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The starry sky is prosperous, and the beautiful night reflects the establishment of Tianmen tomorrow. The stars are shining in the sky, casting blessing starlight one after another.

No matter how Jiang Shi tried to persuade them, they would Tantai Jing just doesn't want to change her appearance, saying that people are not afraid of slanting shadows Jiang Shi sighed, along the way, they passed more than a dozen planets, and every time they went to a planet, they would have quarrels with people The reason is very simple, this Tantai Jinglong is so charming Just imagine, even Jiang Shi was almost fascinated by his appearance, let alone those ordinary immortals Miss Jing'er, even if I beg you, you don't want to change your appearance.

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When Tantai Jing heard it, although she didn't understand it very well, she knew it was definitely not a good thing.

how are the preparations over at Mu Yi Xing Jiang Shi asked with a smile as he took a sip of tea. Sect Master, Shu Yi and others have already assembled their troops, and all our members on Liujin Planet are already in place.

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It was extremely powerful and suddenly appeared above everyone's heads. The other hand was a ferocious white bone. It made a clicking sound, like rolling thunder from the sky, shocking everyone. Jiang Shi snorted coldly and stopped talking, because he knew that the God Eating Platform was about to appear Because almost instantly, he felt the picture on his back beating strangely Sure enough, the picture on my back is indeed the God Eating Platform Jiang Shi concealed his shock with a dull expression on his face.

The Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan also came to congratulate. Even Lu Hantian from the Demon Sect was here to congratulate Elder Taibai on his success Grandpa Li Bai Suddenly, a voice that frightened everyone sounded, and Jiang Shi, dressed in red, appeared out of thin air above the hall, with several strong men behind him.

The man made a gesture in front of Aunt Fang's throat with a dagger, and then stabbed forward with all his strength At this moment, a terrifying force burst out from Aunt Fang's body.

The billowing fire cloud was drifting towards Dengyun Peak. If it stayed at Dengyun Peak, then Dengyun Peak, which had just been calm just now, would become chaotic again In the end, Chang Qing'er's soft red lips were printed on Jiang Shi's lips.

Hey, hey, hey, who are you Get out of here if you have nothing to do The two demon soldiers were extremely unhappy. This guy who came out of nowhere turned out to be acquainted with each other.

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He suddenly came from the Southern Immortal Realm. Fangge's sphere of influence has reached the territory of the Qiankun Sect in the Northern Immortal Realm It must be Kong Mu's fault Jiang Shi sighed secretly, this Immortal Emperor was the grandpa s medicine organic cbd variety pack gummies Immortal Emperor, and he did not say anything about what he was doing secretly, and he was completely unaware of it Well, if the Immortal World falls, then we will be prisoners in the Immortal World Jiang Shi scooped out Kong Mu's token and found that it was engraved with the words Qian Kun.

Yours Nangong De revealed a lot of secrets in his words. Brother Nangong, do you know that I am Jiang Tian's younger brother Jiang Shi was surprised.

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During this period of time, good news came one after another in Tianmen. Shu Yi and Lingling gave birth to a little girl.

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Roaring Indistinctly, everyone heard waves of low roars coming from the tunnel. Jiang Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lying on a soft bed. Next to him, a man scooped up Tantai Jing's clothes in his hand, put it to the tip of his nose and took a deep breath, Smells, it smells so good He looked at Tantai Jing on the bed, and his lower body had grandpa s medicine organic cbd variety pack gummies Can I Travel With Cbd Gummies To Mexico already reacted, My blood boils when I think of such a beautiful woman moaning in front of me After saying that, he licked his lips and walked slowly towards Tantai Jing.

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Seeing that Emperor Qiankun had finished speaking, Shang Cang was stunned, opened his eyes and said No more Finished Emperor Qiankun didn't know what Shang Cang meant by asking.

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It seems that he has some magic weapon that can see through people's cultivation level Jiang Shi nodded, no wonder his achievements were so outstanding, his own cultivation level went straight to the ranks of the strong.

He has to bear too much alone. More But Yinshi will be here soon Aunt Fang was a little anxious. This battle is the first battle of Tianmen's outward expansion. If it fails, it will have a huge blow to Tianmen's morale At this time, the voice of Bing Lingzhu suddenly sounded in Jiang Shi's mind Boss, get up Cbd Oil Mg To Start At For Add It's Yinshi in a quarter of an hour Boss Boss Huh So fast Jiang Shi slowly opened his eyes.

What The big man was shocked. He looked at the person next to him, and both could see the surprise in the other person's heart.

Are you afraid that the little phoenix you trained will be killed by us The Blood Demon Emperor sneered and looked at Emperor Kunpeng coldly.

There are powerful restrictions and blockades there. Click Click Suddenly, there was a chopping sound from the mountain road.

The magic eye was ten feet in size and emitted a purple black light. The light enveloped the whole place and locked onto Jiang Shi at once.

Yun Sheng laughed and said, Brother Zhang, Since I, Yun Sheng, are here, you can't even think of hurting my boss The two of them fought together, but for some reason, last time Yun Sheng showed off his might and defeated Zhang Cheng, but this time he was inextricably tied to Zhang Cheng Jiang Shi saw this and nodded secretly.

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Today's roar brought everyone together again. Jiang Shi looked at everyone. When he saw Xiao Zhang, he slapped his head and said, Xiao Zhang, come here I'll introduce three people to you Jiang Shi looked at Xiao Zhang and turned around and said, Shu Yi, you guys check first.

In their eyes at this moment, Jiang Shi is a devil A devil who kills people like crazy, carries seven dead bodies in his hand, and can still talk and laugh Tell me, who asked you to kill me Jiang Shi stepped forward slowly, his arm shook, and the seven corpses on the dagger flew to the soles of the six people.

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They also wanted to hide in Jiang Shi's barrier to rest, but due to the reputation of Jiang Shi's people, they were unwilling and courageous ding ding ding Suddenly, a young man soared into the sky.

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Please visit the latest free chapter of this book The eyes of the four people looking down at the common people made many immortal emperors look dissatisfied.

This move was greatly praised by many shopkeepers, but it was targeted by interested people. Jiang Shi and Chang Qing'er were both talented and handsome.

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Suddenly, he became more interested, Brother Fengliu, press What do you think of'Tao'Jiang Shi heard this and smiled, exuding strong confidence.

Except for being complete, the rest of it was exactly the same as Zhu Sheng's strange knife Jiang Shi cut off the long knife with one hand, then stroked the blade with one hand and removed it.

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Drink Jiang Shi shouted, and injected the unique immortal power generated by his own flames into Ting'er's acupuncture points, reawakening Ting'er's seriously injured body.

They not only have to run the fairy world well, but also use all the resources left by Jiang Shi to go to the fairyland. Practice and make breakthroughs Because they know that when they go to the God Realm, the word Tianmen will be heard throughout the God Realm This time, the Ten Thousand Beast Tribe, Bird Tribe, and Dragon Tribe in the demon world, and the Tianya Pavilion in the grandpa s medicine organic cbd variety pack gummies fairy world all gave up their pursuits and went to fulfill Jiang Shi They believe that only Chiang Kai shek can create a world in the divine world and create a sky of his own They also believe that Jiang Shi can definitely lead them into the God Realm to see if the grandpa s medicine organic cbd variety pack gummies Cbd Dosage Calculator Gummies sky in the God Realm is so blue The world of gods is a dream in the hearts of all immortals, but is it really heaven Just like many cultivators longing for the fairy world, they only discovered after they ascended that instead of being frightened and fearful in the fairy world, it would be better to be a earthly emperor in the lower realm We are already at the top of the human world, so why go to the sky Jiang Shi is a myth and a legend in the fairy world.

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After questioning, Jiang Shi learned that rogue bandits usually stayed near the Luoshen Mountains, and they did not dare to go deep into the mountains.

It can be said that these three forces have no conflicts with Jiang Shi. On the contrary, they are still kind to Jiang Shi.

The solemn, beautiful face showed a faint smile, Emperor of Heaven, Uncle Shang asked me to send blessings to you Oh, Qing Huang, please let me say thank you to Uncle Shang I will go there in person another day.

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There are really many capable people in the immortal world. Mr. Long smiled, Jiang Shi, this person must be recruited. This person is also a talent Because this fake immortal crystal is not easy to make.

Xiao Yu is helping Jiang Shi deal with some difficult things in Tianmen, while Su Qiuyu and others are traveling around the fairy world.

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This was really weird. How could a person who was doing well suddenly die Jiang Shi sneered, and Huangfu Yi looked at each other and nodded.

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Jiang Shizhi rolled his eyes. How can a good person say that he is a good person Thinking about it, Jiang Shi took a few steps back and drew a clear line with Wanli Yun.

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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