is finally coming out of the bathroom, I wonder if she wants to do anything today?


Momo takes a deep breath while looking at the incoming video call. This is it. This is the day where she confesses to White. No, this is the day where they confess to White. She accepts the call, and Himiko’s smiling face appears on her phone. The blonde is dolled up with makeup, hair still pulled back into her trademark messy buns. Apparently White likes her hair pulled up. As for her clothes, all Momo can see is a big fluffy bathrobe. “What are you wearing underneath?”

The blonde quirks an eyebrow, “Hello to you too Momo. As for what I’m wearing… If all goes well you will find out soon. Everything is ready on my end. Auntie Mitsuki is taking Inko to the spa with the passes I gave her and Izuku has firm instructions not to interrupt our ‘girls day’ if he finishes training early. How about you, are you sure about this?”

Honestly, when Himiko had first explained that she wanted to share White… Momo immediately wanted to say yes. Something about it seemed so incredibly hot. So deliciously taboo. The only reason she didn’t say yes that day was because she felt like she wasn’t supposed to want it. But after speaking with Himiko about it over the last two months, not to mention her online research, she is not just sure about this. She is eager. “Sorry Himiko, hello. And yes, I am more than ready. Go to her.”

Himiko gives her a brilliant smile, “Thanks Momo, let’s go make White’s day.” She carries the phone, still trained on her face, out of the bathroom and into White’s room. Himiko opens the door, turning the phone around so Momo can see White working on a drawing. It seemed to be a sketch of the three of them playing volleyball at the beach, except instead of Izuku as their fourth it was Mirko. Momo shakes her head. Hopefully the rabbit hero is straight, or at least monogamous, because if not there was no way they could convince White not to add her to the harem. Though she supposed being able to feel those chocolate thighs in person would be nice…

Her thoughts are interrupted as White turns around, “Hey Himiko, Momo, what are you two up to?” There is a hint of suspicion in her voice, as well as some excitement. Did she figure it out? Momo supposed that with her aura sense it could be hard to surprise her.

She and Himiko look at each other, nod, and say simultaneously, ““We like you White, will you please go out with us.”” White’s eyes widen slightly, but mostly she just grins. Then suddenly a thought seems to occur to her.

“I’d love to date both of you. However, can I speak with Momo alone for a minute?” Himiko nods uncertainly, handing over the phone before leaving. White waits a moment before saying, “Are you sure about this Momo? Himiko didn’t… do anything, did she?”

Momo nods firmly, “Yes, I want to date you. I want you to date Himiko. I may even want to go on dates with Himiko too. She told me about your interest in polyamory at the beach and I have thought long and hard about it, as well as conducting research online. I genuinely want this. Let me prove it, call Himiko back in.” White does so. Once both of them are in the frame Momo continues, “Himiko, White, please make out with each other.”

Himiko immediately leaps onto White’s lap and pushes their lips together. White takes control quickly, grabbing the blonde by one of her hair buns, her other hand holding the phone to give Momo a good view. They make out for several minutes, White’s tongue bullying Himiko’s in her mouth. Finally White pulls Himiko back, and looks at the camera. Momo is breathing almost as heavily as they were, her face nearly as red. “That was incredibly hot. The only reason I feel even a bit of jealousy is because I am not there to enjoy this in person.”

White smirks, “So my favorite exhibitionist is also a voyeur?” Momo squeals in embarrassment, but nods in agreement. A year ago she wouldn’t even know what those words meant. After her display at the beach Momo finally had to admit it, she is an exhibitionist. People leering at her busty figure is extremely shameful, but equally arousing. As for being a voyeur…

Himiko clears her throat, “Before we go any further we do have a few rules. First, if anyone else is to join the relationship there must be unanimous agreement amongst all current members. Choosing to abstain from the vote counts as approval.” Momo almost laughs as the blonde struggles to remember the precise wording she had used.

White nods her head, “Agreed, what else?”

Momo takes over, “While we are interested in dating each other, you are definitely the center of this relationship. As such, you will be obligated to make an effort to spend equivalent attention on each of us. If such a thing is not feasible, then you must offer compensation to the injured party.”

White raises an eyebrow, “You will be the injured party for quite some time. Himiko lives with me, and we probably won’t see you until winter break. So what kind of compensation do you want?”

“I already discussed this with Himiko, the first few weeks at UA I will have priority, whether or not she is involved will be at my discretion. Within reason of course.” Momo says, “Although she will be involved at least some of the time. Like she said at the beach, I want to play with that cute little butt.”

White’s pink eyes are dilated with arousal. “I have no problem with the rule in principle, though we will need to make sure we are communicating so that everyone feels they are getting enough attention. Anything else?”

Momo looks at the time, “There are probably a few more things I would like to go over, but unfortunately I have to get ready for a party. Right now Himiko is about to attempt to seduce you, if she is successful then I demand pictures as well as a video or two as compensation.”

White puts on a solemn expression, though Momo could tell how excited she is from her eyes, “You ask for a heavy price, but I will do everything I can to meet your demands.” All three of them burst into laughter. “But seriously, thank you for this Momo. I don’t deserve you. Either of you.”

Himiko shakes her head, “I didn’t deserve to be neglected by my parents or saved by you. This isn’t about deserving something. All three of us want this, so we are going to do what we want, right Momo?” She nods her head resolutely. “Well you better get ready for your party, I’ll be sure to send you some nice gifts miss birthday girl.” And with that she hangs up.

Momo takes a deep breath to steady herself. That was incredibly hot. While she is at a fancy restaurant, suffering the attention of a bunch of her classmates that are hoping for some benefit and enduring the leering gazes of her parents' business partners, White and Himiko will be having passionate, and from what she understands, incredibly kinky sex. Her birthday present from her girlfriends will be clips of them having sex without her. It takes all of her willpower to keep herself from masturbating right this second.

But, she really needs to start getting ready. Just as she is getting out of bed her phone vibrates. Opening the message from White reveals a picture of Himiko. She has removed her bathrobe, and is only wearing four things. A racy red set of lingerie, a pair of cat ears, a collar with a short leash, and a huge smile. Momo’s hand slips into her soaked panties, she can afford to be a few minutes late…

Chapter 24: So I’m a Pet Owner, So What? (Explicit)


Here we are, the first smut chapter! Please give me some feedback, this is my first smut scene. This was originally three chapters, but I combined them to make it easier for people to skip if they are just here for the plot.

This scene will include: petplay, bondage, spanking.

Chapter Text

After we hang up, Himiko sits in my lap, arms draped around my neck. “So I’ve been thinking.” I smile, liking where this is going. “Thinking about why you don’t like me feeding off of you.” I unsmile, no longer liking where this is going. She grins at me, “Let me finish. You said you don’t like it because it makes you feel weak, like you are a victim, right?”

I sigh, “Yeah. I’m sorry Himiko, I know you really enjoy drinking straight from me, but it is seriously terrible for me. And if this is going where I think it is, the answer is no. I am not comfortable trading sex for blood.”

She shakes her head, “That isn’t what I’m proposing. Your reaction is obviously psychological, so I thought maybe it would help if we recontextualize how you feed me.” She stands up, “Instead of letting me drink from you because I’m your friend who needs it…” She pulls something from a pocket, putting it on her head. Then with a dramatic flourish she takes off her robe, revealing the delightful lack of clothing underneath.

She is wearing a lacy red thong and a red cupless bra, which highlights her adorably small (for an anime world) breasts. She is also wearing a collar with a short leash that trails down her chest and smooth tummy to her belly button. On the collar is a tag, which says ‘Property of White’ which goes well with the cat ear headband she put on. She smiles at my lustful expression, “What if you thought of feeding me as rewarding your favorite little sex pet? And don’t worry, even if my idea doesn’t work I still want this. If you never gave me another drop of blood I would still want to be your girlfriend, your lover, and your sex toy.”

How could I turn down such a generous offer? “First things first, let’s take a picture for Momo.” Himiko immediately strikes a pose, one arm co*cked with hand on hip, the other hand forming a peace sign by her face. I take the pic, making sure I am sending it just to Momo and Himiko, before looking back at my vampire. “So I’m guessing from the outfit and some of the other things you have said you have figured out my preferences?”

She grins, “That you’re an S? Yup! I know you want to tie me up, to dominate me.” She gets down on all fours, and begins to slowly crawl towards me, “To spank my cute little butt until it is red. To pull my poor defenseless nipples until I cry. To whip me all over until I beg you to stop. And when I do beg, I want you to keep going. I am looking forward to it.” Incredibly hot, and moderately concerning.

“Himiko, I don’t want you to endure the pain just because you think I want you to. I want you to enjoy this too. BDSM is all about trust. You are entrusting yourself to me, and I need to ensure I don’t take it too far.”

“I know, and I do trust you, completely. I know that if I hate something you are doing you will know and stop. But don’t worry, I am an M, so you can go as hard as you want.”

I suppose my aura sense will make it easier to know if my sub is in a bad spot. Still, the rules are there for a reason. “Thank you Himiko, but I am still going to have to insist on some safewords. I may ask you from time to time what color you are. Green means everything is good. Yellow means that you can continue, but that you are nearing your limit so I should probably change things up, or that you want to talk to me about something. And red means stop everything immediately. You can use these words at any time, and if for some reason you physically cannot say them you just need to grunt three times in quick succession. I won’t get mad if you need to use them. I will be worried if you are afraid to use them. Understand?”

She nods her head, “Green means go, yellow means slow down, red means stop.” She then lets out three grunts, “If my mouth is too busy eating your puss*. Anything else, mistress?”

I stand up, and begin to circle around her. She sits up on her knees, thighs resting on her calves, and she straightens her back, thrusting out her chest as her hands rest on her legs palms up. She keeps her head down, eyes on the floor in front of her. Someone has been doing some research on submissive poses, this is often called position 1. I quickly disintegrate my clothes, replacing them with black thigh high stockings, a black thong, black elbow length gloves, and a black corset (untightened, obviously) that leaves just a hint of areola exposed. Just because I like white doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the classics. I speak to my pet, “So what should I call you? Himiko is a human name, and you are a slu*tty petgirl.”

She raises her head, looking at me and my new outfit with undisguised lust, “Maybe Pouchi? It’s a classic.” It is a classic, but…

I form a whip in my hand, giving her a moderate strike on her ass. She yelps and lowers her gaze. “Speaking with human words without permission, looking up without permission. Little Vampy is not off to a good start, are you?” She lets out a low whine like a dog. I kneel down, petting her hair. “It’s ok Vampy, this is really my fault. After all, it is an owner's responsibility to properly train her pet. I’m sure with a bit of work you will be a good girl. You do want to be a good girl, right?” She gives a few happy barks. I laugh, “Though you seem to be a pretty confused little pet. Those are cat ears, but you keep making dog noises.” She doesn’t seem to know how to respond to that. “It’s ok. I love my confused little puppy cat. As long as you are my slu*tty little pet you can be whatever animal you please.” She barks happily, waving her rear back and forth, a red mark forming from my earlier strike.

Honestly I always preferred canes over whips, but you gotta use what you have. Plus with my thread control I can use whips with a precision I could only dream of in my last life. Himiko’s poor nipples are not going to like that fact. Or maybe they will? She certainly enjoyed me hitting her butt. “While you did a good job with the collar, you are still missing something. As you are right now, you could use your paws as if they were human hands. Let me help you out.” I crouch down behind her, breathing down on her neck and ear. I grab her right arm, slowly running my hands over her until I reach her hand. I gently curl her fingers into a fist before wrapping her whole hand in web, leaving her with a useless but generously cushioned ‘paw’ that can’t grab onto anything. I repeat the process with her other hand. I sensuously whisper in her ear, “Is that comfortable Vampy? Bark once for yes and twice for no.” She barks once, breathing heavily from excitement.

“What color are you?” She pauses for a second… oops, “When I give you permission to speak or ask you for your color you can use human words.”

“Green mistress.” I give her a kiss on the cheek, and then a soft bite on her ear.

“Good girl.” I take a step back, circling around her again. She keeps her head down like the good girl she is. “I see you did some reading, knowing to take that pose. Let’s work on some commands. Right now you are eyes down, which is a good default position. It lets me know that you understand that looking at your mistress is a privilege. Next is eyes forward. Tilt your head up and look forward, you are not allowed to look to the sides.” She does so. I walk forward, kneeling down so that we are face to face. I start to slowly play with my wet puss*, making it obvious from my arm movements what I am doing. She is a good girl for a solid ten seconds, but when I half lid my eyes and moan in pleasure she glances down.

*Crack*! My whip strikes her ass again, harder this time. She lets out a whine as she looks forward again. I pull my fingers out of my thong, wiping my juices off on Vampy’s face. She moans in pleasure, but keeps her eyes forward. I circle around her a few times, brushing her butt and breasts with my whip. Satisfied with her performance I say, “Not terrible. Obviously we need to work on your discipline, but we have plenty of time to work on that later, right Vampy?”

“Arf!” I love this. I need this. There is nothing quite like that feeling of power, of control, that being a dom can give you. It is also gratifying, knowing that your sub trusts you like this. Being naked and bound is as vulnerable as you can get, and she is trusting me to keep her safe. Gah, look at me getting all sappy.

“Next is eyes free, where you can move your head and eyes to look wherever you want. Eyes free Vampy.” She immediately turns her head to look at me, eyes full of adoration. I allow her to take in the sight for a few seconds before I once again begin my circuit around her. As I walk behind her she turns her torso so she can still look at me. *Crack*! This time I get her on her left breast, avoiding the nipple, lowering the intensity of the strike due to hitting a more sensitive area. But true to her word, Vampy enjoyed that. “I gave you permission to move your head, not your torso.” She whines in apology. Hmmm… something is missing.

“Vampy, when I correct you, you must use human words to apologize and thank me for helping train you. Understood?” She looks confused for a second before letting out a hesitant bark. I stand in front of her, “Let’s make sure you understand. Let’s pretend you just did something wrong.” And with that, her right breast gets a strike to mirror her left.

Vampy cries out before saying, “Sorry! Thank you for helping me!” I strike her again, this time on her inner thigh.

“Who are you apologizing to? Who are you thanking?”

“Sorry mistress! Thank you for training me mistress!”

“Good girl Vampy.” I crouch down and pull her in for a gentle kiss as I slowly tease her nipples. Gently rubbing them with the occasional soft pinch. After a few minutes of that I stand back up. Vampy leans forward, desperate for more, but like a good girl she doesn’t move from her place. Time to move on to the next phase. I point to the bed, “Up Vampy.” She almost stands up, but seems to think better of it, awkwardly clambering onto the bed on all fours. Once she is on the bed she turns around to face me again. “Good girl, I thought I was going to have to punish you for standing up.” I almost laugh at the look of regret that crosses her face. I walk up to her and gently stroke her back, “Aww, does Vampy want to be punished some more? Well you need to work hard to be a good girl for me. If you like being punished don’t worry, I can always think of reasons to punish a cute little pet like you.” She lets out a few happy barks.

I take a step back, “Vampy, turn around, face down ass up.” She does so, waving her cute butt playfully back and forth. I grab both her cheeks, giving them a firm squeeze, eliciting a moan from her. I thoroughly grope her ass for several minutes as her juices slowly run down her thighs. Finally I give her butt a playful swat, saying “Roll over.” She rolls onto her back, legs splayed to the sides, arms bent in front like a dog, as she rolls her tongue out of her mouth, panting. “Aren’t you an adorable little pet? Should I take a picture for Momo?” She lets out an affirmative bark. I grab my phone, take the pic of my sex pet girlfriend and send it to my other girlfriend. This is the best day of my life.

I toss my phone to the side and begin to crawl up the bed. I kiss her thigh, her damp thong, her stomach. I stop at her breasts for a bit, sucking on her nipples and gently nibbling on them. I kiss my way up her collar bone, her neck, and finally, I passionately make out with her, my body pressed against hers. I expect her to wrap her arms and legs around me, but she keeps them to the side. Is she worried about moving without permission? I wouldn’t have minded her doing that, but I kind of like her being this submissive, so let's keep this going. After a few minutes of making out I reach down, bringing my fingers to her needy puss*.

While I slowly and gently rub her womanhood I use my other hand to roughly play with her nipples, twisting and pulling on them like she had asked me too. She pants, whines, and squeals into my mouth as I continue my assault, the duality between gentle and rough adding a nice twist to the overwhelming sensations. Whenever I feel like she is about to cum I slow down, giving both nipples cruel yanks. I look Vampy in the eyes, take in her pleading expression, before continuing my slow tease. If she was allowed to speak she would undoubtedly be begging me for an org*sm, but she obediently whines like a dog instead. Finally after ten minutes of toying with her, I stop making out with her, slowly kissing my way down to her puss*. With a flick of my wrist I use cutting threads to shred her thong, exposing her shaved, dripping womanhood. It is pink with arousal, looking quite delicious. Thanks for the meal!

I dive in, giving a long lick starting from the bottom and ending with my tongue circling her cl*t a few times. I simultaneously use my hands to give both of her nipples a sharp twist. That does it. Vampy screams out, whole body thrashing as she has the most powerful org*sm of her life. I hold on to her hips, giving her puss* gentle licks as she rides out the overwhelming sensation. Once her org*sm stops I grab my phone, taking a picture. I am making a peace sign, my wet smiling face by my pet’s puss*. I even manage to get Vampy’s blissed out face in the corner. I send it to Momo, before standing up and looking down at my pet. Her eyes are glazed over, breathing steadily, a sloppy smile on her face. It warms my heart to see her looking this happy. However… “What do you think you are doing Vampy? Pets don’t cum before their owners! I guess someone needs a punishment, right?”

Vampy struggles to focus for a moment, but once she realizes what I said an excited smile comes over her face, “Arf.” Best day ever!

Before I dole out some well deserved punishment, I need to check and make sure she is doing ok. I mean my aura sense is telling me Himiko is on cloud nine, but I’d like some verbal confirmation. “What color are you?”

“So amazingly green mistress.” That’s what I thought. I give her a gentle kiss on the lips before standing up, once again in dom mode. I motion for her to get up, and she quickly gets back into her kneeling position. Legs spread, showing her swollen puss*, chest out, proudly displaying her hard nipples.

“You came before your mistress, which is only something that bad girls do. What do bad girls get? You are allowed to speak.”

“Bad girls get punished by their mistress.”

“That’s right. Now how do you think I should punish you, Vampy?”

“However you want, mistress.” While that is true as far as the roleplay goes, I don’t actually know her preferences and limits. It would be better if I give her a punishment she is ok with. Eh, I have spanked her a few times and she seemed fine with it, I guess I’ll stick with that.

“You are going to receive 20 spanks by hand. 10 on your cute little titt*es, and 10 on your cute little butt.” She seems kind of disappointed, does she want more? “That of course is just for cumming before me. Is there anything else you need to be punished for while we are at it, with 10 more strokes for every confession?” She looks confused for a second before catching on.

“Vampy spoke like a human earlier and looked at her mistress without permission.”

Oh, I love the third person thing, very submissive! “Didn’t I whip your cute ass for that?”

She definitely notices my reaction to that, judging by her smile. “That was to correct Vampy, she still needs to be punished. Please add 20 more strokes to Vampy’s punishment.” She wants it to count as two punishments? Don’t mind if I do.

“Anything else?” She looks thoughtful. I think she is genuinely looking for something else. I think 50 is the maximum I will do, at least today, so I make a suggestion. “You obviously did some studying of my preferences to decide to be my submissive pet. Your collar is perfect, the ears and lingerie are great, but did you forget something else?”

Realization dawns on her face, “Vampy didn’t get a tail plug.”

I shake my head in mock disappointment, well, it kind of is real disappointment… but let’s pretend it is mock. “The tail plug is one of the most important parts. I love cute pets with their adorable little ears, collars with sweet little tags, wagging their cute little tails. So why doesn’t Vampy have a tail?”

“Vampy thought about it, but she was running low on money after buying Auntie those spa passes…” I didn’t know she had bought those, I will have to reimburse her later, at least for half of it. Still, I look at my pet expectantly, I know she is holding something back. She lowers her head in shame, “Vampy was also scared, she has never put anything in her butt before.” Dawww, so cute.

I kneel down in front of her and give her a gentle kiss. “Don’t worry Vampy, I won’t do anything you don’t want. We can hold off on the tail. And if you do decide you want to try it out, I will be there to help you, ok?” She looks into my eyes and slowly nods her head. Then she looks determined.

“If mistress is there, Vampy can do it. She will buy a plug next time Vampy get’s her allowance.” I give her a quick peck on the lips.

“Well now I have a question for you, Vampy. What kind of mistress am I? Am I a kind and understanding mistress who forgives you for not having a tail because you had good reasons? Or am I a strict mistress who punishes you for not having a tail when you knew I would like it?”

She thinks about it for a moment before resolutely answering, “Bad girls should get punished. Vampy is a bad girl for not wearing a tail plug.”

“Are you sure? That will be 10 more strikes on your poor defenseless bottom.” I get an arf in response. “Well before we begin your punishment I think I will record a video for Momo. Maybe she would enjoy watching me turn your ass red. What do you think?” Another affirmative bark. Lovely.

I grab my phone, setting it to record while holding it up to my face. I adjust my corset so that only a hint of my nipples can be seen. Something I learned in my last life, when sexting teasing is often more effective than seeing things clearly. “Hey Momo, have you been enjoying the pictures so far? So I’m about to punish my cute little petgirl Vampy here, who has been a little bit naughty. Before I start though I want to make sure you know that I don’t necessarily plan on doing this kind of thing with you. Himiko is a very kinky girl who enjoys being punished like this. I am a very kinky girl who enjoys punishing her like this. That doesn’t mean you will like it too, and that’s ok. I look forward to finding out exactly what gets you going, my perverted exhibitionist. Now, let’s ask Vampy what she did to earn this punishment.”

I turn the camera around so it is facing my pet. She looks right at the camera as she lists her crimes, “Vampy did not purchase and use a tail plug. Vampy looked at her mistress without permission. Vampy spoke like a human without permission. And worst of all, Vampy came before her mistress.”

Nodding solemnly I ask, “And what is Vampy’s punishment?”

“Vampy will be spanked by her mistress. 40 times on her cute little butt and 10 times on her cute little titt*es.”

I sit down on the edge of my bed, patting my lap. She quickly scampers on so that her butt is face up right on my legs. I stroke her ass slowly for a few moments, letting the anticipation build both for my poor ‘victim’ and for the recording. Finally I lash out with a half power spank on her left cheek. She lets out a little eep, but otherwise stays silent. Huh, I figured she would have seen this in her research. I spank again on her opposite cheek to confirm, and once again she remains silent. “How many was that?”

“Two mistress?” She says, slightly unsure where I am going with this.

“That’s strange, I didn’t hear you counting them out. Or thanking me for taking the time to train my foolish pet.” I spank her again, this time with a little more force.

“Three! Thank you mistress for training Vampy!”

I shake my head, “Silly pet, you start counting from one, not three. And just thanking me is enough while the punishment is ongoing, you can fully show your gratitude when the punishment is over.” With that I spank her again.

“One! Thank you mistress.” *smack* “Two! Thank you mistress.” *smack* “Three! Thank you mistress.” Once I get to thirty(three) she is noticeably struggling, so I give her a short break, gently rubbing her red and swollen rear. Tears are streaming from her eyes at this point, creating a damp spot on the bed. It is much smaller than the damp spot created by our combined puss* juices however. Finally I start back up again, *smack* “Thirty one! Thank you mistress.” *smack* “Thirty two! Thank you mistress.” When I get to the last two I give it to her at my full (unenhanced) strength. Both of them cause Vampy to howl in pain, but she quickly gets control of herself and makes the count.

Gently rubbing her bright red ass I say, “What color Vampy?”

“G-g-green mistress. Please finish Vampy’s punishment.”

I point the camera at my face, “What I did there is just checked to make sure she is ok. She has a safe word that she can use at any time to make me stop. Lucky for me Vampy here is a cute little masoch*st who enjoys this. Right, Vampy?”

“Yes, mistress.” I was hoping for a bark, but I'll let it slide.

I help her get back into her kneeling position, and pull her paws back so they are behind her neck. “Stay.” I bring the camera to her tear stained face. “If you look at her face you would think she hates this. But if I bring the camera down here…” I pan down to her engorged womanhood, dripping with arousal, “you see that she is enjoying this quite a bit. Now to finish her punishment. Vampy, start back with one.” I then quickly go through her ten spanks to her tit*. I do so with little fanfare, I can tell that Vampy is starting to struggle with this. This was probably a bit much for a first time, even if she has a natural inclination for masochism. With the last strike her boobs are turning a nice pink shade. I admire them for a moment before saying, “So Vampy, what do you say?”

“Thank you mistress for training Vampy to be your perfect sex pet.” Aww, I think I am going to cry.

“Is there anything Vampy would like to say to miss Yaoyorozu?” I purposefully speak more formally about Momo, making it seem like there is a difference in status. Submissives get off on stuff like that.

She gives a bright smile to the camera, “Thank you miss Yaoyorozu for agreeing to share mistress with Vampy. This is the best day of my life.” I was kind of joking earlier but now I really am about to cry. I motion for her to spin around, showing another close up of her bright red butt while I get control of myself.

Once I am sure I won’t tear up I spin the camera back around to me. “Well there you go Momo. One video as promised. I hope you enjoyed your compensation. Although I think I may end up sending you a bit more, seeing as it is your birthday. Talk to you soon!” I then end the recording and send her the video.

I sit down and pat my lap again. Vampy moves to lay across my lap again but I stop her, instead having her straddle my legs. I give her a few gentle kisses while rubbing her back, which causes her to let out a few sobs she had been holding in. Finally I ask her, “What color?”

She looks thoughtful for a few seconds before hesitantly asking, “Yellow?”

“What’s wrong Vampy?” She said yellow, not red, so I keep the roleplay going.

She seems to understand and says, “Vampy can continue her training if her mistress wants to. But right now Vampy really wants to eat her mistress’ puss*. Can Vampy please please her mistress?”

Well I suppose I could do her this small favor. “Of course Vampy, that was the plan. After all, abusing your cute little bottom really turned me on. Though I should warn you, you won’t get to every session. Sometimes you will spend the whole scene with your head between my legs, bringing me to org*sm after org*sm while I ignore your needy puss*, leaving it untouched and unsatisfied the whole time. Other times we will gently make love until we are both equally satisfied. Sometimes I will f*ck you hard, drowning you in pleasure until you can’t think of anything but my mouth, my fingers, and my strapon. Occasionally I might just whip you until I am too tired to continue. It all depends on my mood, and if you are able to endure my… attentions.”

She was panting heavily by the time I finished my little monologue. She surges forward, bringing our mouths together. I enjoy the make out session for a few minutes before I pull her off me, admiring her sloppy smile and half lidded eyes. “Well Vampy, I think it is time to see how talented your tongue is.”


Before we get started I decide that Vampy is looking a little too mobile for my tastes. I put my hands on her shoulders, using my thread control to form a nice basic shibari harness around my pet. The red silk ropes highlight her mildly abused chest and not so mildly abused rear nicely. I then gently guide her paws behind her back, tying them to the harness. “Does everything feel fine?” I get an upbeat arf in reply. I have her take a few different poses, taking pictures that I quickly send to Momo. Time to move on to the main event.

I sit back on my bed, propping myself up on some pillows. I slowly spread my legs, disintegrating my thong in the process. Vampy is practically salivating, staring at my clean shaven puss* with undisguised desire. “Now Vampy there is something you said earlier that I need to correct. You said you wanted to eat me out, but that is wrong. You aren’t going to eat me out, you are going to worship my puss*. To bring me slowly and softly to a lovely org*sm. Do you think you can do that?”

“Arf!” She looks quite determined. I nod for her to begin, and she scooches towards me. She seems to take my words to heart as she begins by softly kissing my inner thighs. After a minute of that she starts to pepper gentle kisses all over my puss*. I sigh in contentment. There is something about having a lover go down on you that no sex toy can replicate. I think it is the look in her eyes, the love and desire she feels for me as she does her best to please her mistress.

As she starts to slowly lick my folds I grab my phone, taking a photo of her between my legs. I’m actually fairly proud of this shot. It starts with my cleavage, shows off the part of my abs not covered by my corset nicely, and you can see that Vampy is licking me, but you can’t actually see any of my naughty bits. A perfect tease for Momo.

After sending the picture I spend a solid fifteen minutes luxuriating in the sensations, slowly stroking Vampy’s head. She is working diligently to follow my orders, lots of slow licks and gentle kisses with the occasional soft suck thrown in. Time to move on to the next phase. I start recording, smiling for the camera as I pant out, “Hey Momo, have you liked what you have seen so far? If the stuff earlier was a little rough for you, this may be more your speed.” I turn the camera around, focusing on my pet as she licks me. The cheeky minx gives the camera a wink.

“Now Vampy here has been doing a very good job of pleasing her mistress. So good that I think she deserves a reward.” She gives me a happy arf. “You have three options. First, I can use my threads to play with that dripping puss* of yours.” She definitely appreciates that idea, “Second, I can remove my corset so you can look at my lovely breasts.” Her eyes light up in excitement, and she takes a breath to choose that option, “Wait for me to finish Vampy.” She goes back to licking like a good girl. I stroke her hair again with a smile. “Third, you get both. I remove my corset and play with your puss*. But, there is a hidden price! So my pet, which do you choose? Bark the number you pick. But don’t take too long to decide!”

She really struggles with the choice, it is kind of funny to see the fear, hope, and desire warring in her soul. After a solid ten seconds, just when I am about to say something to hurry her up, she makes her choice. “Arf, Arf, Arf!” Good, that is obviously the most fun option. I create some threads from my feet, so that dozens of lines of silk started to slowly stroke her folds. It quickly brings her to the brink of org*sm, (un)fortunately for her I plan on keeping her there until I cum too. I angle the camera to take a wide shot so that Momo could get a nice view of the trick I am about to pull. I start to slowly dissolve my corset, starting with the very end. Over the next thirty seconds centimeter after centimeter of my stomach, then ribs, and finally the underside of my boobs are revealed. And just as my nipples are about to be uncovered I create a blindfold over Vampy’s eyes.

She stops licking, her face the picture of stunned disbelief. I laugh teasingly, “I told you there would be a price! Now get back to work, while Momo gets to enjoy your reward.” My pet whines for a moment before I grab her by a hair bun and push her back between my legs. She begins to lick again, a bit more fervently, as I begin phase two of her mindf*ck. I finish disintegrating my corset, but not before covering my breasts with my free arm. Then I wink at the camera, “So Momo, how do you like my boobs? You are the first and only person to see them in all their glory.” Vampy lets out a petious whine, but doesn’t stop. Good girl. I almost start stroking her head again, but that would leave my chest uncovered. Instead I focus a thread on her cl*t for a second, stopping right before she climaxes. There, that should let her know that I appreciate her dedication. The fact that she gives my own cl*t a long lap tells me she understands.

“I wish you were here right now Momo. That while my pet worships my puss* I could be making out with you. I would play with those fat nipples you were hiding behind that fetish wear you called a swimsuit until you begged me for more. Once Vampy finishes worshiping me I would put her on a dog bed in the corner with a pillow to hump, letting her watch and rut as we made love on the bed. I don’t have a strapon right now, but that’s fine, I can just have you make one. Make me a thick co*ck for me to stretch your puss* with. I bet you would like that huh? Having your first time with your girlfriend while our other girlfriend watches from the corner and masturbat*s? Though maybe you would prefer to be the one who masturbat*s in the corner while I f*ck Vampy? To just be there as eye candy and a sex toy factory? Something to think about for the next time you visit.”

I am panting heavily as I finish painting that incredibly dirty picture. Vampy has it even worse than I do, she is straining against her bonds, legs twisting back and forth as she tries to do anything to bring herself over the edge. I think it is high time to finish this. Again I angle the camera so only my midriff and legs are in view. As well as my pet of course. I start to stroke Vampy’s head again as I say, “Ok Vampy, focus on my cl*t now. Firm but not harsh. Bring your mistress to an amazing org*sm.” She immediately follows my orders, sucking and licking my cl*t with a singular focus.

Ten seconds later I am right on the edge. “That’s it, Vampy! Good girl, you are such a good GIIIRL!” I climax explosively, squirting all over my pets face. A face that is now uncovered, my blindfold disintegrating as I climax. She deserves to see me after doing such a good job. Though it is hard for her to focus on taking in the beautiful sight as she enjoys her own climax. I upped the intensity of the threads, timing a solid flick on her cl*t just as I reached my own peak. The dash of pain only enhances her org*sm, and she struggles to keep her eyes from rolling into the back of her head as she tries to take in the sight of my bare chest.

After a minute I am able to think again. That may have been the best org*sm of either of my lives. A pull Vampy up so that she is laying against me, chest to chest. I bring the camera to our faces as we softly kiss for a few minutes. I then turn to look at the camera, turning Vampy’s blissed out face to look at it too. “I hope you enjoyed that Momo. I can’t wait for us to do something together for real. Talk to you soon.” I give a kiss towards the camera before stopping the recording. I am about to suggest another round when I notice that my poor little pet is struggling to keep her eyes open. Awww, my little puppy cat is all tuckered out.

Still, there is one thing left to do before we are done. I sit up, holding her in my lap. “Alright Vampy, we are almost done. You have been a perfect little petgirl for me today, and as your mistress I couldn’t be happier. And so I am going to give you a very special treat.” I tilt my head, offering my neck to her.

That wakes her up, “Are you sure White?” Oh, is the roleplay over? I suppose this is something really meaningful to her. To be honest I’m not really sure. I feel amazing right now, riding high on both an incredible org*sm and the thrill of domination. And every time I’ve fed her I have almost had a panic attack. Still, she deserves this. I can try to see if this time it will be different.

“Yes Himiko. Let’s see if your idea works. Drink my blood.” I release her arms and hands so that she can hold me close. She gently licks my neck a few times before looking at me one last time for confirmation. After I give her a reassuring nod she sinks her teeth into my neck. Well… This isn’t terrible. Still pretty damn unpleasant though. Definitely worse than having my blood drawn by a nurse. Still, if I focus on the joy emanating from my girlfriend(yay!) I can endure it. At least every now and then. She drinks from my neck for a full minute. I let her go until she is completely satisfied, unlike normal where I only let her drink to the point where she is sated. Finally she releases me, gives my neck a few loving licks, and promptly falls asleep. Dawww, that is just adorable.

I disintegrate her shibari bindings and remove her bra, cat ears and collar. I carry her to the bathroom, where I gently wash her and myself before carrying her into a warm bubble bath. She is half asleep the whole time, murmuring occasionally in my arms. I relax in the tub, Himiko in my lap with her head resting on my chest. I hear her mutter “I love you…” before she falls fully asleep again. Gah, my heart! After another ten minutes in the tub I decide it is time to put her to bed. But then I notice my phone next to the tub. I could send one last video to Momo…


Momo had just gone through the strangest birthday party she had ever experienced. Not that the party itself was strange. It was a standard high society luncheon at a five star restaurant. A delicious five course meal, a string quartet playing some lovely music to accompany the conversations. The conversations were also completely normal, although for some reason her mother kept insisting she spoke with the sons of a few of their business associates. The men were nice enough, all of them studying at universities for business degrees, though their specializations differed. But while they were talking about stocks and bonds, Momo’s mind was on stockings and bondage.

She only had the time to quickly rub one out to the picture White had sent her of Himiko before leaving for the party, but that seemed to have only increased her lust. Or at least, she was only getting more turned on as the party went on. And it was not anything that happened at the party that was making her that way. It was the fact that her girlfriends were having kinky sex at the same time that was so arousing. Himiko had shared with Momo that White had a deep fascination with all things bondage, and she had done some research into the subject. While she isn’t sure she would enjoy some of the more extreme or painful things she saw, she did enjoy watching it being done.

Momo’s head was full of perverse thoughts throughout the party. As she enjoyed eating her delicious birthday cake she wondered if Himiko was enjoying White’s puss*. As she looked through her presents she wondered if Himiko could see anything at all. Maybe White had blindfolded her so she couldn’t see when the next strike of the whip was coming.

Finally the party was over, and Momo was in the back of her limo with her parents and a large pile of presents. Her mother speaks up, “Are you okay dear? You seemed to be a bit out of it all day.”

“Sorry mother, I suppose I am feeling a bit under the weather.” She didn’t like lying to her parents, but she had no idea how to even begin explaining that she is now dating two women. Never mind the fact that she was distracted all day because she is turned on by them having sex without her.

Her father speaks up, “Well did you enjoy your party? You seemed to spend a lot of time speaking with that Yamato boy.” She did her best not to frown. The reason she spent so long with him was because he spoke so much it was hard to find a time to gracefully leave the conversation. And the way he leered at her, like she was some prize that would soon be his. Being stuck in a conversation with him was the only time her arousal actually decreased the entire party.

Still, the Yamatos were an important partner of her family’s so, “He was fine, but I confess my mind just is not all there today. I think I will take a nap when I get home.” She begs off her mother’s offer to call the family doctor. She knows exactly what is wrong with her, and how to fix it.

When she gets home she quickly heads to her room, double checking that her door is firmly locked before heading to her computer. She had left her phone in her room, if she had brought it to the party she would have ended up humiliating herself. Momo may be an exhibitionist, but she did not want to end up groping herself in front of her family and all of their associates. She boots up her computer and opens the private messaging app she uses. This will be better with the big screen. She grabs her vibrating wand from a drawer, and with a sudden burst of inspiration she creates some rope. She spends several minutes tying the wand so that the end is placed firmly against her folds. Her ropework is probably all wrong, but she feels it fits the mood nicely. Setting the vibe to go from medium to high at random intervals, she opens the next picture sent.

It is a nice picture of Himiko, laying on the bed with her legs and arms spread like a dog. Momo notices that there are several welts on her chest and thighs, not that you could tell from the giant smile on the blonde’s face. She moans, tweaking her nipples while thinking about what Himiko must have done to earn that punishment. She c*ms immediately when seeing White’s confident smirk next to the womanhood of an insensate Himiko. How desperately she wants to see that same expression between her own legs.

Panting heavily, she opens the first video. The way White went out of her way to reassure Momo that she would be careful of her own preferences was very gratifying for the young heiress. Even though she has never dated anyone, White seems to be much more experienced in these things than Momo, and she worried that she would expect too much of her. Then White started to spank Himi… sorry, Vampy over the course of several minutes. By the end of it Momo is sure she does not want to go through a spanking that intense. But she still enjoyed watching the show.

She loves the pictures of Vampy all tied up, but quickly moves on, ready for something a bit more… White centric. Next she stares at a picture of Vampy between her mistress’ legs. Momo moans in frustration as she still can’t really see White’s puss*. Clearly the dominatrix is teasing her, but that only turns Momo on even more. Then it is time for the second video. She watches inraptured as White lays out the options for Vampy’s reward. Her pulse quickens as Vampy chooses the riskiest option. She laughs out loud at Vampy’s shocked face when she realizes she is not actually going to see White’s chest, her eyes covered by a blindfold. An expression that is mirrored on Momo’s face when White starts to pretend that she is showing off her chest to the heiress. “That’s so evil,” Momo mutters, but she also loves how her girlfriend is expertly preying on both of their desires.

Momo moans as White gives a dirty little monologue about what she would do if she was there. The worst part is that Momo does not know which idea is hotter. Having her first time while Vampy watches, or being ignored in a corner while she watches the two of them having sex. When White finally climaxes she brings the camera away from her chest, finally letting Vampy see her beautiful tit* but not the heiress. Momo loves it, being tricked and teased like this, and she joins them in a three way climax. Finally the two of them kiss for a while before turning and saying goodbye. Well, White says goodbye. Vampy doesn’t seem capable of speech at that point, a sloppy smile on her face.

Momo probably has several hundred thousand yen’s worth of presents downstairs but she does not doubt for a second that this is the best birthday present she has ever received. She is about to close down everything and get cleaned up when she notices one last video.

She opens it up, revealing White and Himiko in a bubble bath. Himiko seems to be asleep, her head resting on White’s chest, which is still being concealed from Momo’s desperate gaze, this time by the bubbles in the bath. Momo lets out an aww upon seeing the blonde's adorable sleeping smile. White smirks at the camera, “I’m kind of surprised I haven’t heard from you. I guess you must have turned off your phone so you wouldn’t start fingering yourself in the middle of the ball or whatever sophisticated party you were attending.” She flushes in embarrassment at being seen through so easily. “Well unfortunately our party is over, my poor little pet here got all tuckered out. I can’t wait until we are all at UA so you can help her pick up the slack, because I feel like I could have kept going all day.” She winks at the camera and Momo climaxes again from the fantasies running through her head and the relentless rumble of her vibrator.

White continues, “You may have noticed that you never got to see these lovely things throughout the whole photoshoot.” She gestures at her own chest. “If you want to see my boobs there is a price to pay.” She waits a moment, letting the tension build, “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours…” With a laugh White ends the video.

Momo leaps up, stumbling over her vibrator’s cord in her haste to reach the bathroom mirror. She needed to take some photos, now.

Chapter 25: So She Knows, So What?


This chapter has a bit of sex talk, but is not particularly explicit.

Also I have a question for you. I am planning on having Himiko use her quirk in some smut scenes. For example she will transform into Momo and have a threesome with her "twin" and White. So should I tag this fic as incest? I don't think I should, as it literally won't be incest, but I thought it best to ask. Oh, and anyone she changes into for sex will have to give permission first, got to keep things ethical.

Chapter Text

After the bath I dry Himiko and I off and weave us some nice comfy pajamas. I carry her still sleeping form back into the bedroom, removing the old sheets and weaving new ones. I then carefully lay down, still holding her close. I end up on my back, with her head on my chest and her arms and legs wrapped around me. I weave a blanket over us, and quickly join her in dreamland.

Said dreams are rudely interrupted by mom, who knocks on the door, telling us that dinner is ready. I grunt out an ok before looking at my drooling vampire. I have long thought that her lips are very kissable, and I abuse this fact now. After thirty seconds of gentle kissing her eyes flutter open. Once she realizes what is happening she attempts to deepen the kissing into a full on make out session but I pull back, “Mom said dinner is ready, so we need to get going.”

She pouts for a second before grinning, “Yes mistress.” I give her a smack on her very sore ass, enjoying the yelp it causes.

“Don’t call me that unless we are actually playing. You are my girlfriend. A girlfriend who likes to be dominated, but still first and foremost my girlfriend. Understand?” Whoops, that was still pretty domineering. Himiko seems to think so too, she is totally about to call me mistress again. I narrow my eyes.

“Ok White, I understand.” Me narrowing my eyes like that was still pretty top behavior. Still, I need to keep her in line. I feel like I am digging my own grave here, so I get up.

“If mom asks why you are so sore, say that we were sparring and I went a little too hard.”

“I don’t know about that, I think you could have gone quite a bit harder.” She shakes her butt temptingly as she says it. Before I could even think my hand is poised to deliver another strike.

There is another knock on the door. “White, Himiko, mom says to hurry up.” Thanks Izuku, I can always count on you to kill my libido.

“We’ll talk about that later, come on.”

She looks around, “Where is my collar? I want to wear it.” I give her a look of disbelief. “What? It makes me feel special. It lets everyone know that I’ve been claimed, that I am totally owned by you.”

I take a deep breath. It is dinner time, I can’t attack her right now, no matter how wet she is making me. “No Himiko, you can’t go around wearing a collar saying you are my property.” She pouts at me and looks like she is going to argue. I roll my eyes and weave a choker around her neck, black with a white band in the middle. I pull her over to the mirror so she can see it, “There, I have claimed you as my property. It even says ‘White’s pet. If found, return to owner’ on the inside. Happy?” She surges forward, kissing me passionately. Nope, it is food time, not horny time.

Himiko and I walk into the kitchen. Oh, some stir fry! Yes please. While I sit down at the table, chowing down on some delicious food, I can’t help but grin at my girlfriend(still not used to it!), who seems to be struggling to sit comfortably. I raise an eyebrow and smirk at her. She blushes and sits down firmly on her seat. I guess she decided to just grin and bear it. Then I notice that mom is looking at us with narrowed eyes. Oops, time to distract her, “How was the spa mom?”

Apparently it was quite nice, they had all sorts of massages and fancy herbal baths and stuff. Maybe me and my girlfriends (pinch me I’m dreaming) should go there. Then we chat with Izuku a bit about his training, apparently he has maybe a third of the beach cleaned up. Then he turns to Himiko, who is still struggling to sit still, and asks, “Are you ok? You seem to be really sore or something.”

Himiko shoots me a mischievous wink. Uh-oh. “White and I did a bit of sparring earlier. She totally dominated me, it was all I could do to try and keep up. In the end she beat my ass so hard I cried. But that’s ok, I learned a lot and hope that next time I will be able to last a bit longer before the final climax.”

Izuku nods his head uncertainly, missing the double entendres. Mom however is looking at me and my rapidly growing blush with an exasperated glare. Dang it Himiko. This is going to earn you a punishment, and not the fun kind. Her yandere powers inform her of her grim fate, and she quickly changes the subject. Too bad, your destiny is already written. After dinner, mom calls me to her room for a ‘quick chat’. Dang it Himiko!

“So, is there something you would like to tell me?” Mom is sitting on her bed while I sit on a chair, facing my executioner.

“Not particularly, no.” My lame attempt at evasion fails, as it should.

“You and Himiko had sex today.” I nod my head, blushing. “Was today the first time?” Again with the nodding and the blushing. “Are you dating now?”

This time I am able to look her in the eye, a bright smile on my face, “Yup! We are girlfriends now.”

She pats the bed by her side and I get up and sit down, leaning against her. “To be honest I’m surprised this didn’t happen sooner. You both obviously liked each other.”

“She actually propositioned me on her first night here. But she was like me when I moved in, desperate to please her savior. I needed her to wait, to know if what she was feeling was real or just gratitude. Only then could we move forward.” Mom gives me a side hug.

“I’m proud of you for handling it like that. But still… are you two being safe?”

I give her a confused look, “You do realize I can’t get her pregnant, right?” Not until I figure out shape shifting that is. One day, my futa dreams will be fulfilled!

She gives me an exasperated look. “Himiko could barely sit down. How hard did you whip the girl’s poor butt?”

Well this is the most awkward conversation I can imagine. Still, I need to reassure her. “First of all, I used my hand.” She doesn’t seem impressed with my argument. “More importantly, I know what I am doing. I’ve done the reading, the research. We have safe words, we communicate, and I also can tell what she is feeling with my aura sense. Trust me, she enjoyed everything we did today, and I would never make her do something she wouldn’t like.”

Mom sighs, “I guess that will have to do. Still, why can’t you just… nevermind. I suppose with everything you’ve been through…” I stiffen, face forming a frown. I hate, hate, hate, that stereotype! ‘That person is really into BDSM, they must have been abused as a child.’ I was kinky as hell in my first life, and I can’t remember my parents so much as raising their voices at me! There is nothing wrong with us, we aren’t broken. We just like some freaky sex stuff! And if 50 Shades of Gray proved anything besides that people have bad taste, it is that lots of people are interested, even if they won’t admit it!

Unfortunately, in this life I was abused, horrifically so, and people will assume my proclivities are in response to that. Hell, I bet some assholes will say that my sexual orientation is in response to being abused by men! I know that they are wrong, I am just carrying over my preferences from my first life, but I can’t just tell them that I am reincarnated! Bothersome.

Mom seems to realize she has touched a nerve and quickly moves on, “Well as long as you are both happy and safe, then I am ok with it. Still, I do have an important rule for you. I know I can’t stop you two from having sex, but please no sex in the house while Izuku or I are here. I will try to find something to do on Sundays so you can have the house to yourself. Now that I think of it, Mitsuki said the vouchers were a gift. Was that your doing?”

“It was Himiko actually. She set up today as a surprise. I need to reimburse her, at least for half.”

“Well, I’ll try and give you some space…” She pauses, not sure how to finish this awkward conversation. I am definitely going to punish Himiko for this. I feel a shiver of fear coming from my bedroom. Good. Mom looks up, “Oh, and try to let that Yaoyorozu girl down gently.” Nope, this is something I really don’t want to talk about. I give an affirmative grunt, but that doesn’t seem to satisfy her. “I know you know she has a crush on you too. I won’t pry into why you chose Himiko over her, but please be careful not to break her heart.” I force a smile and nod, but she notices something is off. “White, what are you hiding?”

Damn me and my ‘don’t lie to mom unless it is necessary’ policy. Here we go. “I am actually dating Momo as well…”

Mom looks at me, furious, “You are NOT cheating on those girls!”

Damn, angry mom is kinda scary, “I’m not! They both know! They actually planned it. Himiko came into my room today with Momo on video call, where they both confessed to me. We are all dating each other.”

Mom takes a deep breath, before settling back down. “Explain.” And here I thought Himiko would be the greatest obstacle to my harem plans. Also, I take back what I said earlier, this is the most awkward conversation I can imagine.

Half an hour later I trudge out of her room. I will call that a pyrrhic victory. She doesn’t get it, not really. She wants to talk to both Himiko and Momo on their own, and then all three of us together. Still, she seems more weirded out than against it. So I’ll take it.

After taking another quick bath (I needed to relax after that), I enter my room, where Himiko is waiting for me in her normal pjs of booty shorts and a tank top. I can totally see some red from the spanking, not to mention a welt on her thigh. I walk up to her, gently stroking her poor bottom. “So, do you still think I didn’t go hard enough?”

“It’s fine, I actually like that it hurts so much. Every time I try to sit down it reminds me of what we did together. The way you totally owned me…” Her eyes take on a glassy look.

I lay down on the bed, pulling her towards me so that she is laying on my chest. “So mom knows everything, including that we are dating Momo.” She raises an eyebrow at me. “You know I don’t like lying to her! She wants to talk to the two of you, but I think it will be fine. Incredibly awkward, but ok.” She smiles at me, and I kiss her forehead. “And I believe I need to punish you for forcing me to have these awkward conversations.” At first Himiko looks really excited, but I shake my head, “Not that kind of punishment.”

She pouts at me. “Come on, don’t you want to whip my… well not my ass, that could use a break. Maybe my back, tit*, or my thighs. Or if you are really upset, you can punish my puss*! Whip it until all of that anger is gone.”

I shake my head, “I know some doms like to use corporal punishment on their subs when they have real world issues, but I am against that. I never want to hit you in anger, Himiko.” I pull her close for a kiss. I then whisper in her ear. “If I ever do whip that adorable puss* of yours, it will be for some fake punishment. You realize that was what I was doing today, giving you fake problems to be sorry for, just as an excuse to spank you?” She nods her head, “That’s right, it was all a game that you could stop at any time if you no longer wanted to play. But if I was punishing you for doing something that genuinely upset me? Would you be able to call it off if you were really suffering?”

She doesn’t even have to think about it. “No, I would do my best to endure so you would forgive me.”

“BDSM is all about trust. Not just you trusting that I will take care of you while you submit, but also I need to trust you. To know that you will tell me when I go too far, to tell me when you want to stop. So I won’t bring any real world problems we may have into the bedroom, ok?” I think for a moment, “I should back up a bit. I am not truly upset at you for letting mom figure it out. A bit annoyed maybe, but nothing more. I would have ended up telling her within a week anyway. When I say I want to punish you for it, I am just proposing another little game for us to play. You can refuse at any time.”

She looks thoughtful for a few minutes, before she hesitantly says, “Earlier, when you were spanking me, I really enjoyed it. At first I just enjoyed the pain, but as the pain grew, it was no longer an even mix of pleasure and pain. It was mostly just pain. But I still loved it. It just became less about enjoying the pain itself and more about enjoying letting you give me pain, because I knew you loved inflicting it. Pleasing you by suffering.” She looks hesitantly at me, but I give her an encouraging nod. I long ago made peace with my sad*stic side. As long as the people I am inflicting pain on are ok with it, then I have no reason to be ashamed for enjoying it. “But a part of me also… felt like I deserved it. To suffer for the bad things I have done… because they are right. My parents are right, I am a monst-.”

I shut her up, pressing my lips against hers. Showing her my love. She starts to sob in my arms, I stop kissing her, just holding her close and stroking her back. I make gentle shushing noises as I examine her soul. It is hard to tell, I don’t have as good a picture of her soul as mine, but I do think her soul is a bit cleaner. Did getting punished help alleviate her guilt?

Once she calms down a bit I kiss her softly again, saying “Your parents are wrong Himiko. You are amazing. Sure, you are a little rough around the edges, but I see you getting better every day.”

Shaking her head she replies, “Because of you. Because I know I’m not good enough, that I need to be better to be worthy. If it wasn’t for you I’d probably be a villain right now.” I freeze at that. While I don’t believe she is unworthy of my love, she is objectively right about the villain thing. Himiko notices my reaction, “See! You know I am not good enough. So please, train me. Punish me when I am bad, make me into someone who is worthy of standing by your side.”

A part of me is incredibly turned on by this. Her choosing to submit herself to me, begging me to reshape her in my image. Still, Himiko is my girlfriend. Not a pet(most of the time), not a project. She is a real person and should be treated as such. “Himiko, look at me.” She turns her watery gaze up to me, unblinking. “I love you Himiko. And you are worthy of that love.” She doesn’t believe me. She wants to, but deep down she doesn’t. “That’s ok, I’ll just tell you every day until you believe me. And as for the punishment thing. If you want to be spanked for doing bad things, if it helps alleviate the guilt, then fine. But I will never strike you in anger. If what you tell me genuinely upsets me, then we will deal with it some other way.”

Hesitantly she nods, “That's… yeah, that could work. Thank you White… I love you.” Awww.

“Good, now for your first punishment. For making it obvious we had sex to mom and forcing me to endure an incredibly awkward conversation, I am adding a one week delay to the next time you get a treat.” At first she looks confused, but then I point to my neck. Understanding dawns on her face and she gives me an amazing smile. It was a little rough for a bit there, but this was still the best day ever.

So I'm the #1 Hero, So What? - Asarilover - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.