Emergency Phone Numbers in France You Should Learn (2024)

Hopefully you will never have to use any of the Emergency Telephone Numbers during your stay in France however it’s crucial that you remember at least one or two of these numbers. The two numbers I would recommend you remember is 18 or 112, you would have the most success in most situations with these.

Dial 112 – European Emergency Services

This number is utilized not only in France but all over Europe as well. It is a general number with operators which understand over 40 languages. It should only be used in a case of emergency which requires police, fire assistance or emergency medical assistance.

This number can often be dialed even when your phone says there is no signal. Like most of these numbers it does not require money or credit to dial. NOTE – Mobile telephones will require a sim card to be inserted to access these numbers.

Dial 114 – Hearing Impaired Emergency Services

This French emergency phone number also utilises police, fire and Medical emergencies but is equipped for people with hearing impairments.

Dial 18 – Fire and Accident/Pompiers/

The reason why I recommend this being one of two numbers that you remember when in France is because the French Pompiers handle a wide variety of emergency services. If the emergency you require assistance for need further services the Pompiers will divert your call or forward your emergency to the correct service.

Dial 15 – SAMU/Medical Emergency

If you require urgent or critical medical attention then this is the number which is used within France. After speaking with an operator your case will be assessed and you will most likely receive an ambulance at your premises if necessary.

Dial 17 – Police Emergency

This French emergency number is for reporting an offence or life threatening situation which requires immediate attention. If the call is not urgent then you will need to find the number of your local police station.

Dial 115 – Emergency Shelter

If you dial this number you will speak with a “Samu Social Services” Operator. This service provides emergency temporary shelter to the homeless however many of the shelters are often full if left to late.

Dial 119 – Child in Danger (Child Protection)

This is a number if ever you feel a child is in danger or if you suspect a child is being mistreated whether it is sexual, physical or verbal.

Dial 116 000 – Missing Child

This number is used in many countries around Europe to report children that have gone missing. It was reported that in 2014 a child went missing every 2 minutes. It is reasons like this that it’s great to have a multi country network collaborating to find missing children.

Dial 196 or 112 – Sea or Lake Emergency Calling From Land

If you have witnessed a sea or lake emergency while viewing from the shore then you should call one of these numbers. The 196 number is not a substitute for the VHF Channel 16 or 112 numbers. It is suggested that you call 112 first and then follow up with the 196 number.

Dial 1616 or VHF Channel 16 – Emergency at Sea Call When Not on Land

The primary distress call when at sea should be to VHF Channel 16 however you can also call 1616, 112 or 196 for professional services that will assist in the case of an emergency while on water.

Dial 3237 – Find a Pharmacy Plus Website

Finding a Pharmacy that is open can often be a hassle. If you dial 3237 or enter your details to this website you can find a chemist quickly and easily at all hours.

Paris Emergency Phone Numbers

Here are some local numbers that might help you if your living Paris. If you are living somewhere else in France then these services would have different numbers.

Dial – Emergency Doctors (SOS Medecins)

This service is for people that require emergency GP appointments or house calls. Each case will be assess on a case by case basis to determine the urgency of your situation

Dial – Emergency Dental Care

Emergency dental is similar to the SOS Medecins service where you situation will be assessed on a case by case basis and you may require a house call or urgent appointment.

Dial – Anti Poison Centre

Anyone who has been suspected of ingesting a poisonous substance should use this local Paris number. Please be aware that a call to 112 or 15 may be crucial prior to calling the poison control hotline.

Dial – Emergency Electricity Services

Situations such as suspected electrical dagners or fallen power lines are to be reported to this local Paris telephone number.

Dial – Gas Leak Assistance

A gas leak can lead to catastrophic consequences so if a gas leak is suspected it is recommended that you call this local number.

Dial -Spousal Abuse Hotline

If you are the victim of a spousal or domestic abuse situation the operators are happy to offer their professional services.

Don’t Hesitative Just Dial! I should point out that a few of the numbers above may not have English speaking operators so if you French is not up to scratch then this could be an issue. In case of emergency or a life threatening situation 112 is the best number to call from all over Europe.

Emergency Phone Numbers in France You Should Learn (2)

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Emergency Phone Numbers in France You Should Learn (2024)


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