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The light faded away, and a seven or eight year old child appeared in front of everyone. Pfft Jiang Shi suppressed a smile and patted Bing Lingzhu's shoulder, Xiao Bingling, you have such strong taste You don't even let children go Wow Sister Bing Ling, why have you grown so big Did the boss swallow some magic weapon for you No, I want it too The sword soul jumped on Jiang Shi, but he refused to let go, and he quietly Said Boss, please give me some artifacts quickly Look at me like this, how can I deal with Sister Bingling Jiang Shi laughed, this sword spirit has not been seen for many years, why is it still looking like this Jiang Shi waved his hand and put it into the Fenglei Tower.

Eat it, eat more. Point Who made you grow so big Big guy Nie Fan smiled and touched the trunk of the elephant, looking left and right.

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As it turned, a ray of light flashed out. The terrifying aura blasted away, instantly crushing a resentful spirit. Nangong De also snorted, Yunsheng was in the process of fusion, and of course he could not be disturbed. He was suspended in the air, and a burst of divine light burst out around him.

They were among the top ten Immortal Lords along with Xiang Jiaoyun and Gong Chen. During the battle at the Devouring God Stage, Jiang Shi noticed them and had some impressions.

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Jiang Shi heard the words and laughed evilly, with an extremely evil tone, Brother Manshi, it seems that you have someone in your heart.

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Many ghosts from the underworld transformed into members of Yundian and joined the team, leaving everyone dumbfounded. Even Jiang Shi during the battle did not notice that the members of Yundian were still there.

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This time Jiang Shi saw it clearly.

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He coughed twice and looked at Zhu Ping, Ping'er, come here Zhu Ping said'Oh apos.

Manshi was overjoyed and smiled from ear to ear. Now, he could finally let go of his hanging heart The two continued to move forward.

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He said this But the army of the underworld is not in the stone city. You are looking in the wrong place Huh Jiang Shi was shocked and muttered After working for a long time, you are looking in the wrong place Everyone was speechless, and Nangong De looked at it awkwardly.

Because the outer perimeter of the Batu Caves is open air, they can observe some patterns, but no one knows what is inside the Batu Caves.

But Qinghuang and Linghuang were stunned for a moment Because they know who the senior Emperor Kunpeng is talking about This senior is the real guardian of the Bird Clan Even he said that he was not sure of killing him with one strike.

The birds were flying wildly in the sky, chasing each other.

Jiang Shi watched all this calmly, and his mind instantly sank into the Fenglei Tower to contact the queen.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.